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My FBHS Schedule 2006-2007

My FBHS Schedule 2006-2007. By Ashley Hutson 3 rd period InfoTech. 1 st period:ART . 1 st period I have art. Art is a great class the teacher is really cool too. Lately we have been working on painting.It is a lot of fun!. 2 nd period:BIOLOGY.

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My FBHS Schedule 2006-2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My FBHS Schedule2006-2007 By Ashley Hutson 3rd period InfoTech

  2. 1st period:ART • 1st period I have art. Art is a great class the teacher is really cool too. • Lately we have been working on painting.It is a lot of fun!

  3. 2nd period:BIOLOGY • 2nd period I have biology. It can be fun sometimes but others not. • Biology is not the easiest, we have been learning about cells lately.

  4. 3rd period:INFO TECH • 3rd period I have info tech. In info tech we learn about computers. • Lately we have been exploring different sites.

  5. 4th period:ENGLISH • 4th period I have English we learn the proper way to say and write things. • Lately we have been studying a lot of vocabulary.

  6. 5th period: MATH • 5th period I have math. Math is ok but not always very fun. • Lately we have been learning about graphs and tables.

  7. 6th period:PHYSICAL ED. • 6th period I have P.E. P.E is a lot of fun. • We have been playing football and it is even better than I thought.

  8. THANX 4 WATCHING • Thank you for watching my show now you know my schedule and what I like about it. • HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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