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Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava. Manager ethics. ETHICS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Ethics or apllied ethics?. One of the dictionary definitions of ethics is that it is “The rules or standards of conduct governing the members of a profession”.
Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava Manager ethics ETHICS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Ethics or apllied ethics? • One of the dictionary definitions of ethics is that it is “The rules or standards of conduct governing the members of a profession”.
VALUES – MORALS – ETHICS • Values are the fundamental beliefs that we hold. They are the principles that we holdregarding what is right, good, and just. • Morals are the values which are inherent in a system of beliefs – a higher authority suchas a business society in which business values such as performance excellence, quality, safety,service, and accomplishing desired results are important.
ETHICS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Project team members are required to work in different environments that have unique culturalvalue systems, morals, and ethics. • It is expected that people in the project management field haveboth personal and professional ethics.
There are several interrelated keyresponsibilities involved in having a successful ethics policy: • The development of policies which establish ethical principles and standards for theorganization. • Appointment of an individual within the organization that has primary responsibilityfor the design and administration of ethics policies.
There are several interrelated keyresponsibilities involved in having a successful ethics policy: • The distribution of these policies to the members of the organization. • Proactive teaching and guidance of the organizational members about the ethic policies. • Provide counseling to organizational members about ethical issues in their roles in theorganization.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (PMI) POLICIES ON ETHICS • The Preamble to PMI’s Member Ethical Standards states that it is vital that membersconduct themselves in an ethical manner in order to earn and maintain the confidence of teammembers, colleagues, employees, employers, customers, clients, the public and the globalcommunity.
Professional Code of Ethics • The PMI has established a Professional Code of Ethics that all Project Management Professionals (PMP) must adhere to. These ethics are meant to ensure that all PMPs abide by a set of values, and they live up to those values in pursuit of their careers.
Project Management InstituteCode of Ethics and Professional Conduct • CHAPTER 1. VISION AND APPLICABILITY • CHAPTER 2. RESPONSIBILITY • CHAPTER 3. RESPECT • CHAPTER 4. FAIRNESS • CHAPTER 5. HONESTY • APPENDIX A - A.1 History of this Standard • APPENDIX B - B.1 Glossary
Values that Support this Code • Practitioners from the global project management community were asked to identify the values that formed thebasis of their decision making and guided their actions. The values that the global project managementcommunity defined as most important were: responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty. This Code affirmsthese four values as its foundation.
Conflict of Interest. • A situation that arises when a practitioner of project management is faced with making adecision or doing some act that will benefit the practitioner or another person or organization to which thepractitioner owes a duty of loyalty and at the same time will harm another person or organization to whichthe practitioner owes a similar duty of loyalty. • The only way practitioners can resolve conflicting duties isto disclose the conflict to those affected and allow them to make the decision about how the practitionershould proceed.
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct http://www.pmi.org/info/AP_PMICodeofEthics.pdf
Here are eight guidelines to help you establish a strong ethics foundation for your project. • Recognize that managing ethics is a process. Ethics management is the process of reflection and dialog . that produces deliverables such as codes, policies and procedures. • The goal of an ethics management initiative is preferred behavior in the project environment. • The best way to manage ethical dilemmas, like negative project risks, is to avoid their occurrence in the first place
Here are eight guidelines to help you establish a strong ethics foundation for your project. • Make ethics decisions in teams, and make decisions public, as appropriate. • Integrate ethics management with other project practices. Define preferred ethical values directly in the project plan. • Use cross-functional teams to develop your ethics management plan. Benefit from varied input.
Here are eight guidelines to help you establish a strong ethics foundation for your project. • Value forgiveness Help project personnel recognize and address their mistakes and then support them to continue to try to operate ethically • Give yourself credit for trying Attempting to operate ethically and making a few mistakes is better than not trying at all. All projects are comprised of people and people are not perfect.
DO • Develop your cultural self-awareness. • Set realistic expectations for yourself and others. • Accept that you will make mistakes, but remain confident. • Be patient. • Slow down. Make relationships. • Keep your sense of humor. • Keep your integrity. • Stay objective, minimize blame
DON'T: • Assume similarity. • Try to adopt the orientations of the other culture. Adaptation does not mean adoption. • Dwell on comparing the other culture with your own. • Evaluate the other culture in terms of good or bad. • Assume that just being yourself is enough to bring you cross-cultural success.
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