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SUN is a unique Movement founded on the principle that all people have a right to food & good nutrition. It unites people from governments, civil society, the United Nations, donors,
SUN is a unique Movement founded on the principle that all people have a right to food & good nutrition.
It unites people from governments, civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses & researchers – in a collective effort to improve nutrition.
together we can achieve what no single effort could, and make the world a healthier, stronger place for us all.
Why nutrition? The facts • Over 165 million children under 5 • are stunted as a result of malnutrition. • 52 million children are too thin and require special treatment. • At the same time, 43 million children are overweight - some as a result of poverty, when families are unable to afford a balanced, nutritious diet. • 2 billion people are deficient in key vitamins & minerals
Why nutrition? Because when.. • Children receive proper nutrition and develop strong bodies & minds • Girls &women are well-nourished and have healthy newborn babies • Children receive proper nutrition and develop strong bodies & minds The world is a safer, more resilient & stronger place • Adolescents learn better & achieve higher grades • in school Communities &nations are productive & stable Families & communities emerge out of poverty • Young adults are better able • to obtain • work & earn more
A smart investment • Eliminating under-nutrition in young children has multiple benefits. It can: • Boost gross national product by 11% in Africa and Asia. • Improve school attainment by at least one year. • Increase wages by 5-50%. • Reduce poverty as well-nourished children are 33% more likely to escape poverty as adults. • Empower women to be 10% more likely to run their own business
Experts agree • The Copenhagen Consensus 2012 Expert Panel of world renowned economists identified the smartest ways to allocate money to respond to ten of the world’s biggest challenges. • They agreed that fighting malnutrition should be the top priority for policy-makers & philanthropists. • They found that every $1 invested in reducing under-nutrition results in a $30 return on investment in terms of increased health, schooling and productivity. “One of the most compelling investments is to get nutrients to the world’s undernourished. The benefits from doing so – in terms of increased health, schooling, and productivity – are tremendous,” -Nobel laureate economist Vernon Smith
The causes of malnutrition are interconnected • Lack of good • CARE for mothers & children & support for mothers on appropriate child feeding practices • Inadequateaccess to HEALTHsanitation & clean water services • Insufficient access to affordable, nutritious FOOD • throughout the year ROOTED IN Disempowerment of women Political & Cultural Environment Poverty
The SUN Movement recognizes that chronic malnutrition – or stunting -has multiple causes. That’s why it requires People and Programmes to work together to put nutrition into all development efforts, and develop sustainable solutions that work.
Nutrition-sensitive strategies increase the impact of specific actions for nutrition Specific Actions for Nutrition Nutrition-Sensitive Strategies Agriculture: Making nutritious food more accessible to everyone, and supporting small farms as a source of income for women and families Clean Water & Sanitation: Improving access to reduce infection and disease Education & Employment: Making sure children have the nutrition needed to learn and earn a decent income as adults Health Care: Access to services that enable women & children to be healthy Support for Resilience: Establishing a stronger, healthier population and sustained prosperity to better endure emergencies and conflicts Feeding Practices & Behaviors: Encouraging exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding together with appropriate and nutritious food up to 2 years of age and beyond Fortification of foods:Enabling access to nutrients through incorporating them into foods Micronutrient supplementation: Direct provision of extra nutrients Treatment of acute malnutrition: Enabling persons with moderate and severe malnutrition to access effective treatment
Across all approaches – SUN supports equity for women At the core of all efforts, women are empowered to be leaders in their families and communities, leading the way to a healthier and stronger world.
Countries are at the center of scaling up nutrition Countries around the world have committed to making nutrition a priority & global partners are working together to support the efforts of SUN countries.
The SUN approach – starting in 2010 • The Scaling up Nutrition Movement relies on national leaders • taking ownership and responsibility for delivering • sustainable solutions to improve nutrition in their countries. • Through country-led efforts that focus on equity and realization of rights, • SUN countries are enabling women, families & communities • to create stronger foundations for their people & transforming the • future of our world. • SUN enables countries to take a collaborative approach bringing together the people & resources needed to rapidly • scale up nutrition-specific interventions as well as implement • cross-sector strategies that are nutrition-sensitive.
The SUN approach Within each country a SUN Focal Point is identified Country governments lead national efforts to scale up nutrition.
The SUN approach The Focal Point brings people together in a multi-stakeholder platform Technical Community Civil Society United Nations Donors Government Partners Business
The SUN approach The multi-stakeholder platform Works to align and coordinate action across sectors. Social Protection Health Agriculture Women’s Empowerment Development & Poverty Reduction Education
The SUN approach Using a unique approach that works for each country. These efforts are underway in all SUN countries Together the combined efforts of all countries make up the core of the Movement - The SUN Country Network Multi-sector, multi-stakeholder platform
The SUN approach Global Networks of stakeholders shift resources & align actions to support country efforts. With overall support and coordination provided by the SUN Secretariat and SUN Lead Group Country Network United Nations Network Civil Society Network Donor Network Business Network
SUN country success in reducing stunting Top 15 SUN countries with the fastest rates of reductions in stunting. Since 2000, these countries have had annual averages rate of reduction (AARR) in stunting greater than 2.0%.
How has stunting been reduced? How has stunting been reduced? In Peru • Reduction in stunting adopted as national goal • Major social programmes targeted to the poorest • Comprehensive health insurance system implemented • Increased Government budget allocated for nutrition In Nepal • Political commitment and engagement by main sectors (Health, Education, WASH, Agriculture and Local Governance) • Government budget for nutrition doubled In Ethiopia • Large scale program to improve access to health posts in remote and drought- stricken areas • Provision of safety nets for vulnerable families • Treatment of severe acute malnutrition expanded
Making progress Within each country, SUN Movement stakeholders are brought together around 4 key processes: progress is reviewed every six weeks • Creating Political and • Operational Platforms, • with strong in-country leadership & shared multi-stakeholder spaces where people come together to align their activities & take joint responsibility for scaling up nutrition. • Incorporating Best Practices into National Policies • for scaling up proven interventions; including the adoption of effective laws • & policies 2 1 Align ActionsAcross Sectorsaround high quality and well-costed country plans, with an agreed results framework and mutual accountability. • Increasing Resources and Monitoring Implementation • for coherent, aligned, effective action and maximum impact. 3 4
Making progress – examples • Creating Political and • Operational Platforms 1 • KENYA • Minister for Public Health and Sanitation, Hon. Beth Mugo officially launched Kenya’s Nutrition Action Plan (2012-2017) at the National SUN Symposium. • GHANA • Political commitment to fight against hunger and malnutrition has been strengthened when the First Lady of Ghana supported the SUN Movement launch.
Making progress – examples • Incorporating Best Practices into National Policies 2 HAITI The nation-wide flagship nutrition program was launched to fight hunger and malnutrition. • BURKINA FASO • Infant and young child feeding is being addressed by the road map for improved nutrition that aligns national programs in key sectors.
Making progress - examples 3 • Aligning ActionsAcross Sectors NEPAL The Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Plan was endorsed by the Cabinet with a common results framework where all ministries have agreed on a set of essential nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions. • UGANDA • A Nutrition Action Plan is scaling up multi-sector efforts for a strong nutrition foundation for Uganda’s development. • INDONESIA • Cash transfer programmes to protect poor families are scaling up and are being linked to the delivery of nutrition services.
Making progress - examples • Increasing Resources and Monitoring Implementation 4 MALI All regions of Mali received funding for nutrition in 2012. • TANZANIA • The Ministry of Finance now includes planning and budgeting for nutrition at level of national and local authorities. • GUATEMALA • The national Zero Hunger plan was launched with a specific budget line for addressing undernutritionduring the 1,000 days between pregnancy and a child’s second birthday.
Tracking and reporting impact Establishing targets to measure impact: Countries are encouraged to establish their own targets for nutrition goals in the following areas: • Universal access to affordable nutritious food, clean water, sanitation, healthcare and social protection • Increased adoption of practices that contribute to good nutrition (such as exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life) • Optimal growth of children, demonstrated as reduced levels of stunting (low height for age) and wasting (low weight for height) • Improved micronutrient status, especially in women and children, demonstrated as reduced levels of micronutrient deficiency Annual SUN Movement Progress Report: Released in September each year by the SUN Movement Secretariat, the report provides updates on progress in achieving the Movement’s goals and strategic objectives.
Supporting global impact Together, countries and supporting stakeholders are collectively working to reach the global targets set out by the World Health Assembly 2012 Resolution: • 40% reduction of the global number of children under 5 who are stunted Target 1: • 50% reduction of anemia in women of reproductive age Target 2: Target 3: • 30% reduction of low birth weight • Increase exclusive breastfeeding rates in the first 6 months up to at least 50% Target 4: Target 5: • No increase in childhood overweight Target 6: • Reducing and maintaining childhood wasting to less than 5%
SUN principlesof engagement Be transparent about impact: all stakeholders to transparently and honestly demonstrate the impact of collective action. Be inclusive: through open multi-stakeholder partnerships that bring proven solutions and interventions to scale. act in line with a commitment to uphold the equity and rights of all women, men and their children. Be rights-based: Be willing to negotiate: when conflicts arise, as can be expected with diverse partners working together, hold the intention to resolve conflicts and reach a way forward. Be mutually accountable: act so all stakeholders feel responsible for and are held collectively accountable to the joint commitments. Be cost effective: establish priorities on evidenced-based analysis of what will have the greatest and most sustainable impact for the least cost. to learn and adapt through regular sharing of the relevant critical lessons, what works and what does not, across sectors, countries and stakeholders. Be continuously communicative:
The SUN Movement evolves. The way forward. The Movement grows to 33 countries & a high-level group of 27 international leaders are appointed to the SUN Lead Group & endorse the SUN Movement Strategy for 2012-2015 SUN builds momentum and commitment for scaling up nutrition – 19 countries join the Movement. SUN Framework for Action is developed & endorsed by over 100 global entities – establishing the foundation for the Movement. 2012 2011 In 2013, SUN will focus on mobilizing resources behind national movements, to achieve measurable progress & impact. 2010
The SUN Movement is growing in numbers & strength 100+ global stakeholders areproviding support to 40 countries with the opportunity to reach 80million stunted children
Together…. We are revealing what has been hidden to all. We are making healthier & stronger societies. Our goal is a better world for all …especially our children Thank you
How has stunting been reduced? References and Technical Notes • Slide 4 – Why Nutrition The Facts: UNICEF-WHO-The World Bank: Joint child malnutrition estimates - Levels and trends. Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition • Slide 6 – A Smart Investment: Lawrence Haddad. Child Growth=Sustainable Economic Growth: Why we should invest in Nutrition. May 2013 • Slide 7- Experts Agree: Copenhagen Consensus: Solving the world’s challenges. May 2012 • Slides 19 and 32- SUN Countries’ success in reducing stunting: Demographic data is based on World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision and the stunting prevalence figures are based on most recent national surveys (i.e. Demographic and Household Surveys, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and other national surveys). The Average Annual Rate of Reduction (AARR) is the statistical method used to quantify the rate of change of the stunting prevalence from 2000 to 2012 and is based on UNICEF’s AARR technical note (http://www.childinfo.ort/files/Technical_Note_AARR.pdf )