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Reducing Traffic Danger: Vision Zero Initiative

Explore the alarming global rise in traffic accidents and the Vision Zero initiative's strategy to eliminate road fatalities. Learn about leading causes of road deaths, disparities in mortality rates, speed management, and the economic impact of road crashes. Discover how investments in traffic safety infrastructure can save lives and reduce injuries. Vision Zero advocates for responsible road design, safer vehicles, and effective communication to create a future without road fatalities or serious injuries.

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Reducing Traffic Danger: Vision Zero Initiative

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  1. Traffic danger. Why and how to reduce it? Vision 0 www.saferoad.com

  2. Why traffic danger? - Global perspective 1.3 million deaths 50 million Injuries (15M seriously) www.saferoad.pl

  3. A worsening problem 2004 (actual) 2030 (projected) Road traffic crashes currently cause more than 1.2 million deaths a year – but by 2030 will kill an estimated 2.4 million people per year Source: European status report on road safety, WHO/2009

  4. Leading causes of death WHO EUROPE 2007 European status report on road safety, WHO/2009

  5. Situation in Europe 120 000 deaths, 2.4 million injuriesWide inequalities ≤5 6 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 ≥20 Mortality rate for RTI in the Region is 13.4 per 100 000 population. Inequality in mortality rates: from 3 to 31 per 100 000 population. www.saferoad.pl

  6. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists suffer over 40% of RTI deaths Distribution of road traffic deaths by road user category WHO European Region Source: European status report on road safety

  7. In Eastern countries the proportion of pedestrian fatalities is as high as 56% of all road deaths Ukraine Russian Federation Greece Norway Source: European status report on road safety

  8. Best progress 2001-2009 Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2009 54% 52% 50% 50% -36% EU27

  9. Countries lagging behind Percentage change in road deaths between 2001 and 2009 Romania 14% Bulgaria - 11% Poland - 17% Greece - 23% Norway - 23% -36% EU27 source: European Transport Safety Council

  10. Speed is the leading killer on European roads Pedestrians have a 90% chance of surviving a crash at ≤ 30 km/h, but less than a 50% chance of surviving an impact at ≥ 45 km/h. Probability of fatal injury for a pedestrian colliding with a vehicle Source: OECD, ECMT Speed management, 2006.

  11. Reducing speed helps reduce RTIs, especially for vulnerable road users Speed limit (km/h) ≤ 50 60 > 60 • Only 67% of European countries have urban speed limits of 50 km/h or below. • Eastern countries have urban speed limits of 60 km/h or higher. • 80% of countries are not satisfied with speed control enforcement. Source: European status report on road safety

  12. The Bill….. Road crashes cost countries between 1.5% - 3% of GDP ANNUALLY • Annual economic loss: • Russia : US$34 billion • Turkey: US$14 billion • Poland: US$10 billion • Ukraine: US$5 billion • Croatia: 1,2-3,0 billion US$ Source: Global Status Report, WHO 2010 Death on Wheels, World Bank 2010

  13. The Bill – the most attractive investment Investment in traffic safety is an investment with the most attractive payback Let’s assume 1,5 bill US$ invested in traffic safety in Croatia? -37.500 km of road barriers (40$/m) -100.000.000 sqm of road marking (15$/sqm) -etc… Demagogy, I know, but…

  14. The traffic tragedy – why SafeRoad? www.saferoad.com

  15. Driving culture Rules and regulations Safe vehicles Information and communication SafeRoad Trafficinstallations Traffic Safety in five dimensions www.saferoad.com

  16. Information and communication …clear information www.saferoad.com

  17. Vision Zero is the image of a future in which no one will be killed or serious injured

  18. Vision Zero is the image of a future in which no one will be killed or serious injured Basis for road safety work in Scandinavia Introduced in 1995 Challenges traditional thinking Implementing important EU standards These who design the roads bear the Responsibility

  19. Vision Zero is the image of a future in which no one will be killed or serious injured Vision Zero accepts that accidents occur, but not that they result in serious human injury The result is a reduction in the number of road deaths in recent years, despite an increase in traffic

  20. Vision Zero is to accept responsibility Road infrastructure isan important part of traffic safety

  21. Accept that People make mistakes! Accept that Drivers make mistakes! But mistakes should not be punishable by death

  22. Human limitations Objects along the road must regard the human body's limitations • EN 1317 Road restraint systems • EN 12767 Passive safety of support structures for road equipment

  23. EN-1317have been implemented by Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

  24. EN 1317 • EN 1317-1 ( Terminology) • EN 1317-2 ( Performance classes barriers) • EN 1317-3 ( Performance classes crach cushions) • EN 1317-4 ( Energy absorbing). • EN 1317-5 ( CE-mark) • EN 1317-6 ( Pedestrian) • EN 1317-7 ( Ends, Slops) • EN 1317-8 ( Motorcycle) EN 12767 Traffic Safety Equipment; lightingcolumns, sign post, etc… www.saferoad.com

  25. The road side • Designed so that the vehicle: • Can not hit dangerous obstacles • Shall not overturn • Can stop gradually (not abrupt) • Can return to the road in a controlled manner

  26. Security distance (A)Security zone (S) There shall not be any dangerous obstaclesor slopes within the security zone • Dangerous obstacles have to be protected • by guardrail unless they can’t be • Removed • Redesigned • Brake away/deflecting • Protected by a crash cushionorbarriers

  27. Security distance (A)

  28. Speed - The Elephant test www.saferoad.com

  29. Why the safe infrastructure is so important! • In Norway a total of 73 % of the fatalities occurred in head-on collisions or driving off the road • Head-on collisions alone accounting for 40%. • In Poland 16% of accidentsare a result of pull of the road We can (we have to); -actpreventivelyagains by signs, activeroadmarking, -we canprevent, by roadbarriers, -we canminimize the tragiceffect by softinfra; roadbarriers, crashcushions, end teminales, softpoles, etc… Examples… www.saferoad.com

  30. Vision Zero is the image of a future in which no one will be killed or serious injured • In 2007 Sweden dissuaded a new goal to 2020 with 220 person killed in traffic. • Fast reduction of killed how?In 1998 Sweden started with separating traffic from two lanes to 3 lanes with a guard rail in between the lanes.The name was 2+1 roads and the idea was to take already excising roads and separate traffic from each other. On these roads the reduction of killed people became 95%. • In 2015 75% of all roads that have a speed limit of 80 km/h our higher should have separated lanes.

  31. Divided lanes – Norway and Sweden 2010 : Norway 620 km /Sweden 3.500km www.saferoad.com

  32. Vision Zero Number of killed in Sweden Divided lanes – Norway and Sweden Year Killed Separated lanesIn Km 1998 531 10 1999 580 30 2000 591 180 2001 583 450 2002 560 680 2003 524 950 2004 480 1130 2005 440 1510 2006 445 1760 2007 469 2210 2008 407 2515 2009 354 2985 2010 284 3500 www.saferoad.com

  33. Vision Zero facts to day. • Sweden had about 7 person out of 100 000 killed in traffic 2001. In 2010 only 3,6 person of 100 000 was killed in traffic. • In Europe in 2001 there was some countries that had about 20 of 100 000 person killed in traffic. • Separate lanes have reduced the number of one-car accident with 50% and people killed on a motorcycle with 70% and front to front with over 95%. www.saferoad.com

  34. New idea from the Swedish Road Department • The Swedish Road Department started with a new book for barriers with lane separating in 2008.(The idea was to have contact with the producer of guard rails)In 2009 they gave out a book about the product that should help them with bringing down the cost) • The new product shell be a higher class fore bigger vehicle (H1). • The new product shell be nicer to motor cycle riders. • The new product shell be fast to install and easy to repair. • The new product shell be so strong that smaller accident should not be needed to repair immediately. www.saferoad.com

  35. Area of improvement • Communication with the drivers; road signs, road marking • Security zones; road barriers, bridge barriers, • Forgiving road side; barriers, crush cushions, end terminales, soft poles www.saferoad.com

  36. In for the long run SafeRoad has been in the traffic safety business for more than sixty years. Our commitment is long term. Piotr Chojnacki SVP Market Development Saferoad AS pch@saferoad.com +48 602607609 www.saferoad.com

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