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De-Clutter to attract positive energy

Do you believe that by de-cluttering your home can make your life and your home get the positive energy in our environment? http://dailyclutter.com/de-clutter-to-attract-positive-energy/

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De-Clutter to attract positive energy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. De-Clutter to attract positive energy

  2. Do you believe that by de-cluttering your home can make your life and your home get the positive energy in our environment?

  3. De-cluttering your areas can help you gain good vibes. It can help you let go and release all your emotional stress caused by clutter and welcome new things into your life.

  4. In order for you to improve and attract positive energy to your life you have to remember the following things: • De-clutter Physical Space • De-clutter your mind

  5. De-clutter Physical Space: • Physical space meaning, your house or the area where you reside. Clean and organize everything that’s in your house like your bedroom, kitchen, living room, basement, closet, home office, your backyard and other areas in your house. Sort all your things and remember these 4 things: • What to Keep • What to Sell • What to Donate • What to Toss

  6. De-clutter your mind. Take some time to make yourself free from all the stress of work. Do some short yoga or meditation or you can actually read books. You can also listen to soft or calm music or just do simple deep breathing.

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