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I. Define terms Ethnicity - ID with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth Race - ID with a group of people who share a biological ancestor
I. Define terms • Ethnicity - ID with a group of people • who share the cultural traditions of a particular • homeland or hearth • Race - ID with a group of people who share a biological ancestor • Nationality – ID with group of people who share legal attachment and allegiance to particular country • Difficulty in distinguishing race and ethnicity Chapter 7 – Ethnicity & Race
U.S. Ethnic Regions • Hispanic/Latino - 16% • African Americans – 13% • Asians- 5% • Native Americas - 1%
E. Smaller – “ethnic islands” Cajuns, Amish… Mardi Gras in Mamou
III. Ethnic Neighborhoods (urban) A. Development Chain migration B. Change over time acculturation assimilation
C. NYC - neighborhoods • Japan – Burakumen • and Google
IV. Ethnicity and Conflict • A. Centrifugal force – “ethnic cleansing” • Examples • Rwanda– Hutu and Tutsi • Iraq- Kurds
V. Race A. Define B. Geographical importance 2010 Census – 15 categories Mobile, AL (2010 Census)
Mobile – 2000 Census African American pop Mobile Public Schools
Race/ethnicity in American cities Chicago New York Red = white; Blue=black; Orange=Hispanic; Green - Asian
C. African Americans • Migration out of south – “Great Migration” • Rise of ghettos – blockbusting, "white flight” • 3. Racial segregation (US) • Jim Crow laws • Detroit
African American Migration in the U.S., 20th century Fig. 7-8: 20th century African American migration within the U.S. consisted mainly of migration from the rural south to cities of the Northeast, Midwest, and West.
Jim Crow laws Flood of 1927
African Americans in Baltimore Fig. 7-9: Areas with 90% African American population in Baltimore expanded from a core area northwest of downtown in the 1950s.