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Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

草甘膦除草劑與抗草甘膦轉基因玉米的長期毒性. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. 生二甲 40043119S 黃鈺婷 40043129S 高泳詩. Abstract. 雌 鼠 all → 死亡率 ↑ 2~3 倍 雄鼠 Only 3 groups

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Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 草甘膦除草劑與抗草甘膦轉基因玉米的長期毒性草甘膦除草劑與抗草甘膦轉基因玉米的長期毒性 Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize 生二甲 40043119S 黃鈺婷 40043129S 高泳詩

  2. Abstract

  3. 雌鼠 • all → 死亡率↑ 2~3倍 • 雄鼠 • Only 3groups →All results were hormone and sex dependent, and the pathological profiles were comparable

  4. Introduction • 政府 • 沒有要求長期動物餵食研究 • 產業界 • 90天老鼠餵食試驗的研究 →2年期的詳盡的老鼠餵食研究

  5. Materials • 玉米品種 • 抗草甘膦轉基因玉米NK603 • 接近的同基因非轉基因作物 • 草甘膦除草劑農達

  6. Methods

  7. Result – Mortality

  8. Result-Anatomopathologicalobservations

  9. 雄鼠肝臟 雄鼠腎臟 雌鼠乳腺 雌鼠垂體

  10. 草甘膦除草劑農達最低劑量的影響 對照組肝實質細胞 轉基因玉米22%

  11. Result - Biochemical analyses • ferulicacid • 減少了16-30% • caffeic acid • 21–53%

  12. Discussion 90天餵食試驗的不足 ↓ 長期研究評估測量


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