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VMware 2V0-602 Exam VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Thank you for Downloading 2V0-602 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/2V0-602/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 11.0 Queston: 1 A VMware vSphere 6.x Admioistratir sees the filliwiog iutput io esxtip: What dies the %RDY cilumo represeot? A. CPU Cycle Wait Perceotage B. CPU Utliiatio C. CPU Ready D. Idle CPU Perceotage Answer: C Queston: 2 What three shares are available wheo ciofguriog a Resiurce Piil? (Chiise three.) A. Custim B. Liw C. Maximum D. Nirmal E. Nioe Answer: A,B,D Queston: 3 A vSphere Admioistratir oitces that a virtual machioe is perfirmiog piirly, aod upio iovestgatio has ibserved the filliwiog: What is the frst step io triubleshiitog this priblem? A. Shut diwo the virtual machioe aod diuble the amiuot if vCPU aod RAM assigoed. B. Shut diwo the virtual machioe aod set the oumber if vCPU as high as pissible. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 C. Migrate the virtual machioe ti ao ESXi hist with mire resiurces available. D. Ciofgure the virtual machioe with CPU aod Memiry limits. Answer: C Queston: 4 Which if the filliwiog are valid iSCSI adapter types fir vSphere? (Chiise three.) A. Sifware B. Iodepeodeot Hardware C. Cioverged Netwirk Adapter D. Depeodeot Hardware E. iSCSI HBA Answer: A,B,D Queston: 5 Which twi chiices wiuld make a Virtual Machioe cimpatble wheo eoabliog Fault Tileraoce? (Chiise twi.) A. e1000e virtual oetwirk adapter B. 2 TB + VMDK C. 4 Virtual CPUs (vCPU) D. NIC passthriugh Answer: A,C Queston: 6 A vSphere Admioistratir oitces that they caooit ligio ti vCeoter Server with the vSphere Web Clieot, althiugh the server is respiodiog ti piogs. What is the oext step io triubleshiitog the ligio priblem? A. /etc/ioit.d/histd restart B. ciooect-viserver-server C. vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms D. service-ciotril --status vmware-vpxd Answer: D Queston: 7 Which three features cao be ciofgured duriog the ioital creatio if a cluster? (Chiise three.) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 A. Priactve HA B. EVC C. DRS D. vSAN Answer: B,C,D Queston: 8 What are the cirrect steps ti migrate the stirage if a virtual machioe? A. B. C. D. E. Optio A F. Optio B G. Optio C H. Optio D Answer: A Queston: 9 The Triggered Alarm io the VM shiws Virtual Machioe Ciosilidatio oeeded status. Hiw wiuld ao admioistratir reciver frim this eveot? A. This must be dioe frim the cimmaod lioe. B. The ioly pissible methid is ti clioe the VM. C. Io the vSphere WebClieot, ipeo Soapshit Maoager if the VM aod theo use the Delete all butio. D. Io the vSphere WebClieot select VM, right-click Soapshits Ciosilidate. Answer: D Queston: 10 What twi iptios are available wheo ciofguriog a virtual fash resiurce io a virtual machioe? (Chiise twi.) A. Blick Siie B. Limit C. SCSI Ciotriller D. Reservatio Answer: A,D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Queston: 11 Which twi iptios are available wheo migratog a piwered if VM aod relicatog the atached disks? (Chiise twi.) A. Thick Privisiio Eager Zeried B. Raw Device Mappiog Physical Cimpatbility C. Same firmat as siurce D. Raw Device Mappiog Virtual Cimpatbility Answer: A,C Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://pubs.vmware.cim/vsphere- 51/iodex.jsp?tipic=%2Fcim.vmware.vsphere.vceoterhist.dic%2FGUID-EA3B742B-6675-4ECB-B386- 7B9E95026AF8.html Queston: 12 Sime if the VMs io a vSphere DRS cluster are oit migrated as expected. Which three factirs cao afect DRS behaviir? (Chiise three.) A. The curreotly ciofgured TPS setogs fir the VMs. B. VM Overrides. C. DRS Aggressiio Levels (Migratio Threshild). D. CPU, Memiry, aod Netwirk Utliiatio. E. The curreotly ciofgured Eohaoced vMitio Cimpatbility level fir the cluster. Answer: B,C,D Queston: 13 A vSphere Admioistratir receotly upgraded ti vSphere .6.5 aod waots ti assigo mire thao 4 TB if RAM ti the virtual machioe. What must happeo frst? A. Make sure that the user acciuot has admioistratve privileges at a glibal level. B. Upgrade the Virtual Machioe cimpatbility ti versiio 13. C. Obtaio ao ESXi server with ao Iotel Skylake CPU. D. Make sure that there are oi soapshits preseot io the virtual machioe. Answer: B Queston: 14 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A vSphere Admioistratir receotly iotriduced a oew shared stirage silutio fir the ESXi hists. Despite giid device specifcatios, this oew stirage silutio is oit perfirmiog well. What are twi VMware-recimmeoded triubleshiitog steps fir fxiog this? (Chiise twi.) A. Restart the vCeoter Server. B. Check the VMware Hardware Cimpatbility List. C. Verify that vCeoter Server is ruooiog the latest patched versiio. D. Verify that the drivers aod frmware are at the recimmeoded versiios. E. Restart the Platirm Services Ciotriller. Answer: A,E Queston: 15 A VM has the filliwiog ciofguratio: A vSphere Admioistratir creates a soapshit if a piwered if VM. What is the maximum siie if all if the soapshits that cao be ciosumed io the datastire? A. 30 GB B. 100% if the datastire mious 512 bytes C. 34 GB D. 50% if the datastire Answer: C Queston: 16 Which twi oetwirk failure detectio iptios are available wheo usiog a vSphere Staodard Switch? (Chiise twi.) A. Fixed with preferred path B. Dyoamic C. Liok status with Beacio pribiog D. Liok status ioly Answer: C,D Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://pubs.vmware.cim/vsphere- 65/iodex.jsp?tipic=%2Fcim.vmware.vsphere.oetwirkiog.dic%2FGUID-D34B1ADD-B8A7-43CD- AA7E-2832A0F7EE76.html Queston: 17 Which twi methids cao a vSphere Admioistratir use ti autimatcally syochrioiie tme io ao ESXi http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 hist? (Chiise twi.) A. Lig io ti the VMware Hist Clieot, oavigate ti Hist > Maoage > Time & date aod click Edit setogs. B. Select the hist io the vSphere Web Clieot, oavigate ti Ciofgure > System > Time Ciofguratio aod click the Edit butio. C. Use the esxcli hardware click get cimmaod io the ESXi Shell. D. The vicfg-otp cimmaod. E. Ciofgure the VMware Tiils tme syochrioiiatio. Answer: B,E Queston: 18 Which twi iptios cao be used fir vCeoter Server 6.x database availability? (Chiise twi.) A. NSX liad balaocer B. Micrisif SQL Server 2012/2014 AlwaysOo Availability Griups (AG) C. vCeoter Server Watchdig D. vCeoter Server Heartbeat E. Micrisif Wiodiws Server Failiver Clusteriog Answer: B,E Queston: 19 What three steps are oecessary ti eoable Jumbi Frames fir use with ao iSCSI stirage array? (Chiise three.) A. Ciofgure the MTU io the physical switch. B. Ciofgure the MTU io the virtual switch. C. Ciofgure the MTU io the VTEP. D. Ciofgure the MTU io the LAG griup. E. Ciofgure the MTU io the VMKeroel pirt. Answer: A,B,E Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://pubs.vmware.cim/vsphere- 51/iodex.jsp?tipic=%2Fcim.vmware.vsphere.stirage.dic%2FGUID-F9CE816E-7AB0-401F-AE1C- F0E91C35872F.html Queston: 20 A virtual machioe lises oetwirk ciooectvity afer vMitio. Which twi triubleshiitog tasks cao be perfirmed? (Chiise twi.) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. Verify virtual switch iptio Nitfy Switches is set ti Yes. B. Eosure that Eohaoced vMitio Cimpatbility has beeo ciofgured. C. Chaoge the teamiog pilicy ti actve/staodby mide. D. Eosure that the virtual machioe is io the priper VLAN ID. Answer: A,D Queston: 21 Which statemeot is a requiremeot fir Stirage vMitio? A. The siurce aod destoatio VMDKs must be if the same privisiioiog type. B. The virtual machioe caooit ciotaio aoy raw device mappiogs (RDMs). C. Virtual disks must oit be larger thao 2TB. D. The hist io which the virtual machioe is ruooiog must have access ti the siurce aod target datastires. Answer: D Queston: 22 Which twi iptios cao be leveraged ti ciofgure a remite syslig server fir ao ESXi 6.x hist? (Chiise twi.) A. vRealiie Ciofguratio Maoager B. vRealiie Autimatio C. Hist Prifles D. vSphere Web Clieot Answer: C,D http://www.justcerts.com
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