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Estate Information Co-operative for Universities in Manchester, UK

The Estate Information Co-operative provides Business Intelligence solutions for universities in Manchester, aiding in energy efficiency and informed decision-making based on real-time data. The co-operative approach allows for shared services, cost-efficiency, and collaborative improvement strategies.

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Estate Information Co-operative for Universities in Manchester, UK

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Estate Information Co-operative For Universities Manchester University 19th April 2012

  2. The Vision • “To provide Universities with a real insight into their buildings’ use and energy efficiencies through a process of regular estate data extraction and the provision of a collection of dashboards which can be used to identify an individual University’s rank compared to other establishments and facilitating the improvement of financial and environmental decisions based upon current facts.” The Estate Information Co-operative For Universities

  3. Who are we? Business Intelligence (BI) specialists Open Source solution providers UK Public Sector expertise Meeting the state sector goal to adopt Open Source and move away from proprietary vendor “lock-in” whilst providing Business Intelligence solutions within the Public Sector

  4. Why EIC? Hefce want to ensure that the HE sector - “. . . meets, and if possible exceeds, the Government’s general targets to reduce carbon emissions by 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 against 1990 levels.” Annual submissions to and results from HESA do not enable HEI’s to proactively monitor their carbon footprint Decisions for improvements need to be made based upon current facts not annual returns Why re-invent the wheel if another HEI is being more successful? Learn who to learn from

  5. What is the EIC? Centralised BI system to enable HEIs within JISC to effectively report key KPIs Providing regular updates on estate data Central database of estate data Hosted system to login to Dashboard for cross University comparison Active Dashboards to show energy usage against business hierarchy for each HEI in the EIC Built with Open Source software recommended by central Government

  6. Value of Co-op Approach • Co-operative approach allows for sharing of service and sharing of cost • Enables effective collaboration • Low cost of ownership through a managed external service • Minimal impact to each HEI • Can be developed over time to meet all HEI general requirements consistently

  7. Benefits of the EIC • Facilitates better decision making based upon recent facts not annual summaries • Enables HEIs to see the impact of their decisions on results data • Allows HEIs to show staff and students the impacts of energy initiatives • Increases awareness of how an HEI is improving against targets (no annual shocks!)

  8. The Service • Access to the EIC dashboard system • Data collation and loading • Hosting • 12 months Support • 2 days services/training per University – to aid data configuration and loading • Annual Upgrades • Bug fixing

  9. Costs • £4,280 p/a per University • Additional bespoke reporting priced on a case by case basis • Includes everything mentioned in the previous slide about the service

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