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Los Gatos Auto Service , Inc.

Los Gatos Auto Service , Inc. Goals for the Day. “Define” Internships and discuss challenges and benefits Explain TeenForce model and how it serves as a “connector and facilitator” Inspire you to offer internship experiences to CTE students and graduates. Defining Internships.

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Los Gatos Auto Service , Inc.

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  1. Los Gatos Auto Service, Inc.

  2. Goals for the Day • “Define” Internships and discuss challenges and benefits • Explain TeenForce model and how it serves as a “connector and facilitator” • Inspire you to offer internship experiences to CTE students and graduates

  3. Defining Internships • Opportunities for professional development and achieving technical skills. • Robust, paid work opportunity in career oriented field lasting 4+ weeks and 100+ hours. • Planned, structured and supervised experiences. • Communication, teamwork, and leadership skills are tested and honed within an employment setting. • Interns are supervised by professionals who routinely use a professional level of knowledge, skills, and judgment.

  4. Not Part-Time Jobs • Internship experiences differ from part-time jobs primarily in the emphasis on learning and professional development. • Generally not appropriate for an intern to be assigned to routine tasks (clerical work, data entry, telephone calling) for more than 20% of the time. • It is often helpful to base an internship around a particular project (or projects) that have defined beginnings and endings with a resulting product (e.g. a report, research outcome, event, etc.). • By the way, there is nothing wrong with part-time jobs. Kids need those too!

  5. Internship Pitfalls/Challenges • Must meet labor law requirements. Rules for unpaid internships. • Duties must be closely tied to educational experience • Must be for the benefit of the intern • Does not displace regular employees • No immediate advantage to employers • Not entitled to a job at completion (not a trial period) • In other words, it is disruptive and not productive! • Of course, paid internships are like regular employees • Wages, payroll taxes, workers compensation insurance, W-2 • On-boarding to HR systems, and proper termination process • Special requirements for minors (hours, permits, etc.)

  6. Additional Challenges • Lack of employer preparation • No job description or internship plan • No time set aside for learning, such as participating in (or observing) staff meetings, client meetings • Unrealistic expectations of the intern’s capabilities and experience • No management “point-person” taking responsibility for the success of the internship. • Interns not ready to work/learn

  7. Benefits to Interns • These internships are robust, paid summer work opportunities that help students select colleges, majors and/or careers. • The purpose of these positions is to help teens “find and test their passion” for a particular career. • Helps students see how schoolwork is relevant to “real work.” • Teaches “career readiness” skills and not just academic achievement. • Can be a “reward” for academic effort, resulting in earning $1000 - $2500 over a summer

  8. Benefits to Employers • Interns can be productive contributors at low cost and without long-term commitment. • Brings energy and enthusiasm to the workplace, while demonstrating the firm’s commitment to youth. Positive influence on overall morale. • Gives back to youth and the community, much like a mentor that you may remember. • Creates a skills development opportunity for the manager overseeing the internship • Creates direct and indirect recruiting pipeline for future talented employees.

  9. Our Mission TeenForce is a self-sustaining non-profit organization that helps teens (ages 13 – 20) gain work experience. We provide work readiness training, skills development and job placement services. Our staffing agency model makes it convenient and cost-effective for employers to hire teens and generates revenue to support our activities. Teens in our program gain confidence and skills, while improving adult/teen relationships. Teens become healthy, caring and responsible young adults who have important roles in the community.

  10. Crisis in Teen Employment Trends Trends in the employment ratios of Teens (16-19) in the U.S. (in %) If ratio was 51.4% in 2010, then 3.9 million additional teens would be working this year. Andrew Sum; Northeastern University

  11. Helping Teens Build Assets More than 50% of youth have fewer than 20 of the 40 assets important for youth to thrive. A positive job experience can help add 8+ assets. http://www.search-institute.org/research/assets/assetpower

  12. Temporary Staffing Industry $73 Billion in annual revenue 2.8 million employees daily 95% of U.S. businesses use staffing companies Alternative Staffing Organization 50+ operated in U.S Serving people with employment barriers Typically Non-Profit DePaul Industries - $21M revenue Goodwill - $20M in revenue Local Focus, National Potential Like the YMCA or the Scouts Scalable and Replicable Enable Communities: Everyone to hire just one Teen

  13. Why Our Solution is Better • Market based. Relies on proven business models and works to be sustainable. • Not government funded. Fast, flexible. • Works with all teens. “Mainstreams” teens with barriers. No stigma to the program. • Businesses pay for valuable service. Teens get paid. Self-regulating.

  14. Accomplishments to Date • Built TeenForce in a Box • Software, database, operations procedures, legal documentation, insurance, marketing • First job placements in June 2010 • 107 teens worked for a total of 15,175 paid work hours, and $142,872 in wages paid • 57 diverse clients • 2100 hours billed each of July and August. 61% of costs covered. • Established services: Skills training, GTJ training, workplace readiness/safety • Launched Foster Youth and Internship Programs

  15. Organizational Goals – Next 12 Months • Expand throughout the county, both in terms of employer locations and youth served • Connect with schools, CCOC, CTE • Drive financial performance closer to self-funding (driven by job placements) • Expand “services offered” – skills and job search training • Explore/develop the right model for replication and expansion • Corporate partnerships / sponsorships – CSR • Obtain significant “scaling grant”

  16. TeenForce 2011 Internship Providers Los Gatos Auto Service, Inc.

  17. How Does TeenForce Promote Success? • We are the ISP (Intern Solutions Provider) • Interns are pre-screened and required to complete 3 hours of work readiness training • Employer interviews arranged by TeenForce staff • We help employers prepare job descriptions and project plans for internships • Our staffing model removes all administrative burden from the employer (teens on our payroll) • TF staff as ongoing point of contact if issues arise • TF conducts mid and post-assignment evaluations

  18. First Year Program Objectives (March 2011) • Develop innovative new internship model, particularly for mid-size employers • 15 internships provided to teens who earn $2400 (est.) and gain valuable experience and career insight. • The program is sustainable and replicable. Staffing model creates cash flow to TeenForce, allowing for expansion. Satisfied employers renew and expand for the following year. • Program is documented such that it can be expanded and replicated in low-to-moderate income communities and throughout the Bay Area.

  19. First Year Program Results • Nine clients (employers) provided internships for 16 students this summer • Students were recent HS grads or just finishing first year of college • A total of 3160 hours worked (an average of 196 per student) and $30,000+ wages paid • Auto mechanics, technology, marketing, finance, sales, teaching, health care • Students earned almost $2000 each • High student and employer satisfaction. Assignments continuing in the fall, some remotely

  20. Typical Internship Stats • TeenForce services • Find/screen candidates • Arrange Interview • Hire candidates incl. background check • Orientation • Labor law/harassment • Workplace etiquette • Payroll / W-2 • Ongoing support • Termination

  21. Case Study: Tech Start-up • Handstand Inc. – Mountain View, CA • Needed assistance with content review and quality assurance • Requested students with graphics, programming and Mandarin skills • Set “interview window” and TF filled it with candidates • Made selections, offered strong support of interns. Hired 5 in total. • Several have now transitioned to online work from college

  22. Lessons from Handstand • Clarity of request and separation of responsibilities. TeenForce provided qualified candidates at the appointed time, and effectively handled the hiring, orientation and ongoing administrative functions • Handstand took full responsibility for training, scheduling, education and management of interns once they were on the job • A true win-win • Interns think they had the greatest job ever • Handstand feels that it received a competitive advantage with low cost, competent, turn-key solution

  23. Quote from Handstand Intern As a college student with very little work experience, I found it difficult to find a job or internship that would help me develop my interests and provide important learning experiences that I could use in the work place. While I had worked for my neighbors and had done several short manual labor jobs, I have never really had a job that has challenged me and helped me grow as an employee. TeenForce connected me with an amazing internship that has given me insight into potential career paths and given me vital skills and experience that I can use to further my future career. Although I applied to dozens of companies as a potential intern, it was very difficult to find available positions on my own. Having TeenForce's help in my job search has allowed me to find work in an amazing company and has given me a truly wonderful working experience that I would not have otherwise been able to have. -- Deanna: 1st year college student - Occidental

  24. Case study: Auto Mechanic and CCOC • Los Gatos Auto Service, Campbell CA • Experiencing fluctuating demand • Needs cost-effective workforce • Desire to train, support youth and build long term • No time or connections for youth recruiting • Small business wants to avoid administrative hassles of hiring and downsizing

  25. Auto Mechanic Internship • Client wanted to meet two candidates and choose one • An earlier TF placement hadn’t worked out, so we decided we needed a strong referral source • TeenForce reached out to CCOC teachers for referrals • CCOC teacher offered 2, figuring that competition would be good experience

  26. Auto Mechanic Internship Outcomes • Client ended up interviewing, hiring and training both. Used both for awhile as demand was high. Able to mix and match schedules. • Now that school has started, and business has slowed a bit, only one still working for LG Auto Service • The second is available “on call” and is also someone we can place elsewhere if the opportunity arises • CCOC relationship now established and building • TeenForce team has visited CCOC to learn diversity of skills being taught, and will begin marketing now that we know where to find the talent • CCOC students help solve geographic challenges and provide exceptional variety of skills • CCOC teacher and Client able to have discussions about classroom content and training

  27. Internships for Teachers • Check out IISME.org • Has been providing summer internships for teachers for 20 years • Uses similar model as TeenForce (will handle recruiting, hiring and administrative functions) • Very strong roster of employers (Lockheed, Stanford, Applied Materials)

  28. 101 Church Street, Suite 19 Los Gatos, CA 95030 www.teenforce.org 408.827.3078

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