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NSF S.P.I.R.I.T. Workshop 2008. Engineering Recruitment : A Crisis in the 21 st Century. Strategies to Identify and Propel High Potential Engineering Students Towards a Career in Engineering. The Crisis – NSF Indicators. Engineering enrollment in US down by 20% since the 1980’s
NSF S.P.I.R.I.T. Workshop 2008 Engineering Recruitment: A Crisis in the 21st Century Strategies to Identify and Propel High Potential Engineering Students Towards a Career in Engineering
The Crisis – NSF Indicators • Engineering enrollment in US down by 20% since the 1980’s • Since 1998, U.S. high-technology industries' importsexceed exports (aerospace, pharmaceuticals, office and computing equipment, communications equipment, and scientific instruments) • China & India, populations over 1 billion, emerging high technology & intellectual property competitors • India is #1 outsourcing destination for US companies • “Many retirements from the U.S. S&E labor force are impending. “ • “U.S. 15-year-olds scored belowthe international average on the 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which measures students' ability to apply scientific and mathematical concepts and skills” • Collectively, African Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives represent 10% of all college-educated persons employed in Science & Engineering Fields. • Women represent approx. 50% of the population, but only 26% of those in Science & Engineering fields • 11% of all engineers are women. Source: NSF Science & Engineering Indicators 2006 http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind06/c0/c0s1.htm
The Need • “If the United States is to maintain its economic leadership and be able to sustain its share of high-technology jobs,it must prepare.” • "The years between the present and 2020 offer engineering the opportunity to strengthen its leadership role in society and to define an engineering career as one of the most influential and valuable in society and one that is attractive for the best and the brightest," • Source: The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (2004) National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (2004)National Academy of Engineering (NAE) • “The book finds that the next several decades will offer more opportunities for engineers, with exciting possibilities expected from nanotechnology, information technology, and bioengineering. Other engineering applications, such as transgenic food, technologies that affect personal privacy, and nuclear technologies, raise complex social and ethical challenges. Future engineers must be preparedto help the public consider and resolve these dilemmas along with challenges that will arise from new global competition, requiring thoughtful and concerted action if engineering in the United States is to retain its vibrancy and strength.”
A Call to Action – What Do We Do Now? • Expose ALL students to Engineering Early. • Motivation for NSF ITEST / CEENBots • Identify students that possess High Potential for Engineering. • Propel High Potential Engineering students toward an Engineering Career Path.
What are Some Potential Barriers? • Limited view of what an “engineer” looks like • Gender-based conceptions • Racial/Ethnic Group perceptions • Economic Factors • Lack of exposure to “what is engineering?”, or “it’s too hard” • Belief that “it’s not achievable for me”
Expose All Students to Engineering • What is engineering? • Engineering is FUN, Interesting, Creative! • CEENBots • Hands-on Activities • Achieve a technically-literate population.
Identify students with High Potential for Engineering • Why? • Junior High students of 2008 will be the Engineers of 2020! • How? • Do you know the Core Qualities of a Student With High Engineering Potential? • Who fits the bill, really? • Boys that have it, Girls that have it • Cultural and Ethnic Factors
Questions to Consider • To what extent does media influence a student’s perception of their own potential as an engineer? • How does culture, ethnic background, family upbringing influence a student’s perception of their own potential as an engineer? • Are all high potential engineers hands-on tinker-ers? • Are all fearless and experimental in math and science class? • How are girls different from boys in social, emotional, mental development at this age? • How might these differences express themselves differently in a male/female high potential engineering student?
Core Qualities of a Student With High Engineering Potential • Inquisitive –wants to understand “why” and “how” things work: • Tinkerer: Hands-on learner, explorer –take it apart (Kinesthetic Learner) • Thinker: Seeks abstract, conceptual or mathematical understanding of how it works (Visual, Verbal/Aural, or Reading/Writing Learner) • Creativity • Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving • Ability in and/or strong interest in math and science
The Case for Diversity in Engineering • Team environment - Engineers work as a team to solve problems for all of humanity. • Diverse engineers create powerful teams, bringing different strengths, perspectives, and styles of approach to complex issues. • “Woman are integrators, team builders, experts in parallel processing, handling many things at once…”1 • Together, diverse engineering teams are the strength our country needs to successfully meet and solve the complex human needs of the next century. 1 -Barriers and Enablers for Women in Engineering (From an article by National Academy of Engineers Vice President Sheila E. Widnall, April 2000)
What are Some Potential Barriers? • Limited view of what an “engineer” looks like • Gender-based conceptions • Racial/Ethnic Group perceptions • Economic Factors • Lack of exposure to “what is engineering?”, or “it’s too hard” • Belief that “it’s not achievable for me”
Lesson Plan Item (Applying Engineering Design Elements) • What will you do to engage student populations that face barriers to envisioning a career in engineering? • Girls, African American students, Latino students? • Your predominate student population? • What will you do to encourage their participation in your planned CEENBot activities? • In what ways can you identify those high potential engineering students?
Lesson Plan Item , Cont.(Applying Engineering Design Elements) • Observe & Record the impact of your action items. • Record any unforeseen boundaries you discover along the way. • Seek & Implement Solutions - Resource List • NSF Deliverable: SPIRIT Project Challenge • Can we DEMONSTRATE that activities developed with this project can show improvement in academic performance in girls and underrepresented students?
Engineering Resource List • CEEN (Computer & Electronics Engineering) Department • Service Learning Student Visits • Society of Women Engineers • Website: http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/ • For pre-college girls: http://aspire.swe.org/ • National Society of Black Engineers, UNL Chapter • Contact: Terri Norton, Asst. Professor, UNL Construction Engineering, PKI 104-E, Phone: 554-2564 • Website: http://national.nsbe.org/ • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers • Website: http://oneshpe.shpe.org/wps/portal/national
The Spelman College SpelBots – Creating New Role Models in Robotics… • In 2005, they were the ONLY undergraduate team in the US to qualify to compete in the International RoboCup Four-Legged Soccer Competition in Osaka, Japan . • The first all-women and African American undergraduate team to compete in RoboCup in Osaka, Japan (2005) and Bremen, Germany (2006). • In 2007, they earned 2nd place in the RoboCup 2007 Atlanta Technical Challenge Passing Challenge event. • SpelBots are ranked 7th in the world in the Four-legged Technical Challenge RoboCup 2007 Spelman College is a private historically Black all women’s college located in Atlanta, GA The SpelBots with Advisor Dr. Andrew Williams
Additional Web Resources • Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms • http://www.brown.edu/Administration/Dean_of_the_College/homepginfo/equity/Equity_handbook.html#contents • Try Engineering: Life of An Engineer(8 Profiles of Real Engineers) http://www.tryengineering.org/life.php • Women In Science – 16 Historical Profileshttp://www.sdsc.edu/ScienceWomen/index.html • Barriers and Enablers for Women in Engineering (National Academy of Engineers) http://www.nae.edu/nae/bridgecom.nsf/weblinks/NAEW-4STKTF?OpenDocument • Dr. Calvin Mackie of Channel Zero http://www.channelzro.com/speakinginfo/channelzro.html
Students … Engineering …OUR FUTURE! • Plant the seed. • Nurture the vision. • Capture all of our resources … • Grow up the next generation of engineers for our country.
The Engineer of 2020 • "What attributes will the engineer of 2020 have?" • That engineer "will aspire to have the ingenuity of Lillian Gilbreth, the problem-solving capabilities of Gordon Moore, the scientific insight of Albert Einstein, the creativity of Pablo Picasso, the determination of the Wright brothers, the leadership abilities of Bill Gates, the conscience of Eleanor Roosevelt, the vision of Martin Luther King and the curiosity and wonder of our grandchildren." • Source: http://gtalumni.org/Publications/magazine/fall04/article1.html
Credits • Created by: Alisa N. Gilmore, P.E. , University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NSF SPIRIT, July 2006 • Updated & Enhanced July 2007 & July 2008 • Comments/Feedback to: alisagilmore@mail.unomaha.edu