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Grammar Auction

Grammar Auction. U1L03: Proofreading. Welcome to the fayekoss auction house. Today on the auction block, there are several French sentences. Some are grammatically perfect. Some are less-than-perfect. Your goal is to win as many perfect sentences as you can with the money you have.

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Grammar Auction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grammar Auction U1L03: Proofreading

  2. Welcome to the fayekossauction house • Today on the auction block, there are several French sentences. • Some are grammatically perfect. • Some are less-than-perfect. • Your goal is to win as many perfect sentences as you can with the money you have. • You have a budget of $5600 kossbucks.

  3. Auction House rules • Bidding is in increments of $100 kossbucks. • Your prize? A fabulous gift certificate to the Lake-Lehman Coffee Shop. • Best Outcome: Buy the most correct sentences and have the most money left over. • All proceeds from today’s auction will go to benefit the French Teacher’s Mental Health Fund.

  4. Lot #27 Quels tennis est-cequ’ellechoisit? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  5. Lot #19 J’apporte ma copine au cinéma. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  6. Lot #13 Comment trouvez-vousce pantalon-ci? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  7. Lot #27 • Valued at $600 kossbucks.

  8. Lot #19 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  9. Lot #13 • Valued at $600 kossbucks.

  10. Lot #09 Quels robes est-cequ’ellespréférent? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  11. Lot #199 J’achètece pull et cettejupe. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  12. Lot #34 Nous achètons six tee-shirts confortable. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  13. Lot #89 Tu ne mets pas cetimperquandil fait du soleil. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  14. Lot #123 Il vamettrecespantalons rouges. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  15. Lot #78 Ellesesperentque le jean n’est pas trop petit. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  16. Lot #09 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  17. Lot #199 • Valued at $700 kossbucks.

  18. Lot #34 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  19. Lot #89 • Valued at $800 kossbucks.

  20. Lot #123 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  21. Lot #78 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  22. Lot #65 Mettent-elles un manteauaujourd’hui? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  23. Lot #90 Est-cequevousavez un nouvelcopine? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  24. Lot #201 Quelleschaussuresest-cequevousallezmettre? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  25. Lot #02 Pierre achéte un scooter nouveau. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  26. Lot #13 Qu’est-cequ’on met quandil fait chaud? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  27. Lot #77 Tumettesune chemise bleue. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  28. Lot #65 • Valued at $800 kossbucks.

  29. Lot #90 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  30. Lot #201 • Valued at $800 kossbucks.

  31. Lot #02 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  32. Lot #13 • Valued at $900 kossbucks.

  33. Lot #77 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  34. Lot #63 Nous amenonsnoscopains à la fête. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  35. Lot #103 Quandest-cequ’ilsfinentleurs devoirs? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  36. Lot #48 Je n’ai pas de beaux chemisier. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  37. Lot #15 M. Simon est un vieuxhomme. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  38. Lot #40 Les jupessonttrèsvieux. Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  39. Lot #52 Qu’est-cequ’ellescherchissent? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  40. Lot #63 • Valued at $700 kossbucks.

  41. Lot #103 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  42. Lot #48 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  43. Lot #15 • Valued at $200 kossbucks.

  44. Lot #40 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  45. Lot #52 • Valued at $100 kossbucks.

  46. Lot #204 Quelleschaussuresest-cequevousallezmettre? Start the bidding at $100 kossbucks!

  47. 293

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