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The Great Year 2 Bake Off Enterprise Week. On Monday 10 th February Blenheim Bakery opened it’s doors for the very first time. The bakery consisted of 4 companies. Each with a product to sell. This is the story of how these companies began and their development over the week.
On Monday 10th February Blenheim Bakery opened it’s doors for the very first time. The bakery consisted of 4 companies. Each with a product to sell. This is the story of how these companies began and their development over the week.
Monday 10th February • We became Company Directors. • We had to: • Create a company name • Design a logo • Choose a product to make We learnt to work together as a team, deciding on tasks and delegating to individuals. Our posters show all the information we collected.
Monday 10th February - PM • We became pitchers. • We had to: • Pitch our product to our investor Mrs Doel • Explain our product and persuade Mrs Doel to invest • Inform Mrs Doel how much we needed to be invested in our company We learnt to speak clearly in front of others.
Tuesday 11th February • We became buyers. • We had to: • Walk to the local shop • Find the ingredients we needed • Pay for our purchases We learnt to be safe in the local environment. We saw how a shop is laid out and how the products are organised. We were able to see how much our ingredients cost.
Wednesday 12th February • We became bakers. • We had to: • Follow a recipe • Weigh ingredients accurately We learnt to read unknown words. We were able to read weights and work out how many weights we needed to balance our ingredients.
Wednesday 12th February - PM • We became Publishes. • We had to: • Copy out a recipe in our neatest handwriting • Write an opening for our recipe We learnt how to layout a recipe. We needed to form our letters correctly and ensure our handwriting was neat.
Thursday 13th February • We became advertisers. • We had to: • Write a poem to describe our product • Create a plan for an advertising poster We learnt how to use adjectives to make our product sound interesting. We were able to use persuasive phrases and questions to advertise our product.
Thursday 13th February - PM • We became designers. • We had to: • Design a packaging for our product • Transfer our design to our packaging We learnt about the features of packaging. We were able to create a list of success criteria for our packaging. We used finishing techniques to make our packaging attractive to the consumer.
Friday 14th February • We became presenters. • We had to: • Produce a powerpoint to advertise our product • Write a presentation ensuring we including the important information about our product • Present a presentation to a panel of judges We learnt how to present text and pictures in different ways. We were able to present our product by speaking clearly.
Friday 14th February – PM • We became shopkeepers. • We had to: • Display our product • Create a poster to advertise our shop • Decide on a price and produce a label • Add up prices, take money and give change We learnt how to add up totals of money and how to subtract to give change. We were able to talk to our customers and persuade them to buy our product.
Friday 14th February – PM • Year 2 have had a great week setting up their own business and working together to make their business a success. Thank you for coming today and supporting them. We hope you enjoy all our products.
TRUFFLES Truffles, truffles, glamorous truffles, Truffles that are delicious, Truffles that are gooey, Truffles that are big, Truffles that are small, Truffles that feel soft and sticky in your mouth.
Tempting description Fill your tummy with tasty treats truffles. Truffles are yummy and delicious.
Questions Why don’t you try the best truffles ever made. You will enjoy tasty treats chocolate truffles. Are you bored with jelly Well why don’t you try our new chocolate truffles.
Boast • The greatest truffle ever made. • The most delicious food is truffles. • You never had a truffles quite like this.
Bossy verbs Enjoy the truffles. Buy these truffles. chocolate truffles buy some today.
Key information about the product Our Truffles are made with the finest ingredients. Why not relax with a cup of tea and a chocolate truffles. The most brilliant chocolate Truffles in the world.
Why you want to buy • Introducing the truly amazing chocolate truffles. • Try the chocolate truffles they are delicious.
The Fire Team Spiral Shortbread
Spiral shortbread Spiral shortbread, delicious spiral shortbread. It melts in your mouth like butter. Shortbread that is chocolaty . Shortbread that is vanillary, sweet and rich and crunchy. Swirly and curly and scrumptious. Our shortbread is amazing!
Toffee Rice Krispies Toffee Rice Krispies, sticky treat, Treat that smells yummy, Treat that tastes sweet, Treats that are sticky, Treats that are gooey, Treats that leave you teeth feeling sugar, Rice, rice, glorious rice krispies, Krispies that are sweet, Krispies that go crunch, Krispies that are yummy, Toffee, toffee, golden toffee Toffee that is crunchy Toffee that is delicious Toffee that is gooey Toffee that sticks to your teeth Crispy glorious crispy Toffee sticky toffee, Crunchy tasty crunchy, Yummy, yum, yum.
QuestionsDo you enjoy toffee?Why not try to eat ToffeeRice Krispies today? Bossy Verbs Taste and enjoy the Toffee Rice Krispies. Pick up a Toffee Rice Krispies today. Tempting descriptionToffee rice krispies are gooey, crunchy and scrumptious.Toffee rice krispies are golden and chewy and they are creamy an your tongue. Boast The nations favourite is Toffee Rice Krispies , it’s delicious. Its the best crunchy,tastiest treat even made. Key information about the product Our Toffee Rice Krispies are made with the finest Toffee in the land! How will you persuade the audience than everybody want your product? Be quick as a flash otherwise you wont get one!
Fairy Cakes Cakes, cakes golden fairy cakes Fairy cakes that taste tasty Fairy cakes that smells good Fairy cakes that are soft Fairy cakes that are smooth Fairy cakes that tingle in your mouth Cakes, cakes glorious fairy cakes Cakes that are golden Cakes that are crumbly Cakes that taste like golden syrup Fairy cakes that tingle in your mouth Fairy cakes, fairy cakes softer than a pillow, Fairy cakes that are lovely, Fairy cakes that are soft, Fairy cakes that are yummy in your tummy Fairy cakes that tingle on your tongue.
Tempting description • Fairy cakes are so tasty and good everyone will want them. Fairy cakes are nice and yummy in your tummy. The tastiest food is fairy cakes. The most delicious fairy cakes. Boast
Key information about the product Ice Iced fairy cakes are made with the best I Ingredients ever our Iced fairy cakes are made With some of the best Ingredients ever That is what makes them the best cakes ever.
Bossy verbs Questions Are you tired of the buzz zone have a fun time in your tummy do you like fairy cakes then buy some at Blenheim bakery. Enjoy the fairy cakes.
How will you persuade the audience that everybody wants your product Introducing the truly amazing iced fairy cakes. Well look no further the amazing iced fairy cakes is here