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Best Cities: Recommendations and Experiences

Discover the best cities in the Czech Republic and other countries, as recommended by locals. Learn about their favorite places to visit and the unique experiences each city offers.

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Best Cities: Recommendations and Experiences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Best cities 15. srpna 2012 VY_32_INOVACE_150301 Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zdeňka Hrstková. Slezské gymnázium, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Vzdělávací materiál byl vytvořen v rámci OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám.

  2. Starter What is your favourite city in the Czech Republic? Why? Which 2 other cities would you recommend a foreigner to visit? When you go on holiday, how do you choose the places you want to visit?

  3. Listening You will hear 6 people talking about the best cities of their countries: http://www.elllo.org/PagesMixer/44-MX-BestCity.htm Choose the cities that are mentioned by the speakers.

  4. London Dublin Belfast Londonderry Leeds Manchester Newcastle Plymouth Bristol New York Washington Vancouver Ottawa Toronto Seattle Los Angeles San Francisco Montreal

  5. Listen again, complete the chart Positives, sights Problems

  6. Group work Divide the class into 6 teams Each team chooses one city of the following: Seattle, Newcastle, Leeds, Dublin, NY, Vancouver Allow the teams about 10 minutes to find out 5 places of interest in their city (or around) and some information about them They should use the following links, not wikipedia Each group prepares a 3 minute presentation for the rest of the class.

  7. Links http://vancouver.ca/ http://www.visitleeds.co.uk/ http://www.newcastle.gov.uk/ http://www.seattle.gov/ http://www.dublin.ie/ http://www.nycgo.com/

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