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Through the Spy Glass

Through the Spy Glass. User Oriented Drafting workflows for Secondary Legislation Artefacts. The Scottish Building Standards System. 32 Local Authorities 32 Building Control Departments Highly fragmented industry (Construction & Engineering)

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Through the Spy Glass

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Through the Spy Glass La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  2. User Oriented Drafting workflows for Secondary Legislation Artefacts La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  3. La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  4. The Scottish Building Standards System • 32 Local Authorities • 32 Building Control Departments • Highly fragmented industry (Construction & Engineering) • Incredibly complex system of guidance, some legally binding, some not • Delegated task of producing 1 set of national building regulations (Scottish Technical Standards) • Mountain of accompanying documentation • All in PDF!!! La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  5. With Regulations & Legislation sometimes its not a simple case of RTFM!!! Others times… there’s just no excuse! La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  6. December 1968- the crew of Apollo 8 took the first ever picture of the Earth from outer space It marked a defining moment as the astronauts realised they were quite literally worlds apart from us La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  7. Open Linked Legislation La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  8. On-going Effort(s) La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  9. La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  10. Where to start??? How far can we go before we end up with information overload due to already overburdened staff cracking up? La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  11. Current workflows in Design Checking • Completely reliant upon accuracy of interpretation during 1st stage • Hugely inconsistent between local authorities/over geographic boundaries • Currently no measure to comparatively measure consistency of decisions • Requirement for user oriented representations of domain specific literature to facilitate particular tasks La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  12. Current Authoring Model La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  13. Where can we help??? • Where the approach doesn’t affect existing workflows? • Doesn’t cost stacks of money due to time and up front investment? • Addresses the problem of inconsistent interpretation of legislative and regulatory documentation? • Embraces the fast moving area of open data/legislation which allows us to build services around our data? La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  14. The User-Oriented drafting model La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  15. The Additional Step • Based on (X)HTML source input • XProc managed linear XML pipeline • Pipeline consists of 7 parts covering • XSLT transformation to Crown Legislation Markup Language • interim error handling (x3) • domain context specific named entity recognition and subsequent term feature annotation (regulation specific defined terms) • profession specific term annotation using linked data construction resources from local/remote ontologies La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  16. Stage #1 - XSLT La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  17. Stage #3 – Primary Term Annotation La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  18. Stage #5 Secondary Propagation La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  19. Conclusions & Lessons • Consistency is key • Data cleaning and normalization is expensive but absolutely imperative to ensuring good output • User oriented authoring can be achieved with medium term investment (time) based on applied knowledge of target domain and technologies… plus vision and acknowledgement that the de facto scenario need to improve • Existing standards – data model - query model – ecosystem • Near null financial investment. All OSS ASLv2.0 • Opens the potential user base up entirely removing 100% workload from national/local government to provide all services La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

  20. LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/lewis-john-mcgibbney/26/a92/a39 • Twitter: @hectorMcSpector • Email: lewis.mcgibbney@gcu.ac.uk La Fabrique de la Loi - Open Legislative Data in Paris - 6th & 7th July, 2012

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