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Devry ENGL 216 All Discussions Latest

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course:<br>https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-engl-216-all-discussions-latest/<br>Devry ENGL 216 All Discussions Latest<br>Devry ENGL 216 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest<br>dq 1<br>Technical Communication at Work (graded)<br>As you read Chapter 1, you will learn that communication skills are critical in the workplace and that technical writing is used in virtually every work environment.<br>

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Devry ENGL 216 All Discussions Latest

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  1. Devry ENGL 216 All Discussions Latest Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/devry-engl-216-all-discussions-latest/ Or Email us help@devrycourses.com Devry ENGL 216 All Discussions Latest Devry ENGL 216 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1 Technical Communication at Work (graded) As you read Chapter 1, you will learn that communication skills are critical in the workplace and that technical writing is used in virtually every work environment. For this discussion, locate a technical document from your workplace or from home or the Internet, preferably one that might be found in your career field. Note that Figure 1-1 (page 4) provides a list of technical communication examples. Using the five goals and features of technical communication listed in the textbook (page 4), describe how the document addresses these characteristics. Then, discuss whether or not you feel the document is successful in its overall goal. Provide examples from the document to illustrate. If possible, share the document by posting a link or a PDF of the sample used. dq 2 Audience Culture and Analysis (graded) As our text states, “one cardinal rule governs all on-the-job writing: Write for your reader, not for yourself” (page 41). This requires a solid audience analysis. As part of this analysis, you must also consider the audience’s cultural background, particularly in light of today’s global society. For this discussion

  2. 1.1.discuss some general reader characteristics and methods for analyzing the readers of various technical and workplace documents; and 2.2.describe additional considerations you need to make when dealing with a global audience or an audience from a culture different than your own.Feel free to choose a specific country or culture to analyze for this part of your response. Devry ENGL 216 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1 Correspondence and Reader Perspective (graded) Most of us have received a business letter, a memo, or an e-mail before. Although these documents may not seem like traditional forms of technical communication, they actually possess or should possess many of the same qualities as a standard technical document. They should be clear, concise, and written with a specific audience and purpose in mind. For this discussion 1.1.explain why the ABC format described in the text reading is beneficial for writing all correspondence; and 2.2.discuss several ways to incorporate the “You” attitude in your writing.Why is this important? dq 2 Document Design and Organization (graded) Our text states that document design plays a major role in how readers understand and perceive information. In fact, the way a document is designed or presented creates a subliminal effect, a first impression of sorts, which readers often use to judge the overall value of the document. Sound a little like psychology? Well, it is! For this discussion, review the elements of document design covered in Chapter 5, and then choose two or three elements—color, consistency, grids, white space, the use of lists, parallelism, fonts, and so on—that you feel are the most important. Explain why you feel these elements are critical for helping create a good first impression. Devry ENGL 216 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1

  3. Processes and Instructions (graded) As our text indicates, there are several differences between process explanations and instructions. For this discussion 1.1.describe the differences between the two types of documents; 2.2.discuss when you would use one or the other; and 3.3.provide an example of one or both, either by explanation or a sample via a link or attached pdf file. dq 2 Research and Ethics (graded) As our text explains, conducting research for workplace situations is a little different than doing research for academic writing (see Figure 9-1). For this discussion, consider the topic you have chosen for your Course Project and 1.1.describe the topic and explain the different types of sources you plan to review.In addition to literature reviews, are you considering conducting primary research for your project? If so, please describe. If not, describe what type of primary research could be used. Be sure to review the discussion of primary research in the textbook; and 2.2.discuss any ethical or legal issues you might have to consider.Refer back to Chapter 1 for a review of these topics. Devry ENGL 216 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1 Informal and Formal Reports (graded) As our text explains, writing reports, especially informal reports, is a very common task in most workplaces today. For this discussion, compare and contrast the format and uses of formal and informal reports. Describe an example of either a formal or informal report that you have used or perhaps even written in the workplace,

  4. or locate a report via an Internet search. Did the document follow the guidelines suggested in the text (Chapters 10 and 11)? Explain how or how not. dq 2 Proposals and Persuasive Writing (graded) As stated in the text, “Proposals are crucial to most organizations—indeed, many companies rely on them for their very survival” (p.399). For this discussion 1.1.compare and contrast solicited and unsolicited proposals.Which do you think is harder to write? Why?; and 2.2.given your academic major and/or your chosen career field, describe a situation where you would write an unsolicited proposal to either an internal or external audience.What strategies would you use to gain the reader’s attention? Be sure to consider any legal or ethical issues for this proposal. Devry ENGL 216 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1 Graphics and Illustrations (graded) Even in technical documents a picture can equal a thousand words. You can create illustrations, such as graphs, charts, diagrams, schematics, and images using a variety of software applications, such as Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint or Excel, and Adobe PhotoShop or Illustrator. For this discussion 1.1.using your text (Chapter 13) and documents that you have reviewed or used previously, what suggestions do you have for writers in regard to illustrations; and 2.2.what types of illustrations or graphics are you planning to use for your Course Project? How do you think they will benefit your readers’ understanding? Feel free to provide any examples that you may have. dq 2

  5. Drafting and Elements of Style (graded) Let’s carefully examine the theory and practice of successfully drafting a lengthy document, such as a formal report or proposal. For this discussion, begin by reviewing the section in Chapter 2: Writing Initial Drafts (page 51). I also recommend exploring the Interactive Parallelism tutorial in the refresher port at THE|HUB. Based on the reading, the tutorial, and your experience, what are the best next steps after completing a comprehensive outline for a document? How do you get started with a draft? How do you personally overcome the challenges of writer’s block? Devry ENGL 216 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest Team A Team A – Enterprise Peer Review (graded, team only) First, please check the announcement area to find out which team you’ll be working with. Then, use the drop-down menu to navigate to your team’s Discussion area. In this Discussion area, you will need to do the following. • Please post your rough draft as an attachment by Wednesday. • Post two peer reviews for two of your teammates by Sunday or no later than the date your professor has announced.Important:Use the peer review form located in Doc Sharing, and post your feedback as an attachment. For example, If there are five people on your team, there should be five drafts posted by the instructed due date. The first person to post a draft should do a peer review for the second and third people to post their drafts, and so on, with the last person to post looping around to do peer reviews for number one and two. Meeting the deadlines is important! If, for some reason, a team member is late in posting a draft, you do notneed to wait for him or her before proceeding with the peer-review process. If someone is late posting a draft, he or she should know that the opportunity to participate may be missed. Participating in the peer- review process counts as part of your discussion grade for this week.Discussion grades will be reduced if these deadlines are not met. Team B

  6. Team B – Voyager Peer Review (graded, team only) First, please check the announcement area to find out which team you’ll be working with. Then, use the drop-down menu to navigate to your team’s Discussion area. In this Discussion area, you will need to do the following. • Please post your rough draft as an attachment by Wednesday. • Post two peer reviews for two of your teammates by Sunday or no later than the date your professor has announced.Important:Use the peer review form located in Doc Sharing, and post your feedback as an attachment. For example, If there are five people on your team, there should be five drafts posted by the instructed due date. The first person to post a draft should do a peer review for the second and third people to post their drafts, and so on, with the last person to post looping around to do peer reviews for number one and two. Meeting the deadlines is important! If, for some reason, a team member is late in posting a draft, you do notneed to wait for him or her before proceeding with the peer-review process. If someone is late posting a draft, he or she should know that the opportunity to participate may be missed. Participating in the peer- review process counts as part of your discussion grade for this week.Discussion grades will be reduced if these deadlines are not met. Team C Team C – Prometheus Peer Review (graded, team only) First, please check the announcement area to find out which team you’ll be working with. Then, use the drop-down menu to navigate to your team’s Discussion area. In this Discussion area, you will need to do the following. • Please post your rough draft as an attachment by Wednesday. • Post two peer reviews for two of your teammates by Sunday or no later than the date your professor has announced.Important:Use the peer review form located in Doc Sharing, and post your feedback as an attachment. For example, If there are five people on your team, there should be five drafts posted by the instructed due date. The first person to post a draft should do a peer review for the second and third people to post their drafts, and so on, with the last person to post looping around to do peer reviews for number one and two.

  7. Meeting the deadlines is important! If, for some reason, a team member is late in posting a draft, you do notneed to wait for him or her before proceeding with the peer-review process. If someone is late posting a draft, he or she should know that the opportunity to participate may be missed. Participating in the peer- review process counts as part of your discussion grade for this week.Discussion grades will be reduced if these deadlines are not met. Team D Team D – Reliant Peer Review (graded, team only) First, please check the announcement area to find out which team you’ll be working with. Then, use the drop-down menu to navigate to your team’s Discussion area. In this Discussion area, you will need to do the following. • Please post your rough draft as an attachment by Wednesday. • Post two peer reviews for two of your teammates by Sunday or no later than the date your professor has announced.Important:Use the peer review form located in Doc Sharing, and post your feedback as an attachment. For example, If there are five people on your team, there should be five drafts posted by the instructed due date. The first person to post a draft should do a peer review for the second and third people to post their drafts, and so on, with the last person to post looping around to do peer reviews for number one and two. Meeting the deadlines is important! If, for some reason, a team member is late in posting a draft, you do notneed to wait for him or her before proceeding with the peer-review process. If someone is late posting a draft, he or she should know that the opportunity to participate may be missed. Participating in the peer- review process counts as part of your discussion grade for this week.Discussion grades will be reduced if these deadlines are not met. Discussion 1 Writing for the Web (graded) As we all know, the amount of information on the Internet is growing exponentially. Consequently, the need for creating or converting information into web-friendly formats is growing rapidly, as well. Technical communicators now often write content for websites, update a corporate blog or wiki, or manage a company’s social media presence on the Web.

  8. For this discussion 1.1.describe the major differences in writing content for the Web versus writing for print; and 2.2.discuss the importance of web page design and interface.What elements do you feel make a website visually appealing or not? Feel free to share a website you like or don’t like and explain your reasoning. Discussion 2 Collaboration (graded) We often think of writing as a solitary task. However, as our text states, collaboration with coworkers and with subject matter experts (SMEs) actually rank as two of the most important skills for technical writers in the workplace. So, let’s discuss some ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of collaborative writing. For this discussion 1.1.explain the benefits derived from collaborating with others; and 2.2.discuss some of the common pitfalls when working collaboratively.How might you overcome these challenges? Please share any personal experiences you have had with working in a group or on a team Devry ENGL 216 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest dq 1 Presentations (graded) Presentations in the workplace include everything from casual conversations in front of a few colleagues to making sales pitches to customers to giving speeches to large audiences. Further, as more and more organizations conduct business in multiple locations and globally, the use of webinars and other distance presentation tools is growing substantially. You will be creating a narrated PowerPoint show to present your Course Project. For this discussion 1.describe how you plan to organize your presentation for both your narration and your PowerPoint show. What information will you include? What will you leave out; and

  9. 2.discuss what you think are the most critical speaker characteristics for either live presentations or for web-based presentations. dq 2 Revising and Proofreading (graded) In this exploration of the final two stages of the writing process, we examine the value and mechanics of revising and proofreading our documents. A review of Chapter 2: Revising Drafts (page 52–54) and Chapter 17 on style is a good place to begin. For this discussion 1.1.contrast the differences between revising and proofreading.Which is harder for you?; and 2.2.share the strategies you have learned in this class and in other classes that work well in both of these stages. Download File Now

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