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E-Prescribing Software is an alternate solution to paper prescription with more added advantages. Manual filing of records, misinterpretation of medicine name, miscommunication of medicine direction, and frequency are no more.<br>
Why E-Prescribing Software is Used in the Dental Clinic? Day by day more new digital technologies are developed across all the industries. People live through more benefits with help of more automated systems. Clinical doctors have adapted using modern technology in their medical practice to increase satisfaction and treatment efficiencies. E- Prescribing Software is an alternate solution to paper prescription with more added advantages. Manual filing of records, misinterpretation of medicine name, miscommunication of medicine direction, and frequency are no more. Doctors help people by directly send a prescription to pharmacies and this makes a 50% reduced effort for patients in finding medicine in local areas. Advantages of E-Prescribing Software in the Dental Clinic 1.Dental Healthcare professionals are seeing E-Prescribing Software as a tool to streamline their workflow. Dentists use electronic transmission systems to order medicines with pharmacies directly, this has bypassed the traditional process of faxes, phone calls, and preserving paper charts for future. 2.Treatment quality of the dentist is increased. Patient with toothache pain cannot bring all his previous medical records also dentist cannot ask more questions to know previous medical history. With a single click on E-Prescribing Software, consolidated medication list of a patient from different sources are tracked easily. 3.Since more information is available on patient history it is easy for a dentist to select the right medication type. Patients with more medical problems undergo more treatment at the same time so new medicines can crossover each substance. Knowing their current medication habits of the patient speeds up the entire treatment, as a result, both money and time are saved. 4.Automated system supports clinical decisions as medical software have the feature of combining medical information, lab results, and home medication prescribed by other doctors. Drug error can be prevented.
5.At the dental point of care itself, doctors can prescribe the quantity of medicines (type, dosage, frequency). Today, the medicine market is crowded with more medicines with different propositions of substance. A drop-down list is given to select a permitted level of dosage for each tablet. 6.It’s so obvious that doctors’ handwriting is not clear and only habitual people can understand. This stems prescription miscommunication. Front desk staff can accidentally enter duplicate therapies, and wrong code for treatment thus delays insurance reimbursement. E-Prescribing Software has regular updates in the drop-down list where new medicines and banned medicines are visible at the time of prescription thus forcing users to select the right option. E-Prescribing Software enhances patient safety and saves time with an embedded support system to alert potential medication errors by preventing possible mistakes. A dentist can quickly check present drug information against allergy information the proceeds with prescription sending to pharmacies.