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Academic Success and Information Literacy Skills. What are the Expectations of Academic Librarians for Incoming Freshman?. MEMO Fall Conference 15 October 2005 Lisa Baures, Education Librarian Minnesota State University, Mankato. Standards and Research.
Academic Success and Information Literacy Skills What are the Expectations of Academic Librarians for Incoming Freshman? MEMO Fall Conference 15 October 2005 Lisa Baures, Education Librarian Minnesota State University, Mankato
Standards and Research • AASL Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning • ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education • Understanding University Success (Knowledge and Skills for University Success or KSUS)
AASL Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning • Conceptual framework and broad guidelines for describing the information literate student (accommodation of local student needs) • Three categories, nine standards, and twenty-nine indicators • Describes the content and processes related to information students must master to be considered information literate
AASL Information Literacy Categories • Core learning outcomes (most directly related to services provided by school library media programs)—standards one through three • Independent learning—standards four through six • Social responsibility—standards seven through nine
ACRL Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning • Framework for assessing information literacy • Five standards and twenty-two performance indicators • Extends the AASL standards and provides a continuum of expectations • Provides students with a framework for interacting with information • Sensitize students to the need to develop a metacognitive approach to learning • Reflective and evaluative aspects included within each standard requires students to return to an earlier point in the process, revise the information-seeking approach, and repeat the same steps
ACRL Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning (cont.) • Lower and higher thinking skills (identify vs. synthesis) • Incorporates strategies requiring students to actively engage in the process of inquiry, problem solving, and critical thinking
AASL Standard 1. Accesses information efficiently and effectively Indicator 1. Recognizes the need for information. Indicator 2. Recognizes that accurate and comprehensive information is the basis for intelligent decision making. Indicator 3. Formulates questions based on information needs. Indicator 4. Identifies a variety of potential sources of information. Indicator 5. Develops and uses successful strategies for locating information ACRL Standard 1. Determines the nature and extent of the information need. Indicator 1. Defines and articulates the need for information. Indicator 2. Identifies a variety of types and formats of potential sources for information. Standard 2. Accesses needed information effectively and efficiently. Indicator 1. Selects the most appropriate investigative methods or information retrieval systems for accessing information. Indicator 2. Constructs and implements effectively-designed search strategies. Indicator 3. Retrieves information online or in person using a variety of methods. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 2. The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. Indicator 1. Determines accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness Indicator 2. Distinguishes among fact, point of view, and opinion. Indicator 3. Identifies inaccurate and misleading information. Indicator 4. Selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand. ACRL Standard 3. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system. Indicator 2. Articulates and applies initial criteria for evaluating both the information and its sources. Indicator 7. Determines whether the initial query should be revised. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 3. The information literate student evaluates information accurately and creatively. Indicator 1. Organizes information for practical application. Indicator 2. Integrates new information into one’s own knowledge. Indicator 3. Applies information in critical thinking and problem solving. Indicator 4. Produces and communicates information and ideas in appropriate formats. ACRL Standard 2. Accesses needed information effectively and efficiently. Indicator 4. Refines the search strategy if necessary. Indicator 5. Extracts, records, and manages the information and it sources. Standard 3. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into knowledge base and value system. Indicator 1. Summarizes the main ideas to be extracted from the information gathered. Indicator 3. Synthesizes main ideas to construct new concepts. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
ACRL (cont.) Indicator 4. Compares new knowledge with prior knowledge to determine the value added, contradictions, or other unique characteristics of the information Standard 4. Individually or as a member of a group, uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Indicator 1. Applies new and prior information to the planning and creation of a particular product or performance. Indicator 3. Communicates the product or performance effectively to others. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 4. The student who is an independent learner is information literate and pursues information related to personal interests. Indicator 1. Seeks information related to various dimensions of personal well-being, such as career interests, community involvement, health matters, and recreations pursuits. Indicator 2. Designs, develops, and evaluates information products and solutions related to personal interests. ACRL No specific reference to information literacy skills specifically focusing on personal interests, but such skills are identified and delineated within a larger or broader context. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 5. The student who is an independent learner is information literate and appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information. Indicator 1. Is a competent and self-motivated reader. Indicator 2. Derives meaning from information presented creatively in a variety of formats. Indicator 3. Develops creative products in a variety of formats. ACRL No specific reference to information literacy skills specifically focusing on literature appreciation or other creative expressions of information, but such skills are identified and delineated within a larger or broader context. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 6. The student who is an independent learner is information literate and strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation. Indicator 1. Assesses the quality of the process and products of personal information seeking. Indicator 2. Devises strategies for revising, improving, and updating self-generated knowledge. ACRL Standard 1. Determines the nature and extent of the information need. Indicator 4. Reevaluates the nature and extent of the information need. Standard 2. Accesses needed information effectively and efficiently. Indicator 4. Refines the search strategy if necessary. Standard 3. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system. Indicator 7. Determines whether the initial query should be revised. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
ACRL (cont.) Standard 4. Individually or as a member of a group, uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Indicator 2. Revises the development process for the product or performance. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 7. The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and recognizes the importance of information to a democratic society. Indicator 1. Seeks information from diverse sources, contexts, disciplines, and cultures. Indicator 2. Respects the principle of equitable access to information. ACRL Standard 3. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into knowledge base and value system. Indicator 5. Determines whether the new knowledge has an impact on the individual’s value system and takes steps to reconcile differences. Indicator 6. Validates understanding and interpretation of the information through discourse with other individuals, subject-area experts, and/or practitioners. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
ACRL (cont.) Standard 5. Understands many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and access and uses information ethically and legally. Indicator 1. Understands many of the ethical, legal, and socio-economic issues surrounding information and information technology. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 8. The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology. Indicator 1. Respects the principles of intellectual freedom. Indicator 2. Respects intellectual rights. Indicator 3. Uses information technology responsibly. ACRL Standard 1. Determines the nature and extent of the information needed. Indicator 3. Considers the costs and benefits of acquiring the needed information. Standard 5. Understands many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally. Indicator 2. Follows laws, regulations, institutional policies, and etiquette related to the access and use of information resources. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
ACRL (cont.) Indicator 3. Acknowledges the use of information sources in communicating the product or performance. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL Standard 9. The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. Indicator 1. Shares knowledge and information with others. Indicator 2. Respects others’ ideas and backgrounds and acknowledges their contributions. Indicator 3. Collaborates with other, both in person and through technologies, to identify information problems and to seek their solutions. ACRL Standard 2. Accesses needed information effectively and efficiently. Indicator 5. Extracts, records, and manages the information and its sources. Standard 3. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into knowledge base and value system. Indicator 3. Synthesizes main ideas to construct new concepts. Standard 4. Individually or as a member of a group, uses information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
AASL (cont.) Indicator 4. Collaborates with other, both in person and through technologies, to design, develop, and evaluate information products and solutions. ACRL (cont.) Indicator 1. Applies new and prior information to the planning and creation of a particular product or performance. Indicator 3. Communicates the product or performance effectively to others. Comparative Analysis of Information Literacy Standards
Understanding University Success Report • Under the sponsorship of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Association of American Universities • Conducted by the University of Oregon in collaboration with the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research at Stanford University • Study conducted between 1998 and 2001 • Identified specific knowledge and skills necessary for success in entry-level university courses (KSUS) • Findings shared with secondary educators by sending a copy of the final report to every high school in the United States
Knowledge and Skills for University Success (KSUS) • English • Mathematics • Natural Sciences • Social Sciences • Second Languages • Arts
KSUS English Content Standards • Reading and Comprehension • Writing • Research Skills • Critical Thinking Skills
KSUSMathematics Content Standards • Computation • Algebra • Trigonometry • Geometry • Mathematical Reasoning • Statistics
KSUSNatural Science Content Standards • General Foundation Skills • Science and Society • Environmental Science • Biology • Chemistry • Physics
KSUSSocial Sciences Content Standards • General Knowledge and Skills • History • Economics • Geography • Political Science (Civics) • Sociology • Inquiry, Research, and Analysis • Communication
KSUSSecond Languages Content Standards • Communication Skills • Culture • Structure • Learning Behaviors
KSUSArt Content Standards • Art History • Dance • Music • Theatre • Visual Arts Under each the following competencies were identified • Technical Knowledge and Skills • Cultural and Historical Knowledge and Skills • Aesthetic and Art Criticism Knowledge and Skills
KSUSEnglish Content Standards III. Research Skills • Successful students understand and use research methodologies. They: A.1. Formulate research questions, refine topics, develop a plan for research, and organize what is known about the topic. A.2. Use research to support and develop their own opinions, as opposed to simply restating existing information or opinions. A.3. Identify claims in their writing that require outside support or verification. • Successful students know how to find a variety of sources and use them properly. They: B.1. Collect information to develop a topic and support a thesis. B.2. Understand the difference between primary and secondary sources. B.3. Use a variety of print and electronic primary and secondary sources, including books, magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, and the Internet.
KSUSEnglish Content Standards (cont.) III. Research Skills B. Successful students know how to find a variety of sources and use them properly. They: B.4. Understand the concept of plagiarism and how (or why) to avoid it and understand rules for paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting, as well as conventions for incorporating information from Internet-based sources in particular. B.5. Evaluate sources of information located on the Internet in particular to ascertain their credibility, origin, potential bias, and overall quality. B.6. Select relevant sources when writing research papers and appropriately include information from such sources, logically introduce and incorporate quotations, synthesize information in a logical sequence, identify different perspectives, identify complexities and discrepancies in information, and offer support for conclusions.
KSUSSocial Sciences Content Standards VIII. Inquiry, Research, and Analysis C. Successful students know how to find a variety of sources of information, and how to analyze, evaluate, and use them properly. They: C.1. Locate information from a variety of sources appropriate to the task at hand. C.2. Determine main and supporting ideas, then draw inferences from them. C.3. Critically evaluate information by discerning the quality of the materials. C.4. Critically evaluate information by qualifying the strength of the evidence and arguments. C.5. Critically evaluate information by determining its credibility. C.6. Critically evaluate information by identifying any bias or perspective of the authors. C.7. Critically evaluate information by using prior knowledge.
Triangulation--Is There a Disconnect? • Metacognition (implicit/explicit) • Continuum • Collaboration for transitioning
Metacognition • Research as a process • Cognitive framework • Recursive (reflection and evaluation)
Continuum • Identification • Delineation • Redundancy
Collaboration for Transitioning • Professional associations • High schools and higher education • Students and librarians
References • AASL Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslproftools/informationpower/InformationLIteracyStandards_final.pdf • ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/standards.pdf • Standards for Success—Understanding University Success www.s4s.org/understanding.php