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Explore the intricate structures and functions of the ventilatory and cardiovascular systems, including the mechanics of breathing, gas exchange in the lungs, and blood circulation. Learn about respiratory regulations during exercise and cardiovascular adaptations to physical activity.
Exercise Physiology The Ventilatory and Cardiovascular Systems
I.Structure of the Ventilatory System A. Conducting Airways: *offers a low resistance pathway for air flow *warms and moistens air *mucus and ciliated cells filter air
II. Pulmonary Ventilation: the exchange of air between the atmosphere and lungs. A. Mechanics of Breathing: 1. Inhalation: *diaphragm contracts and lowers *chest cavity expands increasing volume and decreasing internal air pressure
2. Exhalation: *Diaphragm relaxes and moves up. *chest cavity volume decreases and internal air pressure increases. *during exercise the intercostal and abdominal muscles act on the ribs to produce greater exhalation
III. Total Lung Capacity: (TLC) maximum volume of lungs after maximum inhalation (vital capacity + residual vol.). • Tidal Vol.: (TV) volume inspired or expired per breath. • Inspiratory Reserve Vol.: max. inspiration at the end of tidal inspiration (Vital cap.= TV+IRV+ERV)
C. Expiratory Reserve Vol.: max. expiration at the end of tidal expiration. D. Residual Vol.: (RV) volume in lungs after maximum expiration.
IV. CO2 transport in the blood: • Dissolved directly in plasma • Bound to hemoglobin (carbamino compunds) • As bicarbonate HCO3
D. What’s the role of CO2 in the control of pulmonary ventilation during exercise? *dissociation of carbonic acid increases H+ in blood lowering pH. *the medulla senses the low pH and sends signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
V. Oxygen Transport in the Blood: • Hemoglobin: (Hb) iron containing pigment that binds with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. Hb + 4 O2 Hb4O8
VI. Gas Exchange in the lungs: • Alveoli: thin membrane sacs at the end of the bronchioles. *serve as the site of gas exchange by diffusion.
VII. Blood: transport vehicle for nutrients, hormones, waste products and electrolytes. 1. Blood Composition: A. Cellular: i. erythrocytes: (RBC’s) Contain hemoglobin that binds to oxygen for transport to tissues.
ii. Leukocytes: (WBC’s) defend the body against disease. *produce antibodies *destroy bacteria and viruses *produce marker proteins
iii. Platelets: (thrombocytes) play a role in the clotting of blood.
B. Liquid Component: i. Plasma: 60% total volume of blood. 90% water and 10% solutes • Metabolites and wastes (gases, hormones, vitamins) • Salts (ions) • Plasma proteins
A. Heart Rate: is regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. • Intrinsic regulation: a. sinoatrial (S-A) node: a mass of specialized cardiac muscle located on the exterior wall of the right atrium. Initiates the electrical impulse.
b. Atrioventricular (A-V) node: receives impulse from the S-A node and delays it about .10 sec. for atrial contraction. c. A-V Bundle of His: speeds the impulse over the ventricles to the Purkinje system causing simultaneous contraction of the ventricles.
ii. Extrinsic Regulation: the autonomic nervous system can override the myocardial rhythm. • Sympathetic Influence: epinephrine is released when stimulated causing heart rate to increase. • Parasympathetic Inf: releases acetylcholine to slow heart rate.
B. Circulation of Blood: i. Pulmonary Circulation: deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right side of the heart through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Oxygenated blood is returned by the pulmonary veins.
ii. Systemic Circulation: oxygen rich blood is pumped from the left side of the heart through the aorta to the rest of the body.
iii. Cardiac Output: the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. Equal to stroke vol. x heart rate. • Stroke Vol.: the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle with each beat. Approx. 70 ml. Stroke vol.=EDV-ESV
iv. Cardiovascular Drift: an increase in heart rate during steady exercise due to a reduction in stroke volume. Caused by: *exercising in heat *rise in core temp. *decrease in plasma vol.
C. Blood Pressure: the pressure exerted on the walls of the arterial system. • Systole: highest pressure generated by the left ventricular contraction. Approx. 120 mm Hg at rest. • Diastole: the pressure generated when the heart relaxes. Approx 70-80 mm Hg.
iii. Blood Pressure Response to Exercise: • Dynamic Exercise: systolic pressure increases with intensity with relatively little change in diastolic pressure. Ex. Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling.
b. Static Exercise: heavy resistance training increases blood pressure due to muscular contractions compressing peripheral arteries. Ex. Weightlifting, isometrics
Rest (cardiac output 5,000 ml) *liver = 1350 ml *kidneys = 1100 ml *muscle = 1000 ml *brain = 700 ml *skin = 300 ml *heart = 200 ml Exercise (cardiac output 25,000 ml) *liver = 500 ml *kidneys = 250 ml *muscle = 21,000 ml *brain = 900 ml *skin = 600 ml *heart = 1000 ml iv. Distribution of Blood
v. Cardiovascular Adaptations to Exercise: • Lower resting heart rate. • Increased left ventricular volume. • Increased stroke vol. and cardiac output. • Capillarization: increase in capillary surface area in muscles. • Greater arteriovenous oxygen diff. (a-vO2)
D. Maximal Oxygen Consumption: (VO2) refers to the maximum amt. of O2 that an individual can utilize during maximal training. *measured as ml of O2 used in one minute per Kg of body weight. (ml Kg-1 min-1)