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In planning learning for children and young people 3 – 18, practitioners will focus on the purpose of the curriculum as enabling young people to develop the “ four capacities ” : SUCCESFUL LEARNERS, CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS , RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS, EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS.
In planning learning for children and young people 3 – 18, practitioners will focus on the purpose of the curriculum as enabling young people to develop the “four capacities” : SUCCESFUL LEARNERS, CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS , RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS, EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS In planning learning for children and young people 3 – 18, practitioners will apply the seven principles of curriculum design to develop a curriculum which promotes effective learning & teaching. Although all should apply at any one stage, the principles will have different emphases as young people learn and develop. At all stages, early years to S6 the curriculum will include learning through: • Progression • Building on previous learning & achievement, especially at transitions. • Progressing at an appropriate rate with suitable support. • Planning to develop skills, the 4 capacities and personal reflection. • Learning supported by assessment. • Breadth • Experiencing a rich variety of curricular activities. • Maintaining the wide ranging Scottish curriculum. • Learning out with and within the classroom. • Developing the 4 capacities in all aspects of school life and beyond. • Challenge & Enjoyment • Challenging but attainable activities • Encouraging stimulating and motivating work. • Encouraging creativity and developing active • learning. • Achieving full potential. • Depth • Developing and using research skills. • Transferring knowledge and skills across different levels of difficulty. • Ensuring projects provide opportunities for thorough investigation. • Engaging in progressively more rigorous studies. • Personalisation & Choice • Personal learning planning underpinning personalisation & choice. • Offering meaningful choices throughout the educational process. • Using skills and knowledge gained outwith educational establishments. • Providing opportunities for personal achievement and responsibility. • Relevance • Understanding the purpose of each activity and its relevance now and in the future. • Acquiring skills for life, work and life long learning. • Recognising the significance of life outwith school to the learning process. • Educational experiences reflecting personal and local cultural backgrounds as well as those of Scotland and the wider world. • Coherence • Recognising connections within and across curriculum areas. • Learning through a balance of disciplinary & interdisciplinary approaches. • Transferring skills and knowledge within and across curriculum areas, including cross cutting themes where appropriate. • Literacy, numeracy & aspects of Health & Wellbeing permeating all areas of the curriculum. At all stages, early years to S6 the curriculum will include learning through: Ethos & life of the school as a community Curriculum areas & subjects Interdisciplinary Projects & StudiesOpportunities for personal achievement
Knowledge, understanding and skills Purposes Shift the emphasis away from knowledge onto understanding and skills Principles Shift the emphasis from whatyou teach to how you teach it
What approaches to teaching language (e.g. use of ICT) can I transfer to the teaching of the Modern Language? Which contextswould be rich and relevant ones for developing cultural awareness? Big Questions Reflective questions The keyIntroductory Statements for learning new languages Which experiences will support the transfer and development of core skills from Language 1 to Language 2? How do we develop young people’s communicative competence?
Building the Curriculum 3 – a framework for learning and teaching. BtC 3 encourages a responsive approach to planning at all levels “To support curriculum planning and to ensure that all learners have access to an active, enterprising learning environment, a coherent approach to planning learning, teaching and assessment and to sharing information about progress and achievement is needed.” (BtC 3) “Planning should encourage participation by, as well as being responsive to, the learner, who can and should influence and contribute to the process.” (BtC 3)
Responsive questions What do I know already? I know about the importance of cafes in French culture I know some differences from British cafes I know some French foods and drinks I have a limited French food and drinks vocabulary I have learned some French Greetings I have learned some Context Vocabulary e.g. time, weather , colours etc What would I like to learn? More about French culture including: food & drinks, music, entertainment etc Information about money used in France , prices, counting etc How to extend vocabulary to facilitate communication Advertising/ invitations formats and how to write these in French How to create presentations using different media How to use a webcam to record French Café Culture How will I share my learning? Set up task groups to organise and run a French café- design and create invites/posters etc using different media Make links with local community by inviting guests, including parents Invite staff and pupils from within school Make contact with other local schools and departments e.g. as a cross curricular transition project Encourage partnership working / Peer Assessment Presentation at assembly in order to inform others and share our learning Use Glow to link with other schools / young people How will I learn? Research from a range of different types of sources e.g. books, internet, film etc. to find out more about French culture and café culture Role play Make contact with French link school to acquire more information Learn from others’( including those in the wider community) personal experience e.g. interviews
Activities Combining related experiences and outcomes within the ML Framework • Activity • Group 2 • Working collaboratively and using as much of the target language as possible: • plan interview questions • carry out interviews • share info with others in class. Activity CfE Modern Language Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) MLAN2-06b MLAN2-03b MLAN2-09a MLAN2-10a CfE Modern Language Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) MLAN2-13a / b MLAN2-01c MLAN2-03a / b More about French cafe culture • Activity • Group 4 • Work individually or in pairs to: • find out more about French food and drink • use info to design / create an advertising poster Activity MLAN2-13a / b MLAN2-14a MLAN2-10a CfE Modern Language Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) MLAN2-01c MLAN2-08a / b CfE Modern Language Experience(s)/ Outcome(s)
Activity • Serve customers using as much target language as possible • Record conversations / role plays in French (supported by English) on a webcam and save as Window Media file Activity Linking experiences and outcomes to other curricular areas including those which are the responsibility of all Activity • ENTERPRISE OUTCOMES / BIG IDEAS • Taking responsibility for learning, showing independence and initiative and the ability to make informed choices and decisions • Showing creativity, innovation, and flexibility when • approaching problem solving and entrepreneurial activities CfE Modern Language / Technologies (ICT to enhance Learning) Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) MLAN 2-01c TCH 2-04a MLAN 2-02a MLAN 2-04a Set up of French Café • Activity • Posters / Advertising • Select ideas and relevant information • organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose • use suitable vocabulary for my audience Activity MNU 2-09a MNU 2-10a MNU 2-10b MNU 2-11b CfELiteracy / Technologies Experiences (ICT to enhance Learning) / Outcomes LIT 2-14a TCH 2-04b LIT 2-15a LIT 1-20a / 2-20a LIT 1-01a / 2-01a LIT 2-05a LIT 2-06a CfENumeracy / Maths Experience(s)/ Outcome(s)
Linking experiences and outcomes to areas of the curriculum which are to be carefully planned for French Café Culture
successful learners • with • enthusiasm and motivation for learning • determination to reach high standards of achievement • openness to new thinking and ideas • and able to • use literacy, communication and numeracy skills • use technology for learning • think creatively and independently • learn independently and as part of a group • make reasoned evaluations • link and apply different kinds of learning in • new situations • confident individuals • with • self respect • a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing • secure values and beliefs • ambition • and able to • relate to others and manage themselves • pursue a healthy and active lifestyle • be self aware • develop and communicate their own beliefs • and view of the world • live as independently as they can • assess risk and take informed decisions • achieve success in different areas of activity To enable all young people to become • responsible citizens • with • respect for others • commitment to participate responsibly in • political, economic, social and cultural life • and able to • develop knowledge and understanding of • the world and Scotland’s place in it • understand different beliefs and cultures • make informed choices and decisions • evaluate environmental, scientific and • technological issues • develop informed, ethical views of complex • issues • effective contributors • with • an enterprising attitude • resilience • self-reliance • and able to • communicate in different ways and in • different settings • work in partnership and in teams • take the initiative and lead • apply critical thinking in new contexts • create and develop • solve problems