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Creative Classrooms for an innovative Europe Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture

Creative Classrooms for an innovative Europe Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture. ICT and education. Policy context E&T. Innovation. Research. Education. The European Policy Framework. Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006/962/EC

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Creative Classrooms for an innovative Europe Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture

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  1. Creative Classrooms for an innovative Europe Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture

  2. ICT and education • Policy context E&T

  3. Innovation Research Education The European Policy Framework Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006/962/EC mother tongue; foreign languages; maths/science/technology; digital competence, learning to learn; social & civic competences; entrepreneurship; cultural awareness & expression • Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in E&T, COM(2008) 865 • Lifelong learning and mobility • Quality & efficiency of E&T • Equity & active citizenship • Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship SWP: The Use of ICT to support innovation and lifelong learning for all, SEC(2008) 2629

  4. ICT cluster under OMC – ET2010 Representatives of 18 Ministries of Education of 18 Member States compiled key recommendations

  5. Digital competences as core life and employability skills Leadership and institutional change for a renewed strategy on learning Towards a new learning paradigm Allow more learner-centred approaches Lessons learned by the ICT cluster Final Report - Learning, Innovation and ICT VISION future! Professional development – the teacher as learner at the centre

  6. ICT and education • EU support

  7. Promote European cooperation in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education Minerva Socrates 2000-2006 Improving the quality and accessibility of European education and training systems through the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) 2004-2006 Specific objectives include:to support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning 2007-2013 EU supportICT in education and training programmes

  8. EU supportComenius: eTwinning for schools • Support for online partnerships between two or more European primary or secondary schools • Flexible, teacher friendly scheme to mainstream pedagogical use of ICT and support professional development • Mainly based on joint pedagogical projects • Increasing use of online Communities of Practice for teachers • Quality label for good practice examples www.etwinning.net

  9. eLearning Papers n° 27 issue http://www.elearningpapers.eu/index.php?page=home&vol=2 EU supportThe eLearning Portal • Supporting the exchange of ideas, good practice and resources in elearning across Europe and the world • Open to everyone, everywhere • Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme http://www.elearningeuropa.info

  10. Studies at DG EAC • Learning 2.0 (IPTS, 2008) • New learning communities through ICT (IPTS, 2009) • Foresight - Future of learning (incl.ICT) (IPTS, 2011) • European-wide comparison of the use and impact of ICT on school education (STEPS, 2009) • Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (2009) • Benchmarking study by DG INFSO (2012) • Key data on Learning and Innovation through the use of ICT in Europe 2011 (EURIDYCE)

  11. ICT and education • And next …

  12. EU Policy context Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) contributes to strategies and initiatives: Europe 2020 ET 2020 Flagships initiatives Youth on the move (Sept.2010) Agenda fornew skills &jobs Digital Agenda • Early school leaving • Higher education attainment • Making LLL and mobility a reality • E&T quality and efficiency • Equity, social cohesion, active citizenship • Creativity and innovation

  13. Priorities under ET 2020 E&T have a unique role to play in enhancing the use of ICT for learning and should take up a leadership role Actions are oriented around 3 objectives to be tackled simultaneously: 1. Increasing digital competences 2. ICT as an enhancer of innovation of E&T 3. Improving the e-skills of professionals

  14. 1. Increasing digital competences • Development of better descriptors for digital competence as a complement to the Key Competences Framework • Development of an ICT skills supplement to European Skills passport • Development of better ‘measurements’ for the use and impact of ICT in education • Support to MS (see next) •  Communication 2012 – ‘Rethinking skills’

  15. 3. Improving the e-skills of professionals • Setting up of a multistakeholders platform for (bridge worlds of education and work) • E-skills awareness Week (first week of March 2012)

  16. 2. ICT and an enhancer of innovation of E&T • Support to MS for mainstreaming ICT in education • New Thematic Working Group under ET 2020 • On ‘ICT and education’ (24 MS involved) • Peer learning and sharing of practices • Policy handbook for policy makers • To design and support a European-wide Initiative on ‘Creative Classrooms’ • Reinforcement of e-Twinning for other learning domains

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