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CJK-IMT28-020 . Contents. 1. What is M2M? - Terminology. 1. What is M2M? - Korea. Cellular-based M2M. Machines/Devices/Objects/Things. Networks. Service/Applications. Mobile comm. M2M Service Provider. Other comm. Network. S ource : 2010 M2M Conference (KCC). Communication service.
1. What is M2M? - Korea Cellular-based M2M Machines/Devices/Objects/Things Networks Service/Applications Mobile comm. M2M Service Provider Other comm. Network Source : 2010 M2M Conference(KCC)
Communicationservice Platformsoftware M2M module/ device Chip vender ※ Source: Morgan Keegan(2010.03) • Domestic M2M market size: 1.75 million subscribers (SKT + KT + LGU+), 2010.10 Potential demand :14.50 million subscribers
버스 노선 별 • 노선 구간 별 • 주요 도로 별 • 환경 맵 작성 WiBro GPS 어린이/여성 위치정보 수신 Smart& Safety 4G 통신 핸드폰으로 SMS 통보 노인 2 센서정보 수집/전달 1 설치된 센서에서 수집된 정보를 관제센터로 전송 M2M 종합센타 OTA SMS 기상센싱 휴대폰 대기센싱 Customizedservice CO, O3 온/습도 PC M2M 단말기 휴 대 제어 M2M플랫폼 영상정보 • IPT 방송 • 교통방송 • 시정홍보 • 환경정보 • 노면정보 M2M Contents 관제센터 3 보안카메라 영상확인/제어 이상발생 통보 2 CDMA 통신 병원 공공장소 학교 Public SOC Zigbee 통신 Zigbee 통신 u-GW 위치추적 단말기 위치추적 단말기 Zone Intelligent vehicle Source: R&D roadmap of intelligent object communication network (KCC, 2010)
Solution Provider KT Provide M2M platform And M2M business opportunity Provide solution Arrange Cheap and Universal M2M Modules and payment systems Offer M2M platform Establish MVNO policy data-oriented Build open type’sM2M Biz Alliance M2M Provide cheap M2M Module And reflect requirements Develop M2M Terminal Module Manufacturer Terminal Manufacturer Provide Module, development cost Provide Terminal Simplify authentication SKT LG U+ (LGT) ProvideTotal ICT Service Construct M2M platform Develop Data MVNO, BTL model Payment system for new business Extend the alliance range between M2M and another business Provide Universal Terminal and platform Discover newIndustry in the traditional business market (Construction, Smart Grid, u-Factory etc.) Expand mass’s Target range(B2B2C) Source: Trend and Implications of M2M (KCC, 2010)
Home & Public Information Server Mobile Environment Internet Personal Environment Mobile Comm. Network Smart Phone Service Server WPAN/WLAN Reference: J.T.Oh and Z.J.Haas, “Personal Environment Service for Mobile Users,” IEEE VTC Fall, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2006.
PG708 Progress • Feb. 14. 2011 – 1st (kick off) meeting • Apr. 6. 2011 – 2nd meeting • Jun. x. 2011 – 3rd meeting (TBC) • PG708ToR • Development of M2M service requirements • Standardization of open M2M platform interface based on commercial mobile communication network • Review of radio access technology considering M2M QoS and Overload • M2M identification system and naming technology standardization • M2M security technology standardization • Invigoration of domestic M2M market and standardization with collaborating M2M/IoT forum
Introduction of MSTF (M2M Standardization Task Force) • GSC MSTF was established based on GSC-15 resolution (2010.09) • To facilitate global coordination and harmonization of M2M • To outline the worldwide M2M activity map and make recommendations on current and future activities • Jeff Smith (Chair of TIA TR 50.1) is the convener of MSTF until GSC-16. • 1st GSC MSTF Meeting • 1st GSC MSTF meeting was held on Dallas, USA (18 May 2011). • Each SDO(TTA, TTC, CCSA, ETSI, 3GPP2, TIA, ATIS, GISFI, etc) presented their M2M activities • The goal of GSC MSTF is “Facilitation & Beyond”
A lot of M2M standardization & activities are being increased worldwide. And discussions about global harmonization of M2M are initiated. • 3GPP coordinator was designated in order to coordinate 3GPP activities among CJK. And in some cases, this approach was a good tool for coordination. • M2M standardization is closely related to IMT. • If m2M global harmonization is more visualized in the future, CJK IMT WG needs to consider designation of M2M coordinator(Probably in the next meeting)
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