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Mobile technology in practice at Lowestoft College

Tony Bartley LRC and e-Learning manager t.bartley@lowestoft.ac.uk. Mobile technology in practice at Lowestoft College. The aim of the LRC at Lowestoft College is to:

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Mobile technology in practice at Lowestoft College

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tony Bartley LRC and e-Learning manager t.bartley@lowestoft.ac.uk Mobile technology in practice at Lowestoft College

  2. The aim of the LRC at Lowestoft College is to: Provide as many of the resources that staff and students require for their studies and enjoyment as possible and to help them to succeed, and to exceed their expectations. We also aim to provide a safe and welcoming working environment for all. The aim with e-Learning is to: Enable staff and students to Collaborate, Create and Communicate in more productive and imaginative ways

  3. Students are increasingly mobile Learning can happen anywhere at any time Vast majority of our students have their own mobile devices BYO useful for both students and the College Removing barriers is key to success Drivers for using mobile learning

  4. QR Codes JANET Text Text Wall Flickr Ipadio Aurasma Easy Wins

  5. Socrative One Note (e-portfolios) Xerte Online Toolkits Video uploads ? Next Steps

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