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19 minutes ago - <br><br>Copy Link https://uyahsegoro.blogspot.com/?book=B0C9SP2ZZL<br> | [PDF READ ONLINE] How many times have I told you to put on your helmet!: Behavioral methods to improve workplace safety <br><br><br>| You are responsible for safety in the workplace. Every day, you observe workers putting themselves in danger. You see that traditional methods of safety motivation have limited impact:Explain and explain again. And when that doesn't work, try again.Reward. Punish. Put posters on every wall
How many times have I told you to put on your helmet!: Behavioral methods to improve workplace safety You are responsible for safety in the workplace. Every day, you observe workers putting themselves in danger. You see that traditional methods of safety motivation have limited impact:Explain and explain again. And when that doesn't work, try again.Reward. Punish. Put posters on every wall. All these methods have one thing in common: they place the worker in a situation of total passivity. And yet, as everyone knows, what we do best is what we decide to do freely and without constraint. Your job is to encourage your colleagues to protect themselves. How Many Times Have I Told You To Put Your Helmet On is a compendium of practical applications based on psychological research. It gives you the opportunity to learn and use techniques that produce measurable results in the field. Behavioral sciences have revealed a way of orienting our actions without resorting to coercion. This book shows you how to influence workers' safety behavior. Not to manipulate them or gain personal advantage, but to help them make the right decision: to go home tonight, alive and well. You'll become an architect of safety behavior.Table of contents I. Introduction II. Are work-related accidents getting better? III. Is there a psycho-social profile of the accident victim? IV. Improving safety. What doesn't work (well) and why? V. Why do they put themselves at risk? VI. How to change safety behaviors in a sustainable way? VII. Effective safety training methods VIII. The role of Nudge in prevention IX. Returning to work after an accident X. Does it work? Do behavioral programs work? XI. Conclusion341 pagesPhilippe Dylewski
trained as a psychologist. For the last twenty years, he has been working in training, facilitation and coaching in the field of safety at work. How Many Times Have I Told You To Put Your Helmet On was first published in France, where it has become the bedside book of thousands of safety managers.
Bestselling new book releases How many times have I told you to put on your helmet!: Behavioral methods to improve workplace safety