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www.hawkins.biz. Hawkins was formed in 1980 Head Office on the Cambridge Science Park City of London office 6 other UK offices Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore Certified to ISO 9001. www.hawkins.biz. Hawkins has over 80 highly qualified Forensic Scientists

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.hawkins.biz Hawkins was formed in 1980 Head Office on the Cambridge Science Park City of London office 6 other UK offices Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore Certified to ISO 9001

  2. www.hawkins.biz Hawkinshas over 80 highly qualified Forensic Scientists All have extensive experience in their fields Hawkins is managed by scientists ensuring: • Independence • Quality • Impartiality • Client Focus • Approachability

  3. www.hawkins.biz • Fire investigation • Electrical engineering • Mechanical engineering • Chemical engineering • Civil engineering • Personal injury • Power generation and turbines • Materials • Pollution and contamination • Process plant • Railway accidents • RTA • Water and other fluid leaks

  4. www.hawkins.biz

  5. www.hawkins.biz

  6. www.hawkins.biz

  7. www.hawkins.biz

  8. www.hawkins.biz

  9. www.hawkins.biz

  10. www.hawkins.biz

  11. www.hawkins.biz

  12. www.hawkins.biz Witnesses

  13. www.hawkins.biz Witnesses Monitoring

  14. www.hawkins.biz Witnesses Monitoring CCTV

  15. www.hawkins.biz

  16. www.hawkins.biz “Most probable cause of the incident was depressurisation of the nozzle connection to the inlet of liquid fraction from T 5602 and the 500 mm diameter lower header of heat exchanger E 5605B.”

  17. www.hawkins.biz The conclusion regarding the general site of the leak is based on witness and CCTV evidence The conclusion regarding the exact site of the leak is based on speculation informed by later analysis There is no particular reason to disagree with the conclusion, but it would be easily challenged

  18. www.hawkins.biz

  19. www.hawkins.biz

  20. www.hawkins.biz

  21. www.hawkins.biz The heat exchangers were examined just before the fire and given a service life of 7 years

  22. www.hawkins.biz Missing strength calculations Excessive operating parameters Excessive levels of liquid Structural problems with the alloy

  23. www.hawkins.biz Conclusions: While the general site of the leak is known, the exact position is not. The decision reached is pragmatic and there is no reason to disagree, but it could be easily challenged. If a heat exchanger failed then the cause could be one or more of several factors linked to the operation of the plant and the manufacture of the heat exchanger

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