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GLE Awareness Session. Spring 2004 Rhode Island Department of Education. To teach all students, we must teach each student. Kame’enui (2002). Goals of this Training:. Explain history of grade level expectations (GLEs) Explain grade level expectations
GLE Awareness Session Spring 2004 Rhode Island Department of Education
To teach all students,we must teach each student. Kame’enui (2002)
Goals of this Training: • Explain history of grade level expectations (GLEs) • Explain grade level expectations • Discuss the purpose of and use of GLEs • Identify and discuss GLE implementation plan
A Short History • 1983 A Nation at Risk • 1990 States develop frameworks • State assessments align with frameworks • Development of state accountability systems • NCLB Requirements
What is the New England Compact? • Coordinated efforts to address NCLB by Commissioners of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont • New England Compact developed New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Grade Level Expectations for grades 2-8 (NH, RI, and VT)
What are Grade Level Expectations? • Content and skills students need to know and be able to do at a specific grade
Mathematics Strands • Number and Operation • Geometry and Measurement • Functions and Algebra • Data, Statistics, and Probability
Mathematics M–DSP–4–2 Analyzes patterns, trends, or distributions in data in a variety of contexts by determining or usingmeasures of central tendency (median or mode), or range. M–DSP–5–2Analyzes patterns, trends, or distributions in data in a variety of contexts by determining or using measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) or range to analyze situations,or to solve problems. Stem (bolded) Field Strand Grade stem # Differences between adjacent grades (underlined)
Reading Clusters • Word Identification Skills and Strategies • Vocabulary Strategies and Breadth of Vocabulary • Initial Understanding of Literary Texts • Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Texts, Citing Evidence • Initial Understanding of Informational Text • Analysis and Interpretation of Informational Text, Citing Evidence
R-2-1.1: Applies word identification and decoding strategies by..Identifying regularly spelled multi-syllabic words, by using knowledge of sounds, syllable types, or word patterns (including most common spellings for consonants and vowels, e.g. knot, catch, float, fight; or common suffixes) Reading grade Stem (bolded) bullet # Stem # Field R-3-1.1: Applies word identification and decoding strategies by..Identifying regularly spelled multi-syllabic words, by using knowledge of sounds, syllable types, or word patterns (including prefixes, suffixes, or variant spellings for consonants or vowels, e.g. bought) Differences between adjacent grades (underlined)
Writing Clusters • Structures of Language • Writing in Response to Literary or Informational Text • Narratives • Informational Writing • Writing Conventions
Writing grade Stem # Stem – the BIG idea field Differences between this grade and the prior grade are underlined Specific indicators for assessment at this grade
What are the four mathematics strands? What do the conjunctions “and”, “or”, and “orsc” mean? How many stems are there in the Data, Statistics, and Probability strand? What types of representations will students use to organize and display data in grade 3? What are the six reading content clusters? Which Reading GLE is only assessed at the end of grades 2, 3, and 4? What are the five writing content clusters? What are the three modes of writing that will be assessed at grades 5 and 8? Mathematics Reading/Writing
A Set of GLEs Focused, coherent, and developmentally appropriate instruction without narrowing the curriculum
Grade Level Expectations Provide Clear Expectations to: • Develop common state assessments • Develop local assessments • Support the development of district curricula
NECAP • New England Common Assessment Program New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island common assessment.
Comprehensive Assessment System Informal and formal data about student learning not only shape instruction but also determine its effectiveness.Tomlinson (Feb. 2003)
Building Blocks of the NECAP Assessment • NECAP GLEs • Distribution of emphasis across the content strands • Depth of Knowledge (Webb) • Universal Design – all kids
Distribution of Emphasis for Mathematics Assessment 2(3) indicates end of grade 2 tested beginning of grade 3
Building Blocks of the NECAP Assessment • NECAP GLEs • Distribution of emphasis across the content strands • Depth of Knowledge (Webb) • Universal Design – all kids
Levels of Depth of Knowledgeby Norman Webb • Level 1 Recall • Level 2 Skill/Concept • Level 3 Strategic Thinking • Level 4 Extended Thinking
Elements of Universally Designed Assessments • Inclusive assessment population • Precisely defined constructs • Accessible, non-biased items • Amenable to accommodations
4.5 Example 1: Missouri Grade 4 1999 Release Task Amy, Eric, and Kayla decide to share a pie that costs $7.50. The 3 friends will split the cost of the pie equally. Eric used his calculator to find how much each of them should pay. The calculator display shows Eric’s answer. Eric got $4.50 for an answer. Is $4.50 a reasonable answer? In the box below, explain why you think Eric’s answer is or is not reasonable
Revised item – Simultaneously dealing with language, context, and the mathematical construct being assessed. Three friends buy a pie for $7.50. They split the cost of the pie equally. Your classmate says, “Each friend should pay $4.50.” Should each friend pay $4.50? Explain why or why not.
Maintaining Congruence Among Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA) CURRICULUM GLEs ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTION
RIDE Responsibilities • Develop GLEs for grades K and 1 • Develop Grade Span Expectations for 9/10 and 11/12 • Develop local GLEs • Pilot Assessments in Fall ’04 • Implement NECAP (New England Comprehensive Assessment Program)
District Responsibilities • Identify members of your District GLE Team • Develop a System to implement GLEs • Crosswalk the state GLEs with existing curricula • Plan to provide professional development in GLEs • Use GLEs to inform your initiatives (PLP) • Review your local assessment system
RIDE Support • Professional Development • Spring 2004 • For District Teams • To support GLEs and their impact on schools • Technical Assistance
Field Test Fall 2004 • Reading • Writing • Mathematics • Every school, every grade • Every child will participate in one subject area
State Assessment Beginning 2005 - 2006 • Reading and Mathematics Grades 3 - 8 One year in high school • Writing Grades 5 and 8 Beginning 2007-2008 • Science • Elementary, middle and high school