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Weathering and Soil Erosion. Chapter 8 and 9. How Soil Forms. What is soil? Soil is the loose, weathered material on the Earth’s surface which allows for plants to grow. Bedrock is a main ingredient in soil. Bedrock is the solid layer of rock beneath the soil.
Weathering and Soil Erosion Chapter 8 and 9
How Soil Forms • What is soil? • Soil is the loose, weathered material on the Earth’s surface which allows for plants to grow. • Bedrock is a main ingredient in soil. • Bedrock is the solid layer of rock beneath the soil. • When bedrock is exposed to the surface, it slowly weathers away into smaller particles of soil.
Soil isn’t just rock • Soil is a mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, water, and air. • Sand, silt, and clay make up the portion of soil that comes from weathered rock.
So where did the organic material come from? • The decayed organic material is called humus. This is formed when plant and animal remains decay and break down in soil. It is dark colored. • Humus allows for spaces in soil for air and water for plants • Nutrients such as nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and potassium are also found.
Fertile soil is soil rich in nutrients. • Plants need nutrients in order to grow. • Fertility of soil measures how well soil supports plant growth. • Soil with lots of humus has high fertility
Would sandy soil with little humus be good for growing plants?
Soil Texture • Soil texture depends on the size of the soil particles • Ex: sand is coarse and grainy, clay is smooth and silky • Soil is classified by size • Clay, silt, sand, gravel • Depending on the textured, depends on what types of plants can grow
Loam is the best type of soil for plants • Equal parts clay, sand, and silt • Allows for both air and water
Process of Soil Formation • Soil forms as rock is broken down by weathering and mixes with other materials on the surface • Soil is constantly being formed wherever bedrock is exposed. • Soil is broken up into layers called horizons.
3 different horizons • Topsoil: horizon A, crumbly dark brown, mixture of humus, clay and other minerals • Subsoil: horizon B, clay and other particles washed down from horizon A, little amount of humus • Horizon C: partially weathered rock
Soil types • Scientists classify the different parts of soil into major groups based on climate, plants, and soil composition. • Open text page 251
http://www.brainpop.com/science/earthsystem/soil/ Living Organisms in Soil • Soil contains all kinds of living things. • Some soil is made from living organisms. They help make humus, which makes the soil fertile. • Other organisms allow for air and water to mix in. • When plants leaves fall off they create litter. This is a loose layer on top of soil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1B1FtHL10k
Humus is formed in a process called decomposition. • Organisms that live in the soil break down this dead organic material into humus. • Fungi, bacteria, worms, and other organisms are decomposers. • Worms, burrowing animals like mice and gophers mix the soil and add nitrogen from their waste and aerate it to add oxygen.
Chapter 8 section 1 Weathering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdg1lpQfLbo (Bill Nye Erosion)
What is the first step before we get soil? Weathering… • Weathering is a process that breaks down rock and other substances at Earth’s surface. • When rock is exposed to the surface, it faces weathering • Ice, heat, cold, water, elements in the atmosphere, all contribute to weathering.
So isn’t that erosion? • Erosion is the process by which the weathered pieces of rock are carried away by forces such as wind, water, ice, and gravity. • Weathering and Erosion work together to wear down and carry away rocks at the Earth’s surface.
2 types of Weathering • Mechanical and Chemical • Mechanical Weathering is caused by a force PHYSICALLY breaking down a rock • Ex: freezing and thawing, release of pressure, animal actions, plant growth, abrasion (grinding of rock by wind, water, ice, and gravity)
Chemical Weathering • Chemical weathering “attacks” a rock, it breaks it down through chemical changes. • What is a chemical change? • Actions of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, and acid rain all chemically change a rock. • New minerals can be produced: feldspar=clay
Holes or soft spots are created and helps break apart the rock • Mechanical and chemical weathering work together.
Types of Chemical Weathering • Water: most important; dissolved rock, can create solutions
Oxygen: oxidation-when iron combines with O2 it becomes rust
Carbon Dioxide: dissolves in rainwater and creates carbonic acid and weathers marble and limestone
Living organisms: roots of plants produce weak acids that weather rock
Acid Rain • Acid Rain: burning of fossil fuels pollute the air with sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen compounds. They react with water vapor in clouds and make weak acids that fall down as rain.
Chp 9- Erosion • Remember that erosion is the process by which natural forces move weathered rock from one place to another. • What is sediment? • Sediment is material moved by erosion, contains living and non-living material • Deposition occurs when after erosion, sediment is left behind or deposited in a new location; helps change shape of land
Erosion in many places • Erosion occurs through gravity, water, glaciers, waves, and wind. • Gravity helps in pulling rock and other materials down hill. This process can be slow or fast.
Water Erosion • Moving water is a major attributor of erosion that helps change the Earth’s surface. • Runoff is a process that moves water over Earth’s surface. • Rivers help create valleys, waterfalls, flood plains, and lakes • Caves can also form erosion underground.
Glaciers • As glaciers ( a large mass of ice) move over land, they can move earth with it.
Waves • Energy in waves comes from wind that blows across the Earth’s surface. • This causes the water to move up and down. • Waves shape the coast through erosion by breaking down rock and transporting sand and other sediment. • As waves deposit sediment, they create beaches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxmHHoTPSKI (sand)
Wind • Wind causes erosion by deflation and abrasion. • As wind blows along the surface, deflation occurs by moving surface materials. • Abrasion occurs when sand in the wind can polish a rock. • Wind then deposits sediments in areas where they can build up.