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Module 4: Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting. Module 4 Content. Overview of DRGR Open an Account Action Plans Drawdowns Quarterly Reports. Overview. What is DRGR? How does info flow in DRGR?. Overview—What is DRGR?.
Module 4 Content Overview of DRGR Open an Account Action Plans Drawdowns Quarterly Reports
Overview What is DRGR? How does info flow in DRGR?
Overview—What is DRGR? DRGR is an online computer system for HUD staff and grantees. Grantees can use DRGR to: • Submit information on activities funded under Action Plans (APs) and Amendments • Group and track activities by Projects • Create and approve vouchers to draw down funding for activities as needed • Submit Quarterly Performance Reports (QPRs) HUD staff can review and comment on DRGR APs and QPRs
Submitted – Await for Review DRAFT Original in Progress SUBMIT DRGR ACTION PLAN / REPORTING PROCESS Grantee HUD Action Plan Q P R
Submitted – Await for Review DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress SUBMIT / EDIT Modified – Resubmit When Ready DRGR ACTION PLAN / REPORTING PROCESS Grantee HUD Action Plan Q P R
Submitted – Await for Review DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress SUBMIT / EDIT APPROVE Modified – Resubmit When Ready Reviewed and Approved DRGR ACTION PLAN / REPORTING PROCESS Grantee HUD Action Plan Q P R
Submitted – Await for Review DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress SUBMIT / EDIT APPROVE Modified – Resubmit When Ready Reviewed and Approved DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress DRGR ACTION PLAN / REPORTING PROCESS Grantee HUD Action Plan Q P R
Submitted – Await for Review DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress SUBMIT SUBMIT / EDIT APPROVE Modified – Resubmit When Ready Reviewed and Approved DRAFT REJECT Rejected – Await for Modification Original in Progress / EDIT APPROVE Modified – Resubmit When Ready Submitted – Await for Review Reviewed and Approved DRGR ACTION PLAN / REPORTING PROCESS Grantee HUD Action Plan Q P R
Requesting a Grantee DRGR Account Send following information to CPD Field Office staff: • User Name • Grantee • Address, Phone/Fax, and Email • 6-digit number you can remember • Your roles (a) Grantee System Admin, (b) Request or Approve Drawdowns CPD Field Office staff will forward authorized requests to DRGR_Help@hud.gov
Logon to DRGR https://drgr.hud.gov/DRGRWeb/
DRGR Release 6.3 Jan 2009Unique User ID and PWs assigned and managed by HUD HQ DRGR staffDRGR Release 6.4 July 2009HUD Single Sign-on - User ID and PWs assigned and managed across HUD systems
Use Main Navigation Bar to Select ModuleUse Module Navigation Menu links to select screensUse Page Help on Right or Help Index on Left
Main Navigation Bar vs. Module Links Link only shows for Grantee Admin Users Links show for ALL Grantee Users Search Voucher – Link shows for ALL Users Other Links – Only for Users with Draw Rights Link shows for ALL Grantee Users
DRGR SYSTEM TIPS • Navigate using DRGR Links • Never use browser’s BACK button • Logout using the Logout link in Utilities • System times out after 20 minutes • Save early, save often • NSP grant numbers have “N” in 5th digit • Example: B-08-UN-24-0110
ACTION PLAN – KEY STEPS Add Plan/Confirm Grant Enter Narrative on Community-Level Needs Add/Edit Projects Add/Edit Activities
ACTION PLAN NARRATIVES DRGR Release 6.3 Jan 2009: DisasterDamage and Recovery Needs DRGR Release 6.4 July 2009: Appropriation Specific Narratives- Including NSP. Basic formatting – Bold, Italic, Underline, Bullets
DRGR PROJECTS VS. ACTIVITIES • Separate DRGR activities are required if there are any subawards, separate national objectives, DRGR activity types, or multifamily properties. • Projects are used to group activities by categories such as major programs outlined in Disaster Recovery Action Plan (Housing, Econ. Devt, Infrastructure) or eligible use categories for NSP. • Projects are entered first. Activities are entered second since they must be assigned to projects.
PROJECT & ACTIVITY SET-UP There are two main paths and a variation on the 2nd path available to grantees in setting up projects: • Path 1 – Grantees that have not yet entered any project-level data in the DRGR system, but know all their project and activity budgets. • Path 2 – Grantees that have the grant amount in the “Bucket” or “Restricted Balance” project budget • Variation – Grantees primarily states and urban counties making competitive awards, but have not made selections yet.
Path 1: Create project budgets first and assign each activity added to a project. Path 2 – Activities can be assigned to the “Bucket” or “Restricted Balance” project budgets. For any assigned to restricted, your CPD rep will have to work with you to re-assign activities and their budgets to approved projects. Variation – Grantees may include project and activities with know budgets, but will not add activities until these are known. Path 2 and the Variation will use the ADJUST PROJECT BUDGET checkbox on the Edit Activity – Page 1 Screen
New features in DRGR Release 6.4: Edit Activity Page shows blocks by HUD or Grantee System Admin Users
New features in DRGR Release 6.4: Activity Grant Budget has title: Total Budget, Program Funds Select Project button launches SEARCH PROJECT screen
New features in DRGR Release 6.4: Grantee Can View Entire Action Plan with Activity Index by Project # and Download Print Version (PDF)
DRGR DRAWDOWNS Obligate funds to an activity Create a voucher Search for a voucher View a voucher or voucher line item Cancel a voucher line item Revise a voucher line item Approve or reject a voucher line item Revoke approval of a voucher line item Block an activity from drawdowns
Search results Links to additional search results
Information about the selected activity Budget information Enter amount to be obligated
Select the date to submit to LOCCS Click this button to locate the activities to include in the voucher
New fields Enter drawdown amounts Click amounts to see how they were calculated