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Welcome to Doerre’s NJHS. 2013- 2014. 5 Pillars of NJHS. Service Leadership Citizenship Character Scholarship (Academics). Membership Requirements. Attend all mandatory NJHS chapter meetings
Welcome to Doerre’s NJHS 2013- 2014
5 Pillars of NJHS • Service • Leadership • Citizenship • Character • Scholarship (Academics)
Membership Requirements • Attend all mandatory NJHS chapter meetings • Complete 10 hoursof approved Community Service per year (if you’re not sure… ask Coach Collins or Ms. Strole) • Two (2) of the total hours must be performed at Doerre or another district school • Uphold the five pillars of NJHS. • Maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA this school year.
Dismissal Failure to maintain all required NJHS standards can result in a (1) written warning, (2) probation, or (3) dismissal. Automatic dismissal may result from plagiarism, disruptive conduct (fighting) and/or drug related incidents.
Community Service Once students become candidates of the NJHS, they are required to perform ten hours of community service per school year. These hours must be documented and reported to the Vice President monthly (per semester). Lack of fulfillment of this requirement can result in a (1) written warning, (2) probation, or (3) dismissal. Community service forms can be found on Ms. Strole’s website.
CS Guidelines • Be creative! Your service can be anything you do to help out someone in need (other than immediate family members), or time that you volunteer in your community. These are activities for which you receive no compensation. As representatives of Doerre Intermediate, you are expected to dress appropriately and be on your best behavior. • Ronald McDonald House, libraries, hospitals, senior centers, churches, daycares, humane societies, women’s shelters, etc. • Join a coat drive for the homeless, a teddy bear drive for children in hospitals • At schools: assist teachers, tutor, help with after-school clubs • Collect food for the homeless or pet food for the Humane Society • Participate in community cleanup efforts
First Service OpportunityMay 28th – May 31st • Rubber balls - all sizes • Hula hoops • Bean bags • Underwear for sizes 4-6 for boys and girls • Construction paper • White paper • Pencils • Crayons • Paint These will be taken to the storage room between Ms. Strole’s room and the library. Our goal is to bring in 200 items!
Meeting Attendance Members are required to attend all meetings and participate in all functions sponsored by the NJHS. Participation can be in the form of publicity or related activities. Lack of fulfillment of this requirement can result in a (1) written warning, (2) probation, or (3) dismissal.
NJHS Officer Positions
President • Presides over all meetings. • Attends all officer meetings. • Attends all NJHS meetings. • Attends all NJHS projects/social events. • Puts in announcements for monthly meetings • Works collaboratively with NJHS members to derive creative ideas for service opportunities as well as fundraising • Speaks at Induction Ceremony in Spring. • Maintains adequate grades and displays no less than a Satisfactory conduct grade.
Vice PresidentFirst runner-up for president will become vice-president • Fulfills the role of the president when needed. • Attends all officer meetings. • Attends all NJHS meetings. • Attends all NJHS projects/social events. • Speaks at Induction Ceremony in Spring. • Maintains adequate grades and displays no less than a Satisfactory conduct grade.
Secretary • Maintains attendance record, meeting notes, and other clerical duties. • Attends all officer meetings. • Attends all NJHS meetings. • Attends all NJHS projects/social events. • Speaks at Induction Ceremony in Spring. • Maintains adequate grades and displays no less than a Satisfactory conduct grade
Historian/Photographer2 Positions Available • Takes pictures throughout year of all NJHS events • Attends all officer meetings. • Attends all NJHS meetings. • Attends all NJHS projects/social events. • Maintains adequate grades and displays no less than a Satisfactory conduct grade • One will speak at induction in Spring
School Store Manager2 Positions Available • Responsible to for creating the school store calendar for the year AND for checking each week that those who signed up for their week are present. • Attends all officer meetings. • Attends all NJHS meetings. • Attends all NJHS projects/social events. • Maintains adequate grades and displays no less than a Satisfactory conduct grade • One will speak at induction in Spring
Elections • Go online to Ms. Strole’s website. Fill out the election form, print, and turn in to Ms. Strole by Tuesday, May 28th. • Prepare a 1 minute speech to deliver the morning of May 30th. Speeches will be in the museum section of the library and will begin at 8:00. • Voting will take place between 8:00 – 8:40 and between 4:00 – 4:10 on May 31st. All members are expected to vote. • Stop by Ms. Strole’s room to place your vote. • Voting results will be sent via email and will be on the website on Tuesday, June 4th.