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3 Carrier Groups plus: USS New York

3 Carrier Groups plus: USS New York. Please use your mouse, down key, space bar or enter key to advance. Those of you who were in the service or like boats, ships and planes will appreciate this.  3 carriers and the new fighter jet.  The specs are awesome.  Talk about whip lash. 

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3 Carrier Groups plus: USS New York

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  1. 3 Carrier Groupsplus:USS New York Please use your mouse, down key, space bar or enter key to advance.

  2. Those of you who were in the service or like boats, ships and planes will appreciate this. 3 carriers and the new fighter jet. The specs are awesome. Talk about whip lash.  那些在船艇和飛機服役中的人,對這將會表示讚賞。 三艘航空母艦和新的戰鬥機 它們的規格真是棒!

  3. The plane in these pictures is still officially the 'AirVehicle Number 1', a prototype, on board the USS George Washington CVN-73 for catapult fit checks.  Not exactly stillTop Secret but certainly not yet made public.It will be known as the F/A-37.  Although specs areclassified, it is believed to be Mach 3.5 (top speed in the Mach 4 range) super-cruise stealth fighter/bomber/interceptor with approximately a 4,000nm range.  Awesome! 這些照片中的飛機仍然是軍方飛行器最佳的機種。這個原型機停靠在喬治華盛頓號航空母艦上。編號CVN -73的投射器雖不完全是最高機密,但肯定還尚未公開,它將被命名為 F/A-37。雖然規格仍為機密,但它被認為是具有3.5馬赫(最高速度theMach4〜)的超音速巡航隱形戰機/轟炸機/ 攔截機,具有約4000 nm航程。真棒!

  4. Check out the Navy test pilot in the cockpit of the F/A-37... LT Kara Wade. 注意看F/A-37駕駛艙內的海軍試飛員LT Kara Wade…

  5. For the first time in over 20 some odd years, three carrier strike groups got together in formation for a great photo op. From top to bottom are the aircraft carriers, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, KITTY HAWK and RONALD REAGAN. 20多年來,這是首次有三個航母戰鬥群一起組成了一張偉大的照片作品。從上到下是航母亞伯拉罕林肯號,小鷹號和羅納德雷根號。

  6. We even had Air Force planes fly-over, with a B-2 Stealth Bomber.  The only warships not seen in thephotos are the 4 nuclear powered submarines standing guard 我們甚至還有空軍的B-2隱形轟炸機飛過去。照片中唯一沒有看到的軍艦是4艘在旁邊護航的核子動力潛艇。


  8. Here SHE is! Notice the twin towers on top. 這就是她! 注意她上半部的雙塔

  9. SHE IS; the USS New York, made from the   World Trade Center! 她就是----由世貿中心所製成的紐約號 !

  10. USS New York...It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the   World Trade Center . It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. 紐約號...它是用從世界貿易中心拆下來的24噸廢鋼製成的。它是排名第五的新一級戰艦---專為包括打擊恐怖分子在內的特種作戰任務設計的。它將可容納360個船員以及可隨時用直升機和突擊機運上岸的700個戰備的海軍陸戰隊員。

  11. Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, 'those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there.  它是用從世貿大樓熔化後的鋼鐵,在洛杉磯的亞米特鑄造其船頭的部分。當它在2003年9月9日入模時,當時在場的海軍上校Kevin Wensing回憶說:”那些鋼鐵工人大老粗以敬畏的心對待它” 。

  12. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.' Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.' The ship's motto?  'Never Forget'  鑄造業務經理Junior Chavers說:“這對當時在場的人是一個神聖的時刻” ,當世貿中心的鋼材一到時,他一用手碰觸到它時,他說:” 我脖子上的頭髮整個直豎了起來。對我們所有的人而言,它有一個很大的意義,他們把我們擊倒了,但是他們卻不能使我們爬不起來,我們必要回來! 船上的座右銘是什麼呢?----就是永遠不要忘記!

  13. Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country.  請把這個傳下去, 讓大家可以看出 我們這個國家是由什麼建造成的。

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