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This summary highlights the importance of direct marketing for Austrian farmers, the products and distribution channels involved, and the future development of this marketing approach. It also explores consumer motives for buying organic and locally produced food in Austria.
THE PLACE OF SMALL SCALE PRODUCERIN THE SUPPLY CHAIN INAUSTRIA Experiences and Ideas of producing farmhouse milk products inAustria Karl M.Fraißler Small Scale Farm Dairies Conference2019 Rakvere AQVA ConferenceCentre Estonia www.milchhandwerk.info Verbandfür handwerklicheMilchverarbeitung
The most important Pointsin Summary: • Importance of Direct Marketing for AustrianFarmers • Products & Distribution Channels for DirectMarketing • Jobs in DirectMarketing • Future Development of DirectMarketing • Consumers have (need)Motives • Who buys organicFood
Situation of DirectMarketing inAustria 135,000 farms with more than 5ha horticulture, vegetable gardening and viniculture also less than 5ha Number offarms: Intensive DM Extensive DM PotentialNewcomers Dropout Disinterested 27% of the Austrian farmers are active in Direct Marketing 73% of farmers are currently not active in DirectMarketing
Products in DirectMarketing inAustria Percentage Meat andmeatproducts Milk and milkproducts Wine Eggs Fruits and fruitproducts Fruitjuice Spirits Cereals andcerealproducts Bread and bakedgoods Vegetables Others Potatoes Poultry Oils beekeepingproducts Wood/fuelwood Must Herbs Breedinganimals Hay Fish
DistributionChannels in Direct Marketing inAustria RetailfromthefarmhouseasthemostimportantDMdistribution channel Farmhouseretail Deliveryservice Gastronomy Foodretail Farmer'smarket/market Retailer partnership/Farmhouseshops Heuriger/Buschenschank Internet Christmas market/wineshopetc. Dairy/cooperative/association Private/neighbours/friends Fair FoodCoops Others
Income from DirectMarketing inAustria The part of income from direct marketing isincreasing until 10% ofincome until 50% ofincome until 100% of theincome Average Total2016 Total2010 Until 34Years 35 to 44years 45 to 54Years 55 andolder Until 20ha 21 to 50ha 51 ha andmore Fulltimefarming Part timefarming
Worker in direct marketingin Austria Direct Marketing brings Jobs in ruralAreas Extrapolated to total Austria, direct marketingthus creates around 31,000 jobs on Austria'sfarms.
Future Development ofDirect Marketing inAustria Distribution Channels in Direct Marketing inAustria • Directly from thefarm • Internet !!!!! • Deliveryservice • Farmhouseshops • Farmer`smarket • (Gastronomy, Foodretail) • The main Reasons for the increasing Direct Marketing inAustria • Strong demand from the consumer • Increased sales activities • Extended productrange
Consumers needMotives THE PLACE OF SMALL SCALE PRODUCER IN THE SUPPLYCHAIN Health, healthy, healthier, for healthreasons Taste, better in taste,tastesbetter Environment, friendly, compatible,healthy healthy foods, healthyfood Quality, goodquality Price€ No herbicides, no fungicides, nopesticides no toxins,pollutant-free natural, pure natural,naturalproducts no chemistry,withoutchemistry Austrian products, regionalproducts RollAMA,2008
Who buys organic Foodin Austria THE PLACE OF SMALL SCALE PRODUCER IN THE SUPPLYCHAIN young singles young families without achild young families with a child young families witholder children older families older singles RollAMA,2008
Thank you and God bless yourdoing Karl M.Fraißler