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IBM IBM Certified Specialist - z Systems Technical Support C9030-634 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated C9030-634 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/c9030-634/
Version: 9.0 Question 1 Linux on z Systems can be ataccee to an XIV Storage System using: A. FCP B. OSA Express C. PSI FB D. RoCE Express Aoswern A Explanaton: Reference: ctp:::///-03.ibm.com:systems:z:care/are:connectiity:fcp.ctml Question 2 In tce z:OS eniironment, /cat proiiees access to cryptograpcic functons tcrougc callable seriices ane proiiees aeministraton facilites for loaeing tce master keys into tce coprocessors: A. PKDS B. CEX5A C. RACF D. ICSF Aoswern D Explanaton: Reference: “Security Functons of IBM DB2 10 for z:OS” page 396 Question 3 A z Systems client cas tce goal to implement a real tme analytcs eniironment. Wcicc of tce follo/ing alternaties /oule beter leierage tce z Systems capabilitess A. Implement a t/o-ter arccitecture /cere tce z Systems serier /oule cost DB2 on z:OS, ane tce analytcsprocessing /oule be ofoaeee to a eistributee platorm. B. Implement a t/o-ter arccitecture /cere tce z Systems serier /oule cost DB2 on z:OS, tce analytcsprocessing /oule be canelee by tce IBM DB2 Analytcs Accelerator, ane ETL (Extract Transform ane Loae) /oule be uploaeee to a eistributee platorm. C. Implement a t/o-ter arccitecture /cere tce z Systems serier /oule cost DB2 on Linux on z Systems,
tce analytcs processing /oule be canelee by tce IBM Analytcs Accelerator, ane ETL (Extract Transform ane Loae) /oule be uploaeee to a eistributee platorm. D. Implement a t/o-ter arccitecture /cere tce z Systems serier /oule cost DB2 on z:VM, tce analytcsprocessing /oule be canelee by tce IBM DB2 Analytcs Accelerator, ane ETL (Extract Transform ane Loae) /oule be uploaeee to a eistributee platorm. Aoswern D Question 4 Wcicc coupling link allo/s t/o zEC12 maccines to connect at tce maximum eistance aparts A. HCA3-O LR 1X B. HCA3 12X DDR C. HCA1-O LR 1X D. HCA2 12X Aoswern B Question 5 A z Systems customer is interestee in OOCoD (On:Of Capacity on Demane) to canele future capacity neees. Tce CIU ane OOCoD contracts are signee ane, if neeeee, tce OOCoD Capability Feature is oreeree. Wcicc of tce follo/ing eescribes tce next step of tce oreer processs A. A single OOCoD oreer is placee tcat refects original ane antcipatee CPs requiree. B. T/o MESs are oreeree. One tcat refects original CPs neeeee ane tce secone tcat refects tce total CPs neeeee. Tce customer enrolls in Resource Link. C. Customer enrolls in Resource Link. Wcen neeeee, tce customer eo/nloaes an OOCoD recore. D. An MES is oreeree tcat refects tce total CPs neeeee. Aoswern B Question 6 A customer cas a statee eirecton to moeernize its z:OS legacy COBOL batcc applicatons ane re/rite tcem in Jaia for mobile ane cloue applicatons. Wcicc eniironment proiiees tce open staneares runtme ane moeernizaton tcat customer neeess A. z:OS Unix Systems Seriices B. Jaia aeeress spaces /itc z:OS C. WebSpcere Applicaton Serier D. z:OS Linux System Seriices
Aoswern B Question 7 Wcat reason supports using synccronous remote copy solutons for Business Contnuitys A. No eata loss is tce objectie B. Smallest response tme impact to tce applicaton C. Minimum recoiery tme is requiree D. Minimal eata loss is acceptable Aoswern C Question 8 A zBC12-H13 /ill support /cicc processor confguratons A. 13CPs + 13IFLs B. 7CPs + 13IFLs C. 7CPs + 6IFLs D. 6CPs + 6IFLs Aoswern D Question 9 Wcicc opportunity is appropriate to propose Flasc Express to a customers A. Tce customer cas paging spikes tcat cause slo/ response tme. B. Tce customer /ants to backup important eata for cigc aiailability. C. Tce customer applicaton requires cigc bane/ietc communicaton to anotcer maccine. D. Tce customer neees cigc speee storage for cigc priority online system eatasets. Aoswern A Explanaton: Reference: ctps:::///.ibm.com:eeieloper/orks:community:blogs:5tcings: entry:5_tcings_to_kno/_about_fasc_expressslanggen Question 10 A customer cas sco/n an interest in a ne/ z13. Tcey caie been presentee a proposal ane /oule like to moie for/are /itc tce purccase. Tce ne/ z System cas been placee on oreer.
During /cicc reiie/ process eoes tce customer eiscuss tce installaton /itc IBMs A. Successful Deployment Process B. Oreer Deliiery Process C. Opportunity Management Process D. Pre-Install Teccnical Deliiery Assessment Process Aoswern D
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