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Pediatrician . By: Shekijah Ward. Description. Doctors wear scrubs or dressy clothes with lab coats Doctors use scales, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, stethoscope, and ophthalmoscope. Education. Bachelor (4 yrs.) Advanced Degree (4 medical school) 6 or 7 more yrs Residency (3 more yrs).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pediatrician By: Shekijah Ward

  2. Description • Doctors wear scrubs or dressy clothes with lab coats • Doctors use scales, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, stethoscope, and ophthalmoscope.

  3. Education • Bachelor (4 yrs.) • Advanced Degree (4 medical school) • 6 or 7 more yrs • Residency (3 more yrs)

  4. Salary: 158,000

  5. Skills • Ability to work with kids • Patience • Empathy • Leadership • Organization • Problem solving skills • communication

  6. Growth Expectancy • Growth expectancy of a pediatrician is 24% from 2013 to 2020

  7. Duties of Pediatrician • Examine babies • Specializes in childhood Illnesses

  8. Duties of Pediatrician (2) • Annual check up

  9. Duties of Pediatrician (3) • Immunizations • Advises on normal development

  10. Bibliography Ehow. 5 June 2009. 14 February 2013. <http://www.ehow.com/list_6585172_peditrician-duties-responsipility.html> .

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