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Writing Review: Essay DOs and DON ’ Ts Pines Middle School. Test-day Strategies:. Have a good night of sleep Eat a healthy breakfast Dress comfortably Bring an eraser and sharpened #2 pencils Remember that effective planning makes you less likely to make as many mistakes!
Test-day Strategies: • Have a good night of sleep • Eat a healthy breakfast • Dress comfortably • Bring an eraser and sharpened #2 pencils • Remember that effective planning makes you less likely to make as many mistakes! • SUGGESTED TIMING: • Take 5-7 min to analyze the prompt/plan • Write for about 40-48 min • Edit/review/improve your essay with your remaining time IF YOU HAVE TIME LEFT DO NOT PUSH YOUR ESSAY ASIDE AND DECIDE TO TAKE A NAP – USE YOUR ENTIRE 60 MINUTES WISELY!!!!
Test-day Strategies Continued…. • Your writing must: • Show that you can organize and express your thoughts clearly and that you have responded completely to the prompt (topic). • Be focused/ON TOPIC (analyze the prompt carefully by circling KEY WORDS and underlining the sentence that tells you EXACTLY what you are supposed to do). • Be about something that is based on FACT or BELIEVABLE information.
FURTHER REMINDERS: • Write neatly. • Consider your audience. • Aim for scoring at MINIMUM a 4. • Stay calm. • Be sure to complete your essay: if you realize that you are running out of time, begin to work on a conclusion (an “unfinished” essay will probably earn a 3 or less). • Use standard English with proper grammar and usage = NO GHETTO TALK!!!!
About the Prompt • Read and analyze it attentively/carefully • No one cares if the prompt is boring, write on whatever topic they give you…even if you are having a bad day. Tough it up and give your best! • Remember if you use a quote at the beginning of your introduction, write who said it….don’t just say, “ A person” or “A man said…” • Also , explain why you included that quote. • If you cannot remember a quote, what other way can you start your intro?
About the prompt (continued) • When making reference to the prompt: spell all words correctly (especially the ones given to you!!!) • INDENT each paragraph! • Place a comma after transitions and justifiers.
For each body paragraph… • INDENT and begin with a transitional word/phrase (use different wording for each paragraph) • AVOID the following transitions: First, Second, Third, My first reason, To begin with…. (these transitions are too basic/elementary) • Each of your body paragraphs should have a focus point/main idea. • Follow with SPECIFIC DETAILS/EXAMPLES/QUOTES (support your reasons properly!) • End with a JUSTIFIER and the restate the topic of paragraph. (Example: Truly, moms are essential because they provide the necessities for living.)
Paragraph 1/INTRO • Open with your choice of: quote+author/creative hook/attention grabber. • Make reference to the prompt. • Then thesis statement with 3 reasons (or a use a general/implied thesis) • Paragraph 2/Body Paragraph #1 • Transition word/transitional phrase: focus first point/reason. • Add at least 3-5 details to support your reason (it could be a quote, different types of examples, etc.) • End with a justifier sentence, then a comma, then your first reason (but put it in different words). • Paragraph 3/Body Paragraph #2 • Transition word/transitional phrase: focus second point/reason • At least 3 details to support your reason ( it could be 2 examples and a quote, an example, etc.) • End with a justifier sentence, then a comma, then your second reason (but use different words) • Paragraph 4/Body Paragraph #3 • Transition word/transitional phrase: focus third point/reason • Add at least 3-5 details to support your reason (it could be a quote, different types of examples, etc.) • End with a justifier sentence, then a comma, then your third reason (but use different words) • Paragraph 5/Conclusion • Open with a conclusion transition/ transitional phrase, then a comma then your 1st reason (Example: In conclusion, moms are essential because they provide the basics for you to survive.) • Then write the next 2 reasons in a SEPARATE sentence. ( Example: Moms are also crucial because they are there for you when no one else is, and they are on call teachers, doctors and therapists). • If you want a 6 , you can end with a suitable quote OR make reference to the one you put in yourintroduction.
Examples as Supporting Details “You can't do a fine thing without having seen fine examples.” Examples as Supporting Details Support your IDEAS, showcase your WORD CHOICE, and increase your essay’s SENTENCE FLUENCY!!
Examples as Supporting Details Types ofExamples Personal Example A Personal Example is exactly what it sounds like. This type of example is a personal story about your life or the life of someone you know. You may use stories about school, home, family vacations, sports, shopping, and interaction with friends and family.
Examples as Supporting Details Types ofExamples Entertainment Example An Entertainment Example is an example from movies, television, plays, commercials, and spectator sports. You may use stories about scenes or parts which will illustrate what you are trying to show the reader.
Examples as Supporting Details Types ofExamples Historical Example Historical Examples are examples from events, such as wars, political stories, historical milestones (ie. The first man on the moon, etc.), and people from the past. You may use stories that will support what you are trying to show the reader.
Examples as Supporting Details Types ofExamples Literary Example A Literary Example is an example from a short story, poem or novel. You may use information from books, short stories and poems you have read both in school and on your own.
Examples as Supporting Details “You can't do a fine thing without having seen fine examples.” When using Examples, you should… Write On! Use a transitional device to introduce the example: A perfect example of this… One such instance… This reminds me of… I am reminded of… ___________ exemplifies… Historically speaking… • In a literary vein… For instance…
Layering Elaboration • Build your elaboration. Think of it as links of a chain—each sentence builds on the one before it. Extra-curricular activities are paramount for most students, and can bring many benefits to a kid’s future. Such activities include sports, clubs, and musical groups. Playingsports is the most important extra-curricular activity at my school. In fact, a recent student survey indicated that 39% of all the students at Mayberry High School play a sport. My best friend Barry plays threesports: football, soccer, and baseball. Barry always says: “one of these sports is going to pay my way through college.” Thus, for many students, including Barry, extra-curricular activities can be financially helpful.
Writing Don’ts • Don’t skip lines. • Don’t use slang/texting lingo/symbols! (U know what I mean? IDK, LOL, OMG, &, etc.) • Don’t forget transition words. • Don’t use “a lot” (use a synonym instead, such as: plethora, myriad, a variety, numerous, plenty, etc) • Don’t begin a sentence with “Well”/ “And” / “But”. • Don’t use : “Those are my reasons why…” • Don’t start your essay over again and again because you made 1 mistake… • Don’t commit “assumicide” by assuming that your reader knows what you are talking about: provide descriptions/explanations.
Writing Don’ts continued • Don’t write outside the rectangular space provided (it will not be scored!). • Don’t write your essay on the planning sheet, even if you run out of paper! (It will not be scored!) • Don’t write anything that sounds like this: “I am going to tell you….” • Don’t randomly capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence (only capitalize the beginning of a sentence, the pronoun "I", or a proper noun -someone's name or title, etc.) • Don't use: “Hello... my name is”…
Do’s: Major things to remember… • Do indent each paragraph. • Do write from margin to margin. • Do write clearly and neatly. • Do try to reduce the letter size if you have a tendency to write big letters. • Do elaborate your body paragraphs: add supporting details. • Do provide descriptive (showing) sentences. • Do use figurative language to add voice. Itis also a powerful tool because it allows the reader to picture what you have written.
Do’s: Major things to remember… • Remember: IT is “I” , not “i” when you use it by itself as a pronoun; also, no “I” unless it is a proper noun, or the first word in a sentence… • Do use sentence fluency: vary your sentence sizes and structure. • Do use quotation marks if you are quoting someone else’s words. • Do avoid repetition in your essay. • Do use vivid words!
Quiz • What do you need to do at the beginning of each paragraph? • Name one thing you should not do on the planning sheet? • What is one way you can support your reasons? • Name one way you can start your essay. • What should be placed after transitions?
Prompt: Games are great to play with family and friends. Some games people play include board games, sports, and video games. Think about your favorite games and why you enjoy playing them. Now write to convince your friend to play one of your favorite games.