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European Network of information centres promotingEnergy Sustainability and CO2

European Network of information centres promotingEnergy Sustainability and CO2 reduction among local COMmunities. Summary. Rationale / background Main objectives Main actions Main outputs Time schedule Partners. Main Contact: Enrico Vegetti

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European Network of information centres promotingEnergy Sustainability and CO2

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  1. European Network of information centres promotingEnergy Sustainability and CO2 reduction among local COMmunities

  2. Summary Rationale / background Main objectives Main actions Main outputs Time schedule Partners Main Contact: Enrico Vegetti Organization: Unione di Comuni Valle del Samoggia Email: evegetti@cm-samoggia.bo.it ; unione@enescom.org

  3. Rationale / background CO2 emissions are still rising every year. While the scientific community* indicates that a concentration of 350 ppm is the safety limit we should try to respect, we are now over 283 ppm with a steady rising trend. We also know that we can’t change this situation by simply concentrating on the CO2 aspect. To produce real change we need to take the whole system into account. The key is a wide awareness-rising process, beginning at the local level. The ENESCOM project employes the Covenant of Mayors and the creation of SEAPs as  starting points from which to engage and enpower administrators and local communities, enabling them to plan their own way out of the challenging situation we face. Our hope is that this approach will produce effects stretching far beyond the 30 months of the project itself. Creativity, ambition, interconnection with other projects, easy access to accurate information, effective tools and a positive vision of the future: all these taken together will provide the conditions that makes change possible, and further dissemination more likely. *“A safe operating space for humanity” - Nature - vol. 461|24 September 2009 - Johan Rockstom and colleagues.

  4. “As chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change I cannot take a position because we do not make recommendations, but as a human being I am fully supportive of that goal [350]. What is happening, and what is likely to happen, convinces me that the world must be really ambitious and very determined at moving toward a 350 target” Rajendra Pachauri IPCC 25th August 2009 France Press: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hacayDuUcngLmhNkplHB5VtG5GNw

  5. *“A safe operating space for humanity” - Nature - vol. 461|24 September 2009 - Johan Rockström and colleagues.

  6. Main objectives • Promotion of information and dissemination activities in order to: • increase the number of EU local communities engaged in the mitigation of climate change through the promotion and adhesion to Covenant of Mayors’ initiative • develop capacity building in energy sustainability and adoption of intelligent local sustainable energy policies (through SEAPs) • promote integration and institutionalization of energy efficiency, saving & use of RES (energy-efficient behaviours/lifestyles) within EU local communities

  7. Main actions: WP1 – Management, cross fertilization among IEE projects WP2 – Baseline analysis of target areas’ energy efficiency and sustainability & first steps towards the Covenant of Mayors WP3 – Covenant of Mayors Agreement, creation of a network of consulting energy front offices (local & regional) WP4 – Local energy front offices consulting and dissemination/awareness raising activities, production of SEAPs WP5 – Monitoring and Evaluation WP6 – Communication and Dissemination WP7 – IEE dissemination activities

  8. Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Local front office Covenant of Mayors Training, awareness raising, laboratories, etc. Regional front office Regional front office Regional front office Local front office Regional front office Regional front office WP7: IEE DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES (30 months) WP6: COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION (30 months) WP4: PROMOTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NETWORK AND COVENANT OF MAYORS’ REQUIREMENTS – THE ACTION PLANS (15 months) WP1: MANAGEMENT (30 months) Sustainable Energy Action Plans Regional front office WP2: ANALYSIS OF THE TARGET AREAS’ ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY AND FIRST STEPS TOWARDS THE COVENANT OF MAYORS (8 months) WP3: COVENANT OF MAYORS AGREEMENT AND NETWORK CREATION AND TRAINING (11 months) WP5: MONITORING AND EVALUATION (28 months) Main actions:

  9. Main outputs: 1. Energy analysis reports targeting 20 EU regions 2. Strategic and methodological document on reduction of energy consumption & CO2 emissions 3. Meetings with Pioneers of the Covenant of Mayors 4. 60 Municipalities entering the Covenant of Mayors 5. 16 local & 12 regional energy consulting offices activated 6. Dissemination/awareness raising activities (experimental courses on energy, domestic ecology laboratories, didactic actions) 7.58 SEAPs drafted (32 of which adopted). 134 new interventions for energy efficiency & sustainability planned 8. Manual on replicability/transferability of new pioneering actions 9. Web portal, brochure, poster, e-Newsletter, final publication, gadgets 10. Information local events/campaigns, show case, media actions, final transnational conference 11. Collaborative Game on Co2 emission reduction involving schools among municipalities that joined the CoM or other kind of actions dediced by each partner to spread awaerness abour Energy (i.e. study-trip and documentary)

  10. Lessons learnt: 1. Baseline assessment: The collection of data for energy analysis could be a very difficult task for municipalities involved in SEAP development procedure. Methodological difficulties often occur, since in several cases data collection are mostly on national level, instead of regional/local level; more often data are completely lacking or data fonts not identifiable 2.Local partnership: The involvement of a wide partnership must be considered one of the most effective means for public administrations to plan and realize initiatives in the energy field, assuring the highest chances of success, especcially in a periodo of economic crisis 3.Awareness raising, information and dissemination. Politicians, decision makers and municipal technicians are quite often unaware or insensitive to energy issues and their environment effects and so hard to convince in committing themselves in energy policies or initiatives. This generally depends on their lack of knowledge, technical expertises, information and, nowadays, from a general mistrust as well, due to the economic crisis. Facing successful experiences (best practices) already developed by other municipalities or local communities (pioneers) could be worth in order to overcome this kind of obstacles and to create a more favourable political background towards sustainable energy planning and local energy management

  11. Time schedule:

  12. Partners:

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