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LIFE OF MUHAMMAD ( pbuh ):. Introduction:. “Indeed, in the messenger of Allah, you have for you, the best example.” (33 : 21) “We sent you (Muhammad) not but as a blessing for the universe”. (21 : 107)
Introduction: • “Indeed, in the messenger of Allah, you have for you, the best example.” (33 : 21) • “We sent you (Muhammad) not but as a blessing for the universe”. (21 : 107) • “He it is who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it conqueror of all religion, however much idolators may be averse.” (16 : 9)
Life of Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example (Uswatun-Hasanah) for us to follow. • He has shown us how to obey Allah, the lord of the Universe. • Allah says in Quran : “say (O Muhammad), if you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins, Allah is forgiving and Merciful.” (3 : 31)
Muhammad’s (pbuh) duty, according to the Quran, was to make Islam supreme over all other systems of life. • “It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it.” (61 : 9) • “It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to menfest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.” (48 : 28)
Say, “My Lord has only forbidden immoralities – what is apparent of them and what is concealed – and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know.” (7 : 33)
Say, “ I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. SO whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his lord anyone.”
Birth and Childhood: • Muhammad (pbuh) was born into the nobel tribe of the Quraish in Makkah. Arabia, in 571 CE. • His father, Abdullah, died before his birh and Aminah (RA), his mother, died when he was only six. • After the death of his mother ,his grandfather, Abdul Muttlib, looked after him. From early childhood. • His grandfather died when he was only eight years old, so Muhammad was then looked after by his uncle, Abu Talib, a leader of the Quraish.
He was named by his grandfather. Someone asked Hazrat Abdul Mutalib about the name he said: “I have named him Muhammad so that his name may be praised on the earth and in the heavens.” • Muhammad means praiseworthy.
A Business Trip to Syria: • Muhammad (pbuh) at the age of twelve went on business trip to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib. • When their caravan reached Busra in Syria, a Christian priest called Bahira invited them to a dinner. • Bahira knew that the boy Muhammad (pbuh) was going to be a prophet in the future.He advised Abu Talib to take special care of his nephew.
Teenager and the Battle of Fujjar: • When Muhammad (pbuh) was fifteen, a local war broke out during the Hajj season between the tribes of Quraish and Hawazian. • Upon the initiative of Az-Zubair, Muhammad’s (pbuh) uncle, a meeting was called at the house of Abdullah Ibn Judan, who was an influential and wealthy person
Hilf-ul-Fudul (alliance for charity): • Formed at the meeting to help oppressed, the poor and the needy. • Muhammad (pbuh) took following oath: “I uphold the pact concluded in my presence when Ibn Judan gave us a great banquet. Should it ever be invoked, I shall immediately rise to answer the call.” • The participation of Muhammad pbuh in Hilf-ul-Fudul is a proof of his concern and interest in welfare activites, even in his youth.
Young Shepherd: • Muhammad pbuh was very proud of having spent his boyhood as a shepherd. • He used to say,”Allah sent no prophet who was not a shepherd. Musa (Moses) was a shepherd , Dawud (David) was also a shepherd.”
Marriage: • Muhammad (pbuh) received an offer from a noble lady named Khadijah to look after her business affairs. • Muhammad (pbuh) accepted the offer and set out for Syria, accompanied by another of her employees called Maysarah. • Muhammad (pbuh) was protected from the heat of the sun by clouds during the trip.
Khadijah (RA) the daughter of khuwailid, was a determined, intelligent and noble woman. • She was deeply impressed by the ability, character and performance of Muhammad (pbuh). • Decided to send the proposal of marriage to Muhammad (pbuh). • He was twenty five years of age when he married. Khadijah (RA) was forty and a widow.
Physical Features: • Handsome man of medium build. • Neither very tall nor short. • Large head, thick black hair. • A wide forehead, heavy eye-brows and large eyes with long eye lashes. • Fine nose., well placed teeth, a thick beard, a long hand some neck and wide chest and shoulders. • Skin was light coloured and had thick palms and feet. • His eyes gave the feeling of the authority of a commander.
Rebuilding Al-Kabah: • The Kahbah needed repair after a sudden flood. • The task was divided among the four tribes of the Quraish. • Muhammad pbuh took active part in the work. • The rebuilding progressed and the walls were raised until it was time to place the Black Stone Al-hajarul’Aswad on the east wall of the Kabah.
Placing of Holy Stone: • Who should have the honour of placing this Holy stone in its place. • The situation was tense and there was almost possibiltiy of civil war over the issue. • Abu Ummayyah said “let the first man to enter the gate of the mosque next morning decide the matter in dispute among us.”
What a pleasant surprise! The first man to enter the mosque was Muhammad (pbuh) ! All the people shouted in a chorus, “This is the trust worthy one (Al-Amin), this is Muhammad (pbuh).”
Search for the Truth: • Muhammad (pbuh) used to retreat in seclusion and solitude to a cave, in mount Nur very often. • Muhammad pbuh got quite fed upwith existing social and political systems. • In the month of Ramadan Allah, the lord of the universe, favoured Muhammad (pbuh) with his blessings – the first revelation of Quran.
Receiving the Truth: • Muhammad (pbuh) had reached the age of forty when, one night while meditating in his mountain retreat in Hira during Ramadan, an angel appeared before him. • “Read!” said the angel. • “I am not a reader.” replied Muhammad (pbuh)
First revealed verses of the Quran: • “Read in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clot of blood. Read, your Lord is most Generous. Who taught by the pen. Taught man what he did not know.” (96:1-5)
Muhammad (pbuh) rushed home in panic and sat close to Khadijah (RA) .Muhammad (pbuh) told her all that happen. • “Rejoice, O son of my uncle, and be of good heart. Surely by him in whose hand is Khadijah’s soul, I have hope that you will be the prophet of his people. You have never done any wrong to anyone. You are kind to others and you help the poor. So Allah will not let you down.”
Warqah Bin Nawfal: • Khadijah took Muhammad (pbuh) to her cousin Warqah Bin Nawfal, who was a christian. • He said,” this is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Jibrail) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out.”
Second Revelation: • “O you who lie wrapped in your mantle, arise and warn! Glorify your Lord. Purify yourself. Give up uncleanliness. Give not in order to have more in return. For the sake of your Lord, endure patiently.”
Islamic Movement begins: • The revelation marked the beginning of Muhammad’s (pbuh) role as a messenger of Allah. • First- Khadijah (RA), Muhammad’s pbuh wife, accept Islam: second – Ali (RA), his cousin: third – Zaid (RA), his household servent. Outside the household, it was Abu Bakr (RA)
Islamic Movement becomes public: • Three years after the revelation, Allah commanded the Prophet. • “Proclaim what you have been ordered and turn away from the polytheists.” (15:94)
The Prophet on Mount Safa: • Muhammad pbuh climbed on the top of As-Safa and shouted to the people. • “O men of Quraish, if I were to tell you that I see an army ready to attack on the other side of the mountain, would you believe me?” • They answered , “Yes, why not? We trust you and never found you telling a lie.”
Muhammad (pbuh) said,” know then, that I am warner and that I warn you of serve punishment. O Banu Abdul Muttalib! O Banu Abd Manaf! O Banu Zuhrah! O Banu Taim! O Banu Makhzum! O Banu Asad! Allah has commanded me to warm you, my nearest kinsmen, that I can assure you of good on this earth and in heaven if you declare that there is no god but Allah.”
Abu Lahab: • He said ,“Damn you! Did you assemble us for this?” • Allah revealed, “ May the hands of Abu Lahab perish; doomed he is. His wealth and his properties shall nat save him. He shall be thrown into a flaming fire of hell.”
Hostility begins: • Quraish asked Abu Talib to with draw his support from Muhammad pbuh • Muhammad pbuh said • “ O my uncle, by Allah, if they put the sun in right hand and the moon in my left, and ask me to give up my mission, I shall not do it until Allah has made it victorious or I perish therein!” • Abu Talib said “Go and say what you please for, by Allah, I shall never withdraw my support from you.”
Utbah Bin Rabiah: (a leader of quraish) • He suggested,”If what you want is money, we will gather for you our property, so the you may be the richest of us; if you want honour, we will make you our chief, so that no-one can decide anything apart from you; if you want sovereignty, we will make you king.”
Year of Sorrow: • Death of Abu Talib. • Death of Hazrat Khadijah (RA). • Taif – the most difficut day.
Al-Miraj (The Ascent): • Memorial event for the Prophet pbuh. • Majesty of Allah. • Five times daily prayers were laid down for muslims at the time of Miraj.
First covenant of Al-Aqabah:Seconds covenant of Al-Aqabah: • Madinite Muslims said,” We take him (the Prophet) despite all threats to property, wealth andlife. Tell us, O Prophet of Allah, what will be our reward if we remain true to this oath?” • The Prophet answered,”Paradise.”
Emigration to Madinah: • Muslims left there homes for the sake of Allah and his pleasure. • The Muslims of Madinah are known as Ansar (helpers) and those of Makkah (emigrants).
The Hijrah of the Prophet: • Muhammad (pbuh) secretly left Makkah one night in 622 CE with Abu Bakar RA. • They stayed in the cave known as Thawr, for three days. The first residence of Prophet pbuh was house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari.
The Prophet In Madinah • Ansar and Muhajirum. • Construction of mosque in Madinah. • Muhammad pbuh himself took part in the construction as an ordinary labourer.
The Battle of Badr: (17 Ramadan) • Small army of three hundred and thirteen people. • Encounter between two armies took place on the 17th of Ramadan. • “Truth prevails, falsehood vanishes.” (17:18)
The Battle of Uhud: (5 Shawwal) • Makkans were thirsty of revenge. • Army of three thousand strong, including two hundred horsemen. • Command of ‘Abdullah Bin Jubair. • Khalid Bin Walid the Makkan commander. • Prophet pbuh was injured.
The Battle of Ahzab: • Salman Ali Farsi, A Persian Muslim, advised digging trenches around the city to hold the enemy hordes outside. • It took twenty days to complete digging. • Changed weather made the enemy flee in disarray.
Hudaibiyah Agreement: • Prophet pbuh announced his intention for short pilgrimage (Umrah). • Hudaibiyah. • Quraish made it issue of prestige and pride. • Agreement was apparently against the Muslms. • News of victory by Allah: “Surely we have granted you a clear victory.” (48:1)
The Conquest of Makkah: • Bnu Bakar attacked Banu Khuzaah • Hudaibiyah treaty declared null and void. • Prophet pbuh declared a general amnesty for the entire community of Makkah. • The Prophet pbuh stayed in Makkah until the 6th Shawal in the eight year of the Hijrah.
The Farewell address: • Farewell speech at Arafat. • This speech was one of the most memorable in the whole history of Islam. • “Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as the way of your life.”(5:3)
The Sad News: • Back in Madinah, the Prophet pbuh was taken ill. • “Muhammad is but a messenger and messenger have passed away before him. Will it be that when he dies or is slain you will turn back on your heels? He who turns back does no harm to Allah and Allah will reward the thankful.”(3:144) • 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal, 11 AH at age of sixty-three.