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FOG is material either liquid or solid, composed primarily of fat, oil and grease from animal or vegetable sources.
2. What is FOG?
3. Where Does FOG Come From?
4. Where Does FOG Come From?, Page 2
5. How Does FOG Cause Problems?
6. How Does FOG Cause Problems? Page 2
7. How Does FOG Cause Problems? Page 3
8. How Does FOG Cause Problems? Page 4 In addition, EPA does not like SSOs and is considering a new SSO regulation
SSOs can result in municipalities, such as Kent County being fined by EPA and DNREC. These fines must come from tax dollars, and as a result YOU are creating and paying for them. In fact, the EPA has recently sent Kent County a letter asking for data on our SSOs.
9. What is Kent County Doing About FOG?
10. Changes to Ordinance 180-5 Definitions
180-11 Haulers
180-13 FOG Grease traps/Interceptors
180-14 Violations
180-20 Grease Trap/Interceptor Design
128 Fees
11. New Definitions Food Service Facilities
10 meal events or less per month
1 meal event or less per day for < 4 months per year
12. Definitions Continued Grease, including Yellow Grease and Brown Grease
Grease Trap
Grease Interceptor
Co-mingling (adding septage and grease on same load)
13. Haulers Brown grease haulers need permits
Requires haulers to contact DPW whenever contract is canceled with FSF
No co-mingling allowed
Trucks must be permitted to haul grease with separate fee
14. Fog and Grease Traps/Interceptors Requires grease trap or interceptor for new and existing FSFs
Yellow grease to be recycled
Must follow design criteria
Permitting of grease traps/interceptors
Grease cleaning log to be maintained
Restricts use of grease enzymes, emulsifiers, etc.
Prohibits grease decanting in septage trucks
Inspection and right of entry clauses with inspections by DPW 2x per year
Provides for existing FSFs where traps or interceptors are not feasible
15. Permitting Applications due by 1/31/04
Permits issued by 1/31/05
Enforcement begins 1/31/05
Permit duration 3 years
Must use permit application and pay appropriate fee
Must have contracts for yellow and brown grease handling
Permit specific to owner and type of operation
Permit shall be on display and available for review
Must keep grease log and receipts
Keep records for 2 years
Contract users have authority to enforce
16. Existing FSFs That Can’t Install Grease Traps or Interceptors Permit application required
Engineer's certificate stating not able to install
Can use approved emulsifiers, etc.
Must have yellow grease recycling
17. Permit Application Fees Owners with 100 or less gallons of total trap/interceptor volume in one FSF:
No Charge for that FSF
Owner with 1 FSF and >100 gallons of total trap/interceptor volume
Owners with 2 to 5 FSF’s and >100 gallons of total trap/interceptor volume
Owners with 6 or more FSF’s and >100 gallons of total trap/interceptor volume
18. Permit Application - 1
19. Permit Application - 2
20. Permit Application - 3
21. Permit Application - 4
22. Permit Application - 5
23. Permit Application - 6
24. Permit Application - 7
25. Permit Application - 8
26. Permit Application - 9
27. Permit Application - 10
28. Permit Application - 11
29. Violations and Penalties Hauler penalties: $1,000-$10,000
FSFs Penalties: $500-$10,000
Criminal penalties for knowing and willful violations
30. Design Criteria Follow DE Plumbing code
Follow Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) code
31. Educational Efforts
52. Green Table Program
53. Green Table Program Principles
54. Green Table Program Principles (Contd.)
55. Benefits to Participants
57. More Information