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Eric T. Whitley

Eric T. Whitley. Selected Relevant Experience. Eric T. Whitley President & CEO 1831 Iron Point Road, Suite 140 Folsom, CA 95630 Tel: (916 ) 800-4545 ewhitley@gridsme.com.

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Eric T. Whitley

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  1. Eric T. Whitley • Selected Relevant Experience Eric T. Whitley President & CEO 1831 Iron Point Road, Suite 140 Folsom, CA 95630 Tel: (916) 800-4545 ewhitley@gridsme.com • Grid Subject Matter Experts – President & CEO: In April of 2011, Eric Whitley founded Grid Subject Matter Experts LLC. The company is a strategic consulting company providing relevant subject matter experts for clients in many areas within the industry. The company has grown in the last 3 years with focuses in NERC compliance, energy market analysis and training, cyber security, and providing technical resources to help with specific needs of grid managers. The focus of the company is to help facilitate changes our clients are going through. • Projects Completed: • Mr. Whitley was brought back to WECC to help lead the Western Interconnection Synchrophasor Program (WISP) as Manager of Technical Delivery along with a very talented team. He was responsible for ensuring all technology, systems, and data were up and running in a production mode from this very large project within the three year schedule from inception to production. The $32 million dollar project (WECC’s portion of the overall $108 million dollar effort) included coordination with 18 large entities projects throughout the Western Interconnection, multiple application and communication vendors, and an internal software development team. The projectwas delivered on time and within budget. • GridSME has completed numerous regulatory and NERC compliance engagements with mock audits, assessments, implementation of technical solutions for compliance, and has a large focus on keeping our clients compliant in the face of a very fast changing regulatory environment (such as CIP version 5). • GridSME has completed a number of CAISO specific market analysis training sessions with clients related to their generation assets • Mr. Whitleybeen involved in various studies ranging from network model process analysis, transmission operations efficiencies, and evaluating reliability practices throughout the Western Interconnection. • Our goal at GridSME is to bring a practical approach to project management with numerous clients projects. • Mr. Whitley has been involved in grid issues for decades and participates in regional and national organizations, speaking engagements, and panel discussions. As President of GridSME, he helps provide services for many different clients that have growing needs for expertise. Background Mr. Whitley brings over 30 years of industry experience leading, facilitating, and supporting critical operations and technologies in power plant operation, transmission, and large grid management systems. His career spans long-time employment at Southern California Edison, California ISO, Midwest ISO, and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), serving in positions of Project and Technical Management, Plant Manager, EMS Manager, Manager of Reliability Applications, and Director of EMS and IT Services. These roles have focused on grid operations and technologies, IT leadership, project management, recruiting, and developing high performing teams in support of critical systems. While at WECC, Whitley’s role included the start up of two reliability coordination centers and associated facilities within one year, recruiting and building a IT technical team and power engineering team. All were part of a large agenda to create a single RC for the Western Interconnection. The project came in on time and under budget.

  2. Mark Myers, CISA • Selected Relevant Experience Mark Myers, CISA VP of Compliance and Energy Services 1831 Iron Point Road, Suite 140 Folsom, CA 95630 Tel: (916) 800-4545 mmyers@gridsme.com • Grid Subject Matter Experts – VP of Compliance and Energy Services: Provides clients with compliance services such as: subject matter expertise for all CIP/Cyber security applicable under the NERC CIP suite of reliability standards, preparation of policies, procedures, and associated documentation, NERC audit preparation, CIP compliance program culture development and maintenance.Provides technical expertise in: industry technology solutions, business analysis to practical IT solutions, IT governance solutions, process improvement expertise, contract negotiations, interconnection agreement. • Northern California Power Agency - Manager, Information Services: Managed a team of 11 to 14 people. Lead on the cyber security team to implement and monitor compliance to NERC CIP standards. Secured real-estate and built-out a fully functional back-up center to support business continuity at NCPA. External Affairs speaker for NCPA. Responsible for the go-live of MRTU and daily operations, market software and IT solutions. Developed Strategic Plans. Held a flat budget for 5 years. • Northern California Power Agency – Enterprise Architect: Instrumental in the design and deployment of systems to support CAISO Phase 1b. Member of NCPA MRTU project team. Responsible for design of software supporting MRTU. Member of MSSA negotiating team. Designed , managed, and implemented a SOA at NCPA. Introduced Rule engine technology into the SOA. Implemented an Enterprise Service Bus into NCPA application architecture. Moved development team to a Framework approach for software design. Implemented Enterprise Architecture at NCPA in support of management transition planning. Developed a plan for the capture of the following core enterprise models: Process Modeling, Fact Modeling, Business Rules, Terms. • California Independent System Operator (CAISO)- Manager of Compliance Systems/Acting Manager of Operational Compliance: Participated in business design and managed the software implementation of applications for monitoring Ancillary Service Markets.. Background Mark Myers is a recognized leader in the implementation of technical projects and in bringing teams together. He has been described as a pragmatic visionary. Mr. Myershas practical experience in hydro generation, transmission, and operations. In addition, Mr. Myers brings extensive experience in contract management and negotiations. He specializes in using his broad experience to help companies manage change and control costs in the wholesale electric markets. His unique skills provide expertise in both IT delivery and business. He has worked in the wholesale electrical power business for over 30 years, designing, documenting, and implementing business solutions. Mark has worked for fortune 500 companies, the California Independent System Operator, and municipal utility organizations. At each of these organizations, Mark introduced innovative business, process, and software designs which cut costs while providing agility to the business. Mark received a BA in Business Information Systems from Phoenix University and is a Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)

  3. Andrew Dressel • Selected Relevant Experience Andrew Dressel Director of Regulatory Services 1831 Iron Point Road, Suite 140 Folsom, CA 95630 Tel: (916) 800-4545 adressel@gridsme.com • Grid Subject Matter Experts - Director of Regulatory Compliance:Provides clients with compliance services such as: NERC compliance strategies, documentation development for compliance plans, policies, and procedures, reliability regulatory guidance, NERC audit preparation, provides subject matter expertise in specific Reliability Standard knowledge, compliance program and culture development, guidance on mitigation, disputes, and negotiated settlement process/strategies. Mr. Dressel also authors the Reliable Wire a free regulatory newsletter that focuses on FERC, NERC, and WECC reliability issues. • North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) – Attorney: Provided legal counsel to the NERC Standards and Critical Infrastructure Departments. Prepared regulatory filings to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and governmental authorities in Canada. Supported the NERC Reliability Standards development process and the Standards Committee. Coordinated NERC Reliability Standards activities with stakeholders, Regional Entities, and regulators. • Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) – Legal Counsel: Served as the primary attorney for WECC’s Standards Department.Provided assistance and guidance for the enforcement of the Reliability Standards. Issued legal guidance for WECC’s regional transmission planning activities including those activities related to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grants. Prepared documents for submission to FERC. Provided counsel on general corporate matters including corporate policy, contract, labor, and tax issues. Drafted policies and procedures for the start-up and certification of WECC’s reliability coordination centers in compliance with the Reliability Standards. Worked with the WECC Reliability Coordination center management to develop the CIP compliance programs for NERC certification. Prepared and processed documentation for enforcement proceedings from audit write-ups through settlement. Background Mr. Dresselis an energy industry subject matter expert on NERC Reliability Standards focusing on implementation, auditing, settlements, and compliance processes. He has worked at both NERC and WECC as an attorney in their compliance and enforcement and standards development groups. He also played a key role in the set up the compliance program at the WECC Reliability Coordinator through their certification in 2008 and their “go live” date in 2009. Mr. Dressel’s strengths are his in depth of knowledge of NERC Standards and FERC regulations and processes. His experiences working at both WECC and NERC compliance is highly valuable in consulting with clients working through their status, programs, and issues and managing the evolution of our standards environment.

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