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Quick Write. When do you think it is justified for a country to go to war? What do you think a country needs in order to be successful in a war? Why do you think World War I was quoted as being “The war to ends all wars”? Was the statement correct? Explain. . Causes of World War I.
Quick Write • When do you think it is justified for a country to go to war? What do you think a country needs in order to be successful in a war? • Why do you think World War I was quoted as being “The war to ends all wars”? Was the statement correct? Explain.
Causes of World War I • There were four MAIN causes of World War I Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI • Militarism= policy of maintaining a large military establishment. • Military spending tripled in Europe during 50 yrs. before war
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI Militarism: • The Great Powers built large standing armies • More money spent on weapons development
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI • Alliances:a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes. –Think “allies” • International tension greatly increased by the division of Europe into two armed camps.
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI Alliances • Triple Allianceor (Central Powers): Germany, Italy and Austria- Hungary VS: • Triple Entente(Allied Countries): Great Britain, France and Russia
Causes of World War I - Alliances Triple Entente: Triple Alliance: Great Britain Germany Austria-Hungary France Tension Italy Russia
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI • Imperialism:the policy of extending the rule of an empire by acquiring colonies • These countries competed for economic expansion in Africa & Asia.
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI Imperialism • An increase in rivalry among strong nations • Great Britain, Germany and France competed for foreign markets
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI • Nationalism= devotion &loyalty to one's own nation • Extreme pride led to disputes among Great Powers
The M.A.I.N Cause of WWI Nationalism • The desire to unite all the people of a nation under a single government • Many groups wanted to create or expand nation-states
Balkan Peninsula • Balkan Peninsula known as “the powder keg of Europe” because: • Ethnic rivalries among Balkan peoples • Big countries have economic, political interests there
What Sparked the War? Assassination • Europe reached its breaking point on June 28, 1914 • Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia
Who Did it? Assassination • He was killed by a Serbian nationalist—GavriloPrincipbelonging to an organization known as the Black Hand. • Germany pledged its full support to Austria-Hungary, pressuring them to declare war on Serbia
HEY!! You can’t let Serbia disrespect you like that. What should I do? Declare WAR!! We got your back.
What Sparked the War? You do as I say OR ELSE!!!! Assassination • Austria-Hungary issued Serbia an ultimatumto allow Austria to investigate and persecute any Serbian in connection to the assassination • This was known as the July Ultimatum • Ultimatum= one party threatens harmful action to another party if the other party rejects its proposals
Explosive Elements of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Assassination WWI
World War 1 begins 1914 As a result of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, expects short war • Alliance system pulls several nations into war
What is the Proper Course of Action? Woodrow Wilson’s Predicaments
Scenario 1: 1914 • War breaks out in Europe between two great alliance systems called Alliance A and Alliance B. The disputed issues have nothing to do with the United States. Both A and B want to buy American goods. What should the United States do?
What actually happens • America remains Neutral (not favoring either side), but in turn tries to trade “fairly” with both sides. • Public opinion favors Isolationism • Isolationism:is the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances
Scenario 2 • Alliance A Germanyattacks Belgium and quickly defeats its smallneutral nation. Gruesome stories appear in American newspapers about the atrocities committed by Alliance A against the people of the defeated country. • What should the US do?
America remains Neutral and Isolationist • America continued its policy of neutrality and isolation. • When news of trench warfare and the horrors associated with it reached the shores of America, it confirmed to the government that they had adopted the right approach. • Their approach had the full support of the majority of Americans – many of whom could not believe that a civilized entity called Europe could descend into such depths as were depicted by trench warfare and the futility associated with such a strategy.
Scenario 3 • Britain stops US ships and confiscates goods that will be purchased by Germany. Alliance B ignores formal complaints by the US. • What should the US do?
America remained Neutral and isolationist but filed a formal complaint • The British—with their overwhelming sea power—established a naval blockade of Germany • The British prohibited American trade with the Central powers, and in early November 1914 declared the North Sea to be a War Zone, with any ships entering the North Sea doing so at their own risk.
Because the British blockaded the Germans, America had difficulty trading with the Germans which caused the Americans to trade more with the British. – However, the Germans did not like that USA (who was now an imperialized nation that could produce lots of goods) was now favoring trade with the British. As a result the Germans adopted the policy known as unrestricted submarine warfare where they would try to sink ships without warning.
Scenario 4 • The year is 1915 and you are President Woodrow Wilson. • Alliance B (Britain) blockades the ports of Alliance A (Germany). In desperation, Germany uses submarines to attack all ships sailing to and from the ports of Britain (unrestricted submarine warfare). • A German submarine sinks a luxury liner belonging to Britain known as the Lusitania in 1915. Over one thousand passengers drown, including 100 vacationing Americans. Alliance A brags about its actions. What should the US do?
Options: • A: Enter into the war for the allies to attack the Germans—Triple Alliance (Central Powers) • B: Remain neutral—it was just a luxury liner and not even yours • C: Demand that Germany no longer attack passenger ships—like the Lusitania • D: Try to broker a stalemate (agreement not to fight between both sides)
What actually happened • President Woodrow Wilson insisted that "America is too proud to fight" but demanded an end to attacks on passenger ships. • Germany said they would comply • They didn’t • Wilson unsuccessfully tried to mediate a settlement. • This did not work • He also repeatedly warned that the U.S.A. would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, in violation of international law. • Former president Theodore Roosevelt denounced German acts as "piracy". • Wilson was narrowly reelected in 1916 as his supporters emphasized "he kept us out of war".
Scenario 5 • The year is 1916. You are still President Woodrow Wilson. • The German navy continues to practice “Unrestricted Submarine Warfare” in the Atlantic Ocean and have sunken several of your ships (as well as the cruise ship Lusitania), killing a few hundred American citizens. • Some people in your Democratic Party still believe the US should remain neutral…”why jeopardize the lives of tens of thousands of innocent youths?” they say. Many people are starting to wonder what your plan is… • Again, you are speaking to the nation by radio this evening. What do you announce?
Public Opinion shifts to pro-war • With Germany continuing to sink American vessels, public opinion started to shift in the direction that America should enter WWI to support the Triple Entente and fight the Triple Alliance.
Scenario 6 • Hello again, President Wilson. It’s now 1917. • Your intelligence department has just intercepted the “Zimmerman Telegram,” a note sent from Germany to Mexico proposing a military alliance against the US. The note essentially asks Mexico to invade the United States in an effort to keep them out of the war in Europe. The public again turns to you. • What do you say in your radio announcement?
What actually happened-- • After the sinking of seven U.S. merchant ships by submarines and the publication of the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson called for war on Germany, which the U.S. Congressdeclared on 6 April 1917.