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Derek Schuelein - Possesses Great Communication Skills

Derek Schuelein is an accomplished father, husband, leader, and Principal. His motto is to promote active and discovery-based learning in his students, whom he loves and cares for so much. Find out more about him at his official site http://www.derekschuelein.com/

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Derek Schuelein - Possesses Great Communication Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Derek Schuelein Principal at Rye High School, Rye City, NY

  2. Derek Schuelein is the Principal of Rye High School, Rye City, NY. He has been teaching and acting as an assistant principal since 2002. From 2002-2008, he taught social studies at Jane Adams CTE High School, NYC DOE. There he acted as a leader and coordinator for many projects and testing.

  3. In 2008 Derek Schuelein became the Assistant Principal for Pupil Personnel Services. In 2011, Derek became the Assistant Principal and Coordinator of the CTE Department at Lindenhurst High School, Lindenhurst, NY.

  4. In 2014 Derek Schuelein shifted to Blind Brook High School & Blind Brook Middle School, Rye Brook, NY as an Assistant/Associate Principal, and in 2018 he became the schools’ Principal.

  5. In 2020, Derek Schuelein became the Principal of Rye High School and currently still has that position. Derek took numerous steps after becoming the Principal of the school to better the learning and teaching of students and teachers.

  6. Y A U N T H O K Find out more about him at his official site http://www.derekschuelein.com/

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