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Devry BIS 245 Full Course Latest

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  1. Devry BIS 245 Full Course Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-bis-245-full-course-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry BIS 245 Full Course Latest Devry BIS 245 Full Course Latest [ all discussion, all ilab, all quiz and final ] Devry BIS 245 All Discussions Latest Devry BIS 245 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 1.Why are databases important to business? How do databases generate sales and-or profits? What databases do you interact with, and how do they benefit you? 2.What is meant by requirements gathering, and why is it important to clearly define the data requirements of a database before creating it? 3.Read the General Business Example on page 7 of the Frost section of the text. This page describes how to categorize data requirements from a form used by a company called Reading Fool. Turn to page 12 of the text, and pick one of the practice exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Present your solution here. List the category first, and then put all of the data items in parentheses after the category. Discussion 2 1.Microsoft Access is one of the most popular database platforms on the market. However, there are many competitors. Why do you think that Access is so popular? What are some of the other types of databases available? 2.Discuss the differences between Access and its competitors. Are there truly any differences or are they the same technology implemented in different ways? 3.Do you think that Access can serve as a corporate database solution, or is it strictly a personal database solution? What might be the difference between a personal and corporate database solution?

  2. Devry BIS 245 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 What role does the entity-relationship (ER) diagram play in the design process? Discuss the different types of information represented in the ER diagram and the symbols used to represent them. Discuss the meaning of an entity as related to ER diagrams. How would you approach the diagramming process? Discussion 2 Database Table Design (graded) When designing database tables, the difference between a good design and a bad design can be a few seconds in response time and several minutes. You may think that this is not a huge difference, but imagine waiting several minutes on a web page for your results to load. How long would you wait? A slow database can mean the loss of customers. So let’s begin by discussing some of the common elements of tables and how you would approach the table design. What would you do to ensure that your page loads in a few seconds? Discuss the relationship types and how they affect your design. Devry BIS 245 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 Why do you think organizing data into tables and relationships is a good way to design a database? How do related tables improve the accuracy of data in a database? Discussion 2 Describe some typical pairs of entities that you think might be common in business, and describe their relationships, whether many-to-many, one-to-many, many-to-one, or one-to-one. Explain why you think that a particular relationship applies to that pair of entities. Devry BIS 245 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 For purposes of this discussion, assume that Woodcraft is an online store that sells wooden craft kits to churches, scouting organizations, and other groups that need crafts for children. Save Woodcraft’s database to your computer or space in our iLabenvironment; it’s found at this link:

  3. Week 4 Woodcraft Database. The database is also found in the first page of Doc Sharing. View the content and structure of the database, and then choose one of the questions that follow to answer. Later in the week, you may answer a second or third question, but let’s start off with everyone answering one at a time. a. What kinds of queries would be useful to Woodcraft, assuming that it wants to improve its sales, relationship with its customers, or other aspects of its business? Describe what information you might want to select from the database in the form of a query, and list the specific columns and data that the query would produce. Assume that they have hundreds of customers, rather than the short list found in the database file. b. Suggest additional tables and information that you would like to see in a database like this, the kinds of queries that it would facilitate, and how such queries would help the company improve its business goals of profitability, cost reduction, or other business strategies. c. Using the Woodcraft database file, create some queries that use concepts found in the textbook, as well as this week’s lab. Post a screenshot of your query design and result set in a Word document. d. Research one new feature that you haven’t studied as it relates to query generation, and show how you could use that feature to create a useful query. Use the Woodcraft database to showcase this query-generation technique and post it in this discussion. Discussion 2 In Doc Sharing, you will find an Access database labeled Week 4 Discussion Northwind. Save the database to your computer and open the database using Access. Answer the questions below. Please assist one another. a. View the design of the database in the Database Tools-Relationships window. Describe some queries that would be useful to Northwind Traders as it strives to increase sales, profits, or reduce expenses. Be specific, listing the tables, columns, and data that you would extract from the Northwind Database. Also, indicate why such queries are useful from a business standpoint. b. In Microsoft Access, create some original queries, posting a screenshot of your query design and query results in an MS Word document

  4. c. Create a few queries that allow you to practice concepts from the Lab. Please, don’t simply post queries from this week’s lab assignment! Post a screenshot of the query design and the results set in a Word document. Also, describe how this query could help managers make a business decision. d. Relying on the textbook, the lecture, or Internet research, describe query generation techniques that you haven’t yet applied in this week’s lab. Describe what the querying technique is and how it is useful. For example, you might research the concept of a parameter query, describe what it is, and then create such a query in the Northwind database. Post a screenshot of the query design and the query results as an MS Word document to this thread for discussion. e. Assist your classmates in modifying their queries if they run into difficulties. Devry BIS 245 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 Explain the difference between good and bad table structures. How do you recognize the difference between good and bad structures? What role does normalization play in good and bad table structures, and why is normalization so important to a good table structure? Discussion 2 What is the importance of data validation? How can we avoid data-entry errors? How can forms help us reduce data-entry errors? What features does Access offer to help validate data? What are the different kinds of validations that are required? Devry BIS 245 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 Database reports provide us with the ability to further analyze our data and provide it in a format that can be used to make business decisions. Discuss the steps that you would take to ensure that we create an effective report. What questions would you ask of the users? Discusion 2 Data presentation should be designed to display correct conclusions. What issues should we think about as we prepare data for presentation? Discuss the different methods that we can use to present data in a report. What role does the audience play in selecting how we present the data?

  5. Devry BIS 245 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Discussion 1 Finding information in a database can be difficult unless you know what information you need and how to look for it. Creating a navigation system or menu allows Access to act like a point-and-click system. What are some of the types of navigation that you can create in Access 2010? How should we approach the design of the menu? Discussion 2 Why is data security important now more than ever? What are some of the steps that we can take to ensure that our database is protected and secure? How can you use user views to enhance security and restrict access? Devry BIS 245 All Quizes Latest Devry BIS 245 Week 1 Quiz Latest 1.1.Question : (TCO 1) A database that organizes data in a set of overlapping tables is which of the following? Student Answer: Flat-file Hierarchical Object-oriented Relational Comments: Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) In using a web search engine, typing the web site address in the proper place in the brower and then hitting enter is called Student Answer: server setup. presentation task. client browsing. systems application.

  6. Comments: Question 8. Question : (TCO 1) You should use Excel over Access when: Student Answer: you have a large amount of data. you need to group, sort, and total data based on various parameters. you need multiple related tables to store data. you require a series of what if scenarios on your data. Comments: Devry BIS 245 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2.2.Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following does NOT describe a many-to-many relationship? Student Answer: There must be at least two tables. Many matching records exist in each direction between the tables. A junction table is used. You can connect to tables in other databases such as Oracle. Comments: Question 4. Question : (TCO 3) Queries can do all of the following EXCEPT Student Answer: display specific records from tables and other queries. perform calculations. provide parameters at run time. run from a table Datasheet View. Comments: Question 5. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following is true regarding the use of delimiters in a field criterion in Access? Student Answer: Date/Time data types need no delimiters.

  7. Date/Time data types need to be enclosed in single quotes. Number data types require no delimiters. Text data types require pound signs. Comments: Question 10. Question : (TCO 2) What is the special character called to represent one or more characters in the Criteria area of a query? Student Answer: Delimiter Operand Wildcard Operator Comments: Devry BIS 245 Week 4 Quiz Latest 1.1.Question : (TCO 1) Data aggregates Student Answer: are used to perform calculations on individual records in a table or query. cannot be used in a report. perform calculations on entire columns of data. return multiple values. Comments: Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) A function used to isolate a specific portion of a date such as year, month, or day in a date field is Student Answer: Date. DateDiff. DateParse. DatePart.

  8. Comments: Devry BIS 245 Week 5 Quiz Latest 3.3.Question : (TCO 2) Using an input mask, a symbol that will force all characters typed into a field to appear in all caps is Student Answer: >. “. ‘. <>. Comments: Question 4. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following below will provide the current computer data as a default? Student Answer: –/–/– CurrentDate() Date Date() Comments: Question 5. Question : (TCO 2) An input mask placed on a form will apply to Student Answer: all forms based on that table. all forms in the database. all forms based on that table and the table itself. that specific form only. Comments: Question 6. Question : (TCO 5) To edit a form, use the Student Answer: design view.

  9. datasheet view. layout view. layout view or design view. Comments: Question 8. Question : (TCO 5) All of the following are form creation tools EXCEPT Student Answer: blank form. form design. form layout. form wizard. Comments: Question 9. Question : (TCO 5) The title for a form should be placed in the Student Answer: details area. form header. textbox in the details area. textbox in the form header. Comments: Devry BIS 245 Week 6 Quiz Latest 2.2.Question : (TCO 1) A report footer Student Answer: is used to print page numbers on the report. prints group statistics at the end of the report. prints grand totals at the end of the report. All of the above Comments:

  10. Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) The following steps will create a report. Student Answer: Set focus on a table or query object, click on the Create tab, then click the Report button in the Reports group. Set focus on a table or query object, click on the Design tab, open the table or query object, then click Design Report. Click on the Create tab, select the Report Wizard, select your tables or queries, and then your fields. Click on the Table tab, select your fields, and then click the Finish button. Comments: Question 6. Question : (TCO 1) The expression “= [Price] * [Quantity]” would most likely be found in Student Answer: a bound control. a calculated control. a label control. an unbound control. Comments: Question 10. Question : (TCO 7) Based on the values in aggregate data, a calculated total field in a PivotTable Student Answer: allows for grouped data. generates a new field. provides for Average, Standard Deviation, and Sum totals. All of the above Comments: Devry BIS 245 Week 3 Quiz Latest Page 1

  11. Question 1.1.(TCO 2) In a relational database, entities are (Points : 4) events. persons. things. All of the above Question 2.2.(TCO 2) Which of the following is NOT a step in the Database Life Cycle? (Points : 4) Database Design Maintenance and Redevelopment Performance Testing Question 3.3.(TCO 3) Database design refers to (Points : 4) developing a database model that will support company operations. focusing on understanding the business and its functional areas or business processes. selecting the specific hardware characteristics based on data storage and data access requirements. the process of converting your ERD into tables, and defining your rows and columns based your entities and attributes. Question 4.4.(TCO 2) A crow’s foot (Points : 4) is a Boolean field. is used to describe attributes. points to the child table. points to the parent table.

  12. Question 5.5.(TCO 2) The term cardinality refers to (Points : 4) a count of the total records in a table. a field which is a candidate for a primary key. the number of records in a relationship. the most important field in a table. Question 6.6.(TCO 2) A primary key (Points : 4) can be computer generated. consists of one field only that uniquely identifies each record in a table. is a relationship between two or more tables. All of the above. Question 7.7.(TCO 3) Which does NOT apply to the following relationship image? .googleusercontent.com/proxy/Un8xM_Ucs59sXr9mw4h0kKKJTo-Q1U4Ge6pmYaAeEzkivh4LWhKDk0wp3LAY8CSdj_-zsgdK-hiNQX4F9Uzke1EK0xkFncR3j_oRAzZBa4gyXmS4qCBRhwIKmFM=s0-d-e1- ft#http://takeexam.next.ecollege.com/CurrentCourse/Graphics/Quiz3%20a.jpg”> (Points : 4) A one-to-many relationship is shown between Orders and Order Details. The display is showing the Design View of relationships. Order Details has a composite primary key. Within the Orders Details table, the ProductID field will contain unique values only. Question 8.8.(TCO 4) Entity attributes are represented as (Points : 4)

  13. fields. files. records. tables. Question 9.9.(TCO 4) Validation text (Points : 4) changes the way text data is formatted. determines the maximum length of a Text field. requires correct text data input. specifies the error message when a rule is violated. Question 10.10.(TCO 4) Based on the image, which statement does NOT describe the following one-to-one relationship? .googleusercontent.com/proxy/dVFPDjkDipDe0670XPCQJG8Ix2jd5IfRXS6hf3D9unPyEhB7nUJsDB8RDsN3fMdReSkIEK2MMjhw7hjJtcbVaPLRecCsfMu7C8O7fc1VmJ5YwayT5MuikfcdBZs=s0-d-e1- ft#http://takeexam.next.ecollege.com/CurrentCourse/Graphics/Quiz3%20c.jpg”> (Points : 4) An excel upload would impact the integrity of the data based on the table design. Author and AuthorNew tables use the same primary key. More tables can be joined to either table. It may be used for security reasons to protect data availability. Devry BIS 245 All Ilabs Latest BIS 245 Week 1 iLab Devry 1.A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-1 B.Lab 1 of 7 : Introduction to MS Visio and MS Access C. Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary

  14. TCOs: 1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements. 2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. Scenario: You have been asked to create two conceptual database models using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to have you gain familiarity with the various modeling tools needed to create a conceptual model (entity relationship diagram) of a database. You will create two conceptual models. You will then open an existing Access database to explore database objects and to experiment with simple data manipulation using filters and sorts and to begin elementary work with relationships. Upon completing this lab, you will be able to 1. relying on detailed instructions, create a simple conceptual model for a two-table database using MS Visio; 2. use experience gained in creating the first model to construct a similar conceptual model without the instructions; and 3. download an existing Microsoft Access database file. Open the database; find and identify different database objects in this database. 1.D.Deliverables YourName_Lab1.vsd (Visio Diagram) YourName_Lab1C_Questions.docx BIS 245 Week 2 iLab Devry A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-2 B.Lab 2 of 7 :Skills Development in Visio; Creation of MS Access Database C.Lab Overview–Scenario / Summary: TCOs: 1.1.Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze, and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.

  15. 2.2.Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. 3.3.Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the database design for efficiency. 4.4.Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and integrity, design the physical tables. Scenario: You have been asked to create a conceptual database model using MS BIS 245 Week 3 iLab Devry A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-3 B.Lab 3 of 7:Database Design Using Visio and Based on Data Requirementsand Business Rules C.Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary TCOs: 2.2.Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. 3.3.Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the database design for efficiency. 4.4.Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and integrity, design the physical tables. Scenario You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience designing, with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of data requirements and associated business rules. You will then complete an MS Access database based on the model developed in Visio, creating the necessary tables and relationships. Upon completing this lab, you will be able to 1.1.create a new Visio file for database design; 2.2.using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths; and 3.3.create a new MS Access database based on the ERD.

  16. 4.D.Deliverables Section Deliverable Part A Step YourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram) 7 Part B Step YourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database) 3 1.E.Lab Steps Page1 of 6 BIS 245 Week 5 iLab Devry A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-5A B.Lab 5A of 7 :Database design using Visio, and based on data requirementsand business rules focusing on normalizing data to third normal form. C BIS 245 Week 4 iLab Devry DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-4B B.Lab 4B of 7:Completing Queries C.Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary: TCOs: # 6: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements, create the necessary queries. Scenario/Summary

  17. The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then, evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard, with query design view, or with SQL statements. The Northwind database will be used again in this lab. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to: Create a query by following lab instruction. Create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard. Create a query by using SQL statements. Interpret the results of queries • • • • D.Deliverables: Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the queries created in this lab. Step Deliverable 1 Query #1 – step-by-step 2 Query #2 – Compound Statements 3 Query #3 – Suppliers – step-by-step 4 Query #4 – Suppliers (more advanced) 5 Query #5 – Customers – using SQL Statements 6 Query #6 – Putting it all together 1.E.Lab Steps: .jpg”>

  18. Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. .jpg”> BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions.docx Page 1 of BIS 245 Week 6 iLab Devry Student Lab Activity BIS 245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A.Lab # BSBA BIS245A-6 B.Lab 6 of 7 :Creating Reports C.Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary: TCO(s): 7.7.Given a database application with a completed relational schema, populated tables, and business reporting requirements, create the necessary reports and make a business decision. Scenario: The purpose of this lab is to create Access Reports. After a report is created, the student will sort the fields in different ways. Also the Student can also delete fields in layout view and modify the appearance of the report by applying Themes. In addition to the report generated by Access, the lab also uses Report Design to allow users to design their own reports. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to: ocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. .jpg”>

  19. BIS 245 Week 7 iLab Devry BIS245_W7_iLab_Instructions.docx Page 1 of 20 Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-7 B.Lab 7 of 7 :Database Navigation C.Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary: TCOs: 8.8.Given a database application containing forms, queries and reports, automate tasks and create a menu system which allows for efficient navigation and operation of the database’s functionality. Scenario: The purpose of this lab is to show the student how to create navigation systems for an Access application. Students will create a main navigation form which links to additional navigation forms called Enter Data and View Reports. Additionally, students will create forms to automate printing reports and Closing/Exiting the Database. The Enter Data form allows you to open Customer and City forms automatically. The View Reports form allows the user to automatically open the Customer List and Customers by City reports. The Print Reports form will allow users to automatically print the reports. The Exit Database form allows users to close the database and exit the application entirely. The navigation forms can provide some measure of security to the database as they may prevent users unfamiliar with Access from accessing database objects directly; they make using Access more intuitive to use, and can prevent new users from inadvertently damaging your database objects. 1.D.Deliverables: Upload the modified Lab7_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab7.accdb to the Week 7 iLab Dropbox. Step Deliverable

  20. Part A Develop the Enter Data, View Reports, Print Reports, and Customer Database Navigation Forms Part B Create the Close Database Form and add it to the Main Database Navigation Form. Set the Database Options. .jpg”> All rights reserved. No p art of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. .jpg”> Devry BIS 245 Finals Latest age 1 Question 1.1.(TCO 1) A foreign key is:(Points : 5) a value which can connect two tables simultaneously. a unique value that identifies each row within a table. another name for a candidate key. a field in one table that is also the primary key of another table.

  21. Question 2.2.(TCO 1) What Microsoft Access feature would give a United Parcel Service (UPS) manager the ability to ask questions like “How many UPS tubes were shipped Monday?” and “What was the total revenue generated from UPS Express Box Large in November 2013?”(Points : 5) foreign keys primary keys parameter query table connections Question 3.3.(TCO 1) To design a report you should do all of the following EXCEPT(Points : 5) draw a paper design of the report. identify all sources of data, fields and groups. input the data. select a reporting tool. Question 4.4.(TCO 1) A filter in Access:(Points : 5) Creates a new table with matching criteria. Deletes unique records from the database. Allows the user to edit specific records. Displays a subset of records based on specified criteria. Question 5.5.(TCO 1) Which of the following is NOT one of the query wizards in Access:(Points : 5) Find Duplicates Query Simple Query

  22. Multi –Tabular Query Crosstab Query Question 6.6.(TCO 2) A field that uniquely identifies each record in a table is a(Points : 5) link. relationship. primary key. foreign key. Question 7.7.(TCO 2) A single crow’s foot at the left-most end of a relationship line would indicate a(Points : 5) many-to-many relationship. one-to-many relationship. one-to-one relationship. no relationship. Question 8.8.(TCO 3) All of the following apply to the relationships image found below EXCEPT (Points : 5) a one-to-many relationship is found between the Suppliers table and the Products table. a relationship exists between the two primary keys of the Suppliers table and the Products table. one table is not joined to the two other tables. the primary key for the Categories table is CategoryID.

  23. Question 9.9.(TCO 3) Summarized data in an easy-to-read view is known as a(Points : 5) design. PivotTable. report. table. Question 10.10.(TCO 3) Which of the following does NOT apply to the following relationship image? (Points : 5) A one-to-many relationship is applied. The display is showing the Design View of relationships. One table is not joined to the other two tables. A join exists on two primary keys. Question 11.11.(TCO 4) Which function is used to isolate a specific portion of a date such as year, month, or day in a date field?(Points : 5) Date DateDiff DateParse DatePart Page 2 Question 1.1.(TCO 5) To edit a form, use(Points : 5)

  24. datasheet view. design view. layout view. layout view or design view. Question 2.2.(TCO 5) Clicking on the form tool will open a(n)(Points : 5) existing form. new form in design view. new form in layout view. wizard to design a form. Question 3.3.(TCO 6) Which of the following statements is NOT correct about a query?(Points : 5) Changing data values in a query will not change data values in a table. Data is not saved within a query. Instructions on which data to display are saved within a query. Instructions on the format to display data are saved within a query. Question 4.4.(TCO 6) Using the rules for order of operations, what is the result of the following expression: (4 * 3) +1 + 4 – 2 * 3 + 5 ?(Points : 5) 11 16 18 50

  25. Question 5.5.(TCO 7) When making vertical data comparisons, you should use the following chart.(Points : 5) Bar Column Pie Scatter Plot Question 6.6.(TCO 7) Discrete data(Points : 5) are easily scaled. are used to measure time or money. cannot be subdivided into meaningful information. may be subdivided into smaller and smaller units. Question 7.7.(TCO 8) A switchboard is a(Points : 5) form that looks like a menu or a series of menus that ties objects in a database. design tool to analyze and optimize a database. report that looks like a menu or a series of menus that ties objects in a database. screen that is used to hide objects from users. Question 8.8.(TCO 9) Open Exclusive means that(Points : 5) a password is required to open the Access database. only one person has access to the Access database at any time.

  26. only selected persons can have access to the Access database. two or more people cannot open the same Access database at the same time. Question 9.9.(TCO 9) Database security is a specialty within computer security that protects a database application from unintended use. Unintended use includes:(Points : 5) unauthorized viewing of data inadvertent mistakes made by employees malicious attacks all of the above Question 10.10.(TCO 10) The ACCDT file format type refers to a(n)(Points : 5) database. digitally signed database. executable database. template. Question 11.11.(TCO 4) The term “cascading” refers to(Points : 5) data changes travel from one table to another. data is put in sequential order. queries can retrieve data at a faster rate. records are arranged in order. Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) The department manager has asked you to create a report in Access. What are some of the questions that you would ask to determine what should be on the report? For one

  27. of your questions, give an example of two different answers the manager might give and tell how each answer would affect the report design. (Points : 40) Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) What does it mean to store data in its smallest parts, and why is this important? (Points : 40) Question 3. 3. (TCO 4) Conceptual design begins with a big-picture view, and details gradually added before the implementation process begins. With this in mind, what is the first step in the conceptual design process for ERD construction? In your own words, describe how you would accomplish this first step. (Points : 40) Question 4. 4. (TCO 4) Explain a one-to-many relationship and provide two examples. (Points : 40) Download File Now

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