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The Earth is 6 Billion Years old.

Explore a journey through time and around the world, from the dawn of human history to the present day. Learn about the origins of major religions, ancient languages, remarkable books, educational systems, global population trends, wealth distribution, environmental impact, and more. Discover intriguing facts about different cultures and societies that have shaped our world today.

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The Earth is 6 Billion Years old.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Earth is 6 Billion Years old.

  2. The first civilizations developed over 6,000 years ago.

  3. Judaism came first, followed by Christianity, then by Islam.

  4. 33% of the world practices ChristianityHowever, nearly 3 billion people throughout China have “undeclared” faiths due to communism.

  5. Mesopotamia as early as 6,000 years ago wrote on clay tablets known as cuneiform.

  6. The Khmer language spoken in Cambodia has 74 letters in the alphebet. --------------------------------The Rokatas alphebet spoken on the Soloman Islands has only 11 letters.

  7. Mandarin Chinese is the most commonly spoken language throughout the world.

  8. The story of Gilgamesh is the oldest story ever told. It began in ancient Mesopotamia.

  9. Iran wrote the first encyclopedia in 1250 BCE.

  10. The oldest book was printed in 868 A.D. in Dunhuang, China The Diamond Sutra

  11. has sold more copies than any other book in the world.

  12. “King Gesser”, the longest epic poem of 20 million words & originated in Tibet, near China.

  13. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- (n) a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs. Longest word ever used according to the Oxford English Dictionary

  14. St. Catherine Monastary Library in Sinai, Egypt built in 527 A.D. is the oldest working library in the world.

  15. The country of Georgia has 16 books per person. The U.S. is ranked 54th with 1 book per every 5 people.

  16. The Harry Potter Series is the most controversial book of the 21st century

  17. The largest library in the entire world is located in Washington D.C. It is the Library of Congress.

  18. Is the most banned book in the world of all time.

  19. The U.S. consumes more than one third of the world’s total paper supply.

  20. The Persian Empire built the first university 1,700 years ago called Jondi Shapour, in current day Iran.

  21. Norway students attend on avg. 16.9 yrs of school. They are the world’s most educated students.U.S. students attend on avg. 15 yrs of school. We are ranked 14 as the world’s most educated.

  22. Niger is ranked 194th. 2% of the population attends, on avg., 2 years of school.

  23. 774 million people throughout the world over the age of 5 are not literate.

  24. There are 194 countries the world.About 192 belong to the United Nations

  25. 6 billion people inhabit this planet.

  26. Our population is growing rapidly by 250,000 people each day.

  27. That is approximately the population of Chandler!

  28. Nearly half of the world’s population lives in China.

  29. The average person in Japan lives to be 84 years old. The U.S. is ranked 44th. Our avg. life span is 78 years old.

  30. Six out of every 1000 people are murdered in Columbia each day because of drugs.

  31. U.S. authorities seize over 80,000 lbs of illegal drugs annually. They estimate that this is only 10% of what is really out there.

  32. U.S Consumers spend 276 billion dollars a year on beauty products and over the counter medications.

  33. More than 3/4th of the planet’s political systems are controlled by one individual or small group. This has been the norm for the last 6,000 years.

  34. Archeologist say that people throughout Mesopotamia kept tokens (counting tokens) since 8,000 B.C.E. They wore them as necklaces to count commodities.

  35. Abu Dhabi located in the United Arab Emirate is worth 11 trillion dollars. If divided equally each person would receive $66,463 per year.

  36. Sierra Leone, has an income of $183 per person per year, and is ranked the poorest country on the planet.

  37. 358 people own 54% of the world’s wealth.

  38. Swedish Citizens give more money to benefit worldly causes than any other. On avg. each person spends $490 each year. The U.S. ranks 18th, we give $22 p/p.

  39. The first evidence of indoor plumbing (2,500 BCE) was found in Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan/India

  40. The first personal computer was first on the market in 1975 By the way…it sold for $495 assembled…..

  41. Russia & the U.S. have a combined nuclear potential to destroy the earth 50 times. 176 other countries are not allowed to harness nuclear energy.

  42. The U.S. consumes more than 20 million barrels of oil each day. We import over 60% of our oil from the Persian Gulf.

  43. a car. 76% of Americans own a vehicle.

  44. 3% of people living throughout the Persian Gulf own a vehicle.

  45. The U.S. emits more CO2 pollutants in the air than any other country in the world.

  46. The U.S. uses 1/4 of the world’s

  47. We also generate 3/4 of the planet’s Toxic waste.

  48. The U.S. throws away 5 million tons of trash annually.

  49. 16,000 children are estimated to die each year from poor sanitation conditions.

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