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Hosted by Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile. Hosted by Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 國際扶輪. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 國際扶輪. DISTRICT 3450 (HONG KONG, MACAU, MONGOLIA). 3450 ( 港 ﹑ 澳 ﹑ 蒙 ) 區. Swimming Gala 2002-2003. 1) Admiralty 32 206.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hosted by Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile Hosted by Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 國際扶輪 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 國際扶輪 DISTRICT 3450 (HONG KONG, MACAU, MONGOLIA) 3450(港﹑澳﹑蒙)區 Swimming Gala 2002-2003

  2. 1) Admiralty 32 206 1) Admiralty 32 206 Event Result Club’s Overall Grand Champion No. of event Joined Total Score 2) Kowloon Northeast 20 134 3) Channel Islands 29 132 Total no. of Clubs joined the scoring events: 21 Total no. of scoring events held: 31 Total no. of participants for scoring events: 211 Remarks: Total no. of Clubs participated in all events: 23 Total no. of all events held: 58 Total no. of participants for all events: 399

  3. Event Result No. of event Joined Best 3 Score Total Score Men’s Overall Champion Kelvin Wong 5 27 48 Andy Chan 6 27 47 Total no. of Men joined the scoring event: 42 Ladies’ Overall Champion Chu Ka Sum 9 27 63 Total no. of Ladies joined the scoring event: 15

  4. Men - Andy Chan (HK Sunrise) 00:15:29 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 00:21:15 Men - Kelvin Wong (Admiralty) 00:17:38 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 00:21:22 Record Keeper Time 25m Butterfly Stroke 25m Back Stroke

  5. Men - Vincent Cheng (Kowloon Northeast) 00:17:53 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 00:22:37 Record Keeper Time 25m Breast Stroke (age 50 & above) Men - Kwong Kwok Kam (Channel Islands) 00:20:93 25m Breast Stroke (age 49 & below)

  6. Men - Kelvin Wong (Admiralty) 00:13:71 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 00:16:66 Record Keeper Time 25m Freestyle Stroke (age 50 & above) Men - Kwong Kwok Kam (Channel Islands) 00:17:52 25m Freestyle Stroke (age 49 & below)

  7. Men - Vincent Cheng (Kowloon Northeast) 00:37:84 Lady - Jenny Pak (Kowloon Golden Mile) 00:48:97 Record Keeper Time 50m Back Stroke Men - Kelvin Wong (Admiralty) 00:48:34 50m Breast Stroke

  8. Men - Andy Chan (HK Sunrise) 00:30:72 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 00:40:60 Men - Andy Chan (HK Sunrise) 01:11:31 Lady - Chu Ka Shum (Tolo Harbour) 01:38:53 Record Keeper Time 50m Freestyle Stroke 100m Freestyle Stroke 100m Individual Medley Stroke Men - Andy Chan (HK Sunrise) 01:26:88

  9. Event Day

  10. Prize Presentation

  11. Lions Clubs’ Rep & our DG

  12. Event Detail For event details, please refer to the Excel file named “Result of Swimming Gala 2002-2003” or the Access file named “Event Result-Swimming Gala 2002-2003”

  13. Acknowledgement Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Staff of Ma On Shan Swimming Pool Leisure and Culture Services Department Interact Club of Ying Wah College Interact Club of Ying Wah Girls School Hon Advisor - Ken Lai Hon Advisor - Claire Mak

  14. Organizing Committee Chairman - Cassidy Lam Treasurer - Miranda Kong Program - Norman Liu Promotion - Sonya Wu M.C. - Ebe Tung M.C. - David Harilela M.C. - Tony Cheung M.C. - Mazhar Sultana Brian Hodgson Carola Chard Clarissa Bellstedt Diana Yeung Elissa Cohen Kishu Chotrani Silver Yeung Vicky Lai


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