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Possible Pathways for advancing the implementation of decision 13/CP.7 on “Good Practices” in Policies and Measures Presentation by the UNFCCC Secretariat
Possible Pathways for advancing the implementation of decision 13/CP.7 on “Good Practices” in Policies and Measures Presentation by the UNFCCC Secretariat UNFCCC Pre-sessional Consultations on “Good Practices" in Policies and Measures among Parties included in Annex I to the Convention, New Delhi 21 October 2002
Overview • Objectives • Issues • Processes & Tools • Pathways
Objectives (1) • Facilitate the cooperation among Annex I Parties to enhance the individual and combined effectiveness of their PaMs, taking into account national circumstances • Share experience and exchange information on “good practices” in PaMs in all relevant sectors and on cross-cutting and methodological issues • Develop and exchange information on methods to assess the environmental effects, cost-effective-ness, social and economic effects of PaMs
Objectives (2) • Contribute to the improvement of transparency, effectiveness and comparability of the quantitative and qualitative information on PaMs • Minimise adverse effects on other Parties • Identify further options for cooperation between Annex I Parties and other interested Parties • Contribute to the elaboration of elements for reporting information on demonstrable progress
Issues (1) • Improve the exchange of information on “good practices” in policies and measures • Improve the methods for the assessment of • environmental effects • cost effectiveness • social and economic effects
Issues (2) • Improve the individual and combined effectiveness of PaMs • Enhance the transparency in reporting on PaMs, especially on demonstrable progress • Minimise the adverse effects and impacts on other Parties
Issue 1: Improving the exchange of info on “good practices” (1) • Information exchange on the design and implementation of domestic portfolios • Information exchange on the experience with ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of PaMs • Focus on national climate change strategies (e.g. process used to arrive at a strategy, involvement of stakeholders)
Issue 1: Improving the exchange of info on “good practices” (2) • Role of new and existing technologies, their short and mid-term uptake • Sector-specific, sub- and intersectoral activities in industry, transport, housing, and the end-use equipment markets and the role of national circumstances • Design of and experience with specific policies and measures such as labelling schemes, (…) green pricing and other demand side initiatives
Issue 2: Improve the assessment methodologies (1) • Methods used for the evaluation of the environmental effects, the cost-effectiveness and the social and economic effects • Methods how Parties design and evaluate packages or portfolios of PaMs • Framework criteria to define and evaluate “good practices”, e.g. in the evaluation process to be carried out as part of the report on demonstrable progress
Issue 2: Improve the assessment methodologies (2) • Analysis of PaMs of Annex I Parties implemented at the national and regional levels • Methods to assess ancillary benefits • Interaction and complementation of different policy instruments (e.g. the interrelationships between taxes, voluntary agreements, and emission trading schemes) • Evaluation of national circumstances, barriers for implementation, and potentials for replication of policies and measures between Parties
Issue 3: Improve the combined effectiveness of PaMs • Identify areas for further cooperation among Annex I Parties • Joint and/or coordinated initiatives and actions, e.g. US-EU Energy Star agreement, ECCP, ACEA/JAICA/KAMA agreement
Issue 4: Enhance transparency in reporting on PaMs • Identify criteria and quantitative parameters for the reporting on PaMs in national communications of Annex I Parties • Report on demonstrable progress to be submitted by 1 January 2006 • The outcome of the work on PaMs is to contribute to the reporting on demonstrable progress
Issue 5: Minimise the adverse effects of PaMs on other Parties • Identify ways to implement PaMs in a manner so as to minimise the impact of adverse effects • Explore ways to avoid market distortions • Assess the impacts of Annex I national and regional PaMs on promotion of sustainable development and economic growth in developing countries • Identify the positive impact of response measures on developing countries (induced co-benefits through new technology, reduced costs of adaptation, industrial leakage)
Processes & Tools • Widen the participation of all Parties • Greater use of information held by and developed in relevant IGOs • COP as a forum to discuss the results of work on PaMs • More streamlined process for information sharing • Innovative approaches taken by all stake-holders in the development, implementation, and evaluation of policy instruments. • Reports by the UNFCCC Secretariat
Processes: Workshops • Intersessional consultations • Side events • Expert meetings to be held in connection with SB-meetings • Round tables
Tools: Web-based formats • Simplicity and accessibility as two strong advantages of sharing PaMs information through the UNFCCC website • Advantageous also to non-Annex B countries • Link to governmental websites (repository) and more easily and regularly update of information • “Bulletin board” type discussion forum
Pathways • Concept of pathways: Use the most appropriate process or tool to address each one of the identified issues • Example: • Issue: Sharing of information on “good practices” in policies and measures • Process/tool: UNFCCC website on PaMs