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四六级听力考前指导 四六级考前写作框架预测

四六级听力考前指导 四六级考前写作框架预测. 文都 谭剑波. 文都教育淘宝店: http://bjwendu.taobao.com. 第一部分 听力. 文都教育淘宝店: http://bjwendu.taobao.com. 第一讲 有关四六级听力的几个问题 问题1:完全听懂听力能做对全部吗? 问题2:听懂30%能做对多少? 问题3:如果完全听不懂能做对吗?多少? 问题4:听力的最高境界是什么?. 文都教育淘宝店: http://bjwendu.taobao.com. 第二讲 不听就做对 (注:本讲义所有例题都来自真题,举例只是举例)

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四六级听力考前指导 四六级考前写作框架预测

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  1. 四六级听力考前指导 四六级考前写作框架预测 文都 谭剑波 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  2. 第一部分 听力 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  3. 第一讲 有关四六级听力的几个问题 问题1:完全听懂听力能做对全部吗? 问题2:听懂30%能做对多少? 问题3:如果完全听不懂能做对吗?多少? 问题4:听力的最高境界是什么? 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  4. 第二讲 不听就做对 (注:本讲义所有例题都来自真题,举例只是举例) 一、求同灭异法 A 90 B 89 C19 排除谁? 例1. A. He is an experienced sales manager. B. He is being interviewed for a job. C. He is a close friend of the woman. D. He is good at answering tricky questions. 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  5. 二、绝对词排除法 all, completely, totally,the most, the best A) She sold all her furniture before she moved house. B) She still keeps some old furniture in her new house. C) She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement. D) She bought a new set of furniture from Italy last month. 注:有all的一般都排除,一般。 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  6. 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com A) She has completely recovered.  B) She went into shock after an operation.  C) She is still in a critical condition. D) She is getting much better. 注意这些词前面的修饰,一旦修饰就“相对”了。 Not all…. Not everyone is… Most of them never …

  7. 三、和谐乐观原则 例1. A) She enjoys making up stories about other people.   B) She can never keep anything to herself for long.   C) She is eager to share news with the woman.   D) She is the best informed woman in town. 例2. A) She used to be in poor health. B) She was popular among boys. C) She was somewhat overweight. D) She didn’t do well at high school. 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  8. 四、通过前后题目逻辑推测答案 19. A. A notice by the electricity board B. Ads promoting electric appliances C. The description of a thief in disguise D. A new policy on pensioners’ welfare 20. A. Speaking with a proper accent B. Wearing an official uniform C. Making friends with them D. Showing them his ID 21. A. To be on the alert when being followed B. Not to leave senior citizens alone at home C. Not to let anyone in without an appointment D. To watch out for those from the electricity board 22. A. She was robbed near the parking lot B. All her money in the bank disappeared C. The pension she had just drawn was stolen D. She was knocked down in the post office 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  9. 五、 长对话听啥选啥:85% 选同意替换:15% 9. A) To look for a job as a salesperson.B) To have a talk with Miss Thompson.C) To place an order for some products.D) To complain about a faulty appliance. 10. A) The person in charge is not in the office.B) The supplies are out of stock for the moment.C) They failed to reach an agreement on the price.D) The company is re-cataloguing the items. 11. A) 0743, 12536 extension 15.B) 0734, 21653 extension 51.C) 0734, 38750 extension 15.D) 0743, 62135 extension 51.

  10. W. Sales Department. Can I help you? • M. Oh, yes, l hope so. My name is kings Bre of GPF Limited. We need some supplies for our design office. • W: l see. What sort of things are you looking for, Mr. Kings Bre? • M: Well, first of all, we need one complete new drawing board. • W: Well, in the standard range, we have the DO44 and the DO45 models. • M: Oh, what’s the different between them? • W: Well, the DO45 has its own mending system and it does cost slightly more as a result. • M: So what’s the total price? • W: For the D045 it’s£387.50 • M: And does that include the value added tax? • W: Oh, yes! 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  11. M: can you tell me how long it takes to deliver? • W:I can’t give a definite date now, I’m afraid, because it depends on the other orders we have to get out. but it will certainly be within 3weeks. • M: OK, now we also want some drawing paints, ink and correcting fluid, and some drawing office supplies…but the person in charge isn’t here this morning, I’m afraid. But I could ask her to give you a ring this. This afternoon if you like. • M: Oh, yes, thank you • W: What’s your telephone number? • M: It’s reading …that is code 0734,21653 extension 51. • W: OK, I’ll get Miss Thompson to ring you this afternoon. Now would you like me to place an order for one D045 drawing board? • M: Yes, please. You’ve been most helpful. Good-bye. • W: Goodbye! 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

  12. 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com 短对话听啥不选啥:90% 选啥? 同意替换的说明: 1. Know与knowledge,二者依然是同意替换关系。 2. English learning和how to learn English 仍然是同意替换。 3. 被动语态和主动语态的转换也属于同意替换。The dog is kissed. I kiss the dog. 4. 锁定两项是答案来源时,如果两项中都有共同短语,不可以听啥不选啥。

  13. 例1. A. The woman is now working in a kindergarten B. The man will soon start a business of his own C. The man would like to be a high school teacher D. The woman is going to major in child education M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administration. W: But I’d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  14. 例2. A. The furniture has to be rearranged B. The conference room has to be cleaned. C. The sound equipment has to be set up. D. The video machine has to be checked. W: Is everything ready for the conference? M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers. They'll be here in a few minutes. Q: What preparations have yet to be made?

  15. 例 3. A. The woman is too particular about food B. He would rather have a meal an hour later C. The woman should order her food quickly D. He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches W: I'm not sure what I’m in a mood for. Ice-cream or sandwiches? They are both really good here. M: The movie starts in an hour. And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision. Q: What does the man mean?

  16. 第三讲 四六级听力备考的三个策略 1. 最后两天背哪些单词? Englishthe most important factor in deciding which are in the future. 2.听力真题该如何对待?模拟题做不做? 总结:多而不精,不精则乱。 3. 听力的预读时间安排 1)写作提前写完(挤出几分钟看题:长对话,短文) 2)directions 3)题目之间的空隙 注:是否能够迅速预读,取决于对简单单词的敏感度。

  17. 第二部分 写作

  18. 第一讲 写作的形式、内容、思想 1. 谁更重要? 2. 形式分为哪些要素? 1)字数、段落 2)整洁 3)少犯低级错误 主时名介冠单词 3. 内容分为哪些要素 1)核心写作词汇 (举例说明) 2)核心写作句型

  19. 第二讲 考前必用十大句型 (本次考试用其中五个,可以增加40分) 1. As is depicted by the picture, sb. is doing sth, doing sth., showing the importance/harm of doing sth. 2. This picture reflects a common phenomenon that an increasing number of people are paying close/little or no attention to the importance/negative influence of doing sth.

  20. 3. That we must take steps to enhance the awareness of doing sth./being+ adj. is a common practice. 4. There is no denying in saying that sth/to do sth/doing sth/being adj. plays an indispensable role in our personal growth and academic studies/in building a harmonious society and creating a happy and meaningful life.

  21. 5.This famous saying indicates the importance of the quality of being+adj/doing sth, suggesting the necessity of enhancing the awareness of being+adj/doing sth. 6. Only in this way can the problem reflected by the picture/saying be solved.

  22. 7. Currently, with society and economy/culture and information technology/ industry and commerce developing rapidly, an increasing number of people pay little or no attention to the role played by sth/negative influence exerted by sth.

  23. 8.There is no doubt in saying that doing sth/being adj. can, directly or indirectly, to a large degree, bring positive/negative influence on our personal growth and academic progress.

  24. 9.It is high time that we took effective steps to fight against the problem/phenomena reflected by the picture. 10.The role played by ( )can never be neglected due to the fact that without the participation of ( ), we would not succeed in doing sth.

  25. 第三讲 四六级考前话题预测 (预测是什么?)

  26. 社会现象预测 :也可能以名言形式出现。 1.任何与环境保护有关的话题或图画。(图画自己想象) 2. 任何与文化交流和传播有关的话题。比如中文或中国文化在世界的传播,或中西方文化交流的融合。 3. 任何与勤俭节约和浪费有关的图画或名言。这是个时代主题。请大家多多关注。 4. 社会现象另外需要特别注意:大学生做兼职,创业,实践.

  27. 关于名言励志话题: (六级更加要注意,四级也要注意) 1.实践能力与知识的区分以及各自的重要性。 2. 孝敬美德与乐于助人的品质。 3. 友谊就是阳光。 4. 宽容和理解的重要性。 5. 坚韧不拔的意志,乐观心态的重要性。 注:1.以上这些话题可以打腹稿,查词典了解相关表达; 2.所有写作预测详细内容讲解请用电脑百度“谭剑波”在我博客中:“合群的孤独者”。

  28. 作文注意事项: 1. 作文要严格按照要点规定来写,如果规定了两点,自己写第三点。比如“解决措施”、“趋势预测”、“危害影响”等等。 2. 如果是书信作文,则更简单。格式百度看一看。 3. 作文重在平时操练,考前应该写至少三篇找人修改。 找什么样的人修改?

  29. 结语: Learning English is an irresistible global trend. To learn another language is to gain another soul. ---Sir Stanley Baldwin

  30. Good luck, Thank you! 文都教育淘宝店:http://bjwendu.taobao.com

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