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This framework outlines a new paradigm for managing infectious diseases in Africa, focusing on surveillance, detection, and monitoring. It proposes a cross-sectoral approach, leveraging technology and partnerships to strengthen capacity and response to infectious diseases.
SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND RESEARCH COMMISSION African Union Science and Technology Framework for The Detection, Identification and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases of Plants, Humans and Animals in Africa By Mohammed Kyari (SSOC)
Content of the Framework i. Forward ii. Acknowledgement iii. Why the Framework 1.0 Introduction 2.0 The Scourge of the Infectious Diseases in 3.0 The Situational Analysis and Risk Assessment on Infectious Diseases 3.1 Key findings and conclusions from Foresight 3.2 Shared Principles for Risk Management of Infectious Diseases- 3.3 Convergence of Future Technologies for the Detection, Identification and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases- 4.0 A New Paradigm for Risk Management of Infectious Diseases in Africa
Content of the Framework Cont. 5.0 The Framework 5.1 The Focus on Infectious Diseases 5.2 The Framework Enabling Context 5.3 Vision, Mission, and Strategic Objectives for Infectious Disease Surveillance in Africa- 5.3.1 The Vision 5.3.2 The Mission 5.3.3. The Objectives 5.3.4 The Guiding Principles 5.4. Strategy for Achieving the Framework Vision 5.4.1 The Rational for the Strategy for Achieving the Vision 5.4.2 The Role of AU/STRC in the Establishment of the Virtual Networks-
Content of the Framework Cont. 5.4.3 National Centres for Infectious Disease Surveillance 5.4.4 In-Country Grassroots-based Disease Surveillance 5.4.5 Regional Centres for Infectious Disease Surveillance 5.4.6 African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance- 5.4.7 Enhancing International Cooperation for the Surveillance of Infectious Diseases in Africa 5.4.8 Strengthening National and Regional Capacity for Infectious Disease Surveillance 6.0 Creating an Enabling Environment for the Framework 6.1 An AU Policy Framework that Supports Effective Implementation of Infectious Disease Surveillance by Member States 6.2 Ensuring Ownership of the Infectious Disease Vision by All Stakeholders
Why the Framework Cont. • S&T Consolidated Plan of Action • Africa Industrilization • CAADP (food security) • MDGs • Sustainability and Economic Development of Africa • Drivers • Climate Change • Conflict • Migration • Disaster • Pollution . Sa
Situational Analysis and Risk Assessment on IDS • Analysis shows that Asia and Africa are worse hit by epidemic of IDS • Findings: - Future role of S&T - Resistance to antimicrobial - Re-emergence of other IDS • Conclusion -Existing diseases are still important to note - Substantial advances will be made in prevention and management of IDS
Shared Principle of Risk Management of IDS in Africa From perspective of risk drivers: • Culture and governance, including legislation • Technology and innovation • Conflict • Human activities and social pressure • Economic factors including globalization • Climate change
Intelligent sensor networks • Data mining and fusion • Non-invasive scanning and screening • Genomics and bioinformatics • Interrogation of natural signals/biomarkers • Biosensors/biomarkers • Predictive and real-time epidemiological modelling • Earth observation • Host genetics and engineering • Immunological techniques/responses Convergence of Future Technologies for the Detection, Identification and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases
New Paradigm for Risk Management of IDS in Africa Development of disease control strategy New and innovative approach Articulate pan African vision for management of infectious diseases Development plan in addition to the current donor supported programmes such as those addressing HIV/AIDS/Malaria/Tuberculosis, Polio, Rinderpest, Cassava Mosaic Disease etc Cross sectoral approach linking different health systems Developing critical mass of experts and infrastructure
The Framework Detection of disease in animals first will reduce the impact of disease on humans. A common approach to EIDs across countries and regions will enable global preparedness. Effective surveillance, detection and response systems at the global level, which are then well anchored at the national level, are important requires horizontally linked collaboration and partnerships across the animal-human-ecosystem interface The framework proposes technological solutions, including integration platforms and data sharing systems etc.
Focus on IDs Surveillance • Inadequate laboratory based expertise and epidemiological analyses • Evolution of a African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance (ACIDS) and ACIDS’ virtual centre linking, coordinating and facilitating African networks of institutions – regional, national • International partnership and collaboration with WHO, FAO, AU, OIE etc • African ‘smart partnerships’ with UK and other OECD science centres • National, regional and continental networked actions
The Framework Vision and Mission Vision Mission Governing Rules
Vision • The vision Statement is: An African society protected from the ravages of dangerous infectious diseases that compromise human health or livelihoods, agriculture/livestock and economic development, including market access • The Mission Statement for the Vision are: • Harness innovation in S&T to improve Africa’s capacity to detect, identify and monitor infectious diseases of humans, plants and human-animal interface in order to better manage the risk posed by them
Cont. • Building inter-institutional networks through virtual institutes • A surveillance-based research strategy rooted in national systems, coordinated through sub-regional or regional and at the pan-African level. • Africa-north ‘Smart partnerships’ to build capacity in Africa, and for joint research programmes
Component of the Mission • Use of scientific and technological/socio-economically sound strategies for disease prevention, containment, and control • Developing rapidly African capacity and participation in scientific and technological developments for early detection, diagnosis, prevention of IDs • Build effective preventive measures to curtail the spread of currently endemic, or exotic and emerging diseases and pests in Africa
Governing Principles Governing rules: • An increase in the application of detection, identification, monitoring in Africa • Render service to national, regional and international public goods • Vision and implementation of activities owned and led by African • Smart partnership between African institutions and scientists with those in the industrialized countries • Basing implementation through national systems • Regional and sub-regional coordination for easy facilitation of activities • Implementation through inter-institutional networks • Efficiency and cost- effectiveness • Providing leadership through highest scientific body
Strategies for Achieving The Vision Pan African Networks Regional Networks National Networks
NatCIDS • National level- is the key for implementing the Vision and Strategy • Member States to set-up an inter-ministerial national institute for infectious diseases or support the existing ones • The centre is to be considered as a networking mechanism with a coordinating unit • Member States to reform health sector policies and strengthen institutional frameworks • Member States should solicit to provide appropriate funding, infrastructure and incentives for ID surveillance
In-Country Surveillance • Member States should develop strategy for community empowerment and networking for the supply and delivery of samples for analysis • The support mechanism for actualization are: • Identification of a focal points • Establishment of national networks to grass-root levels • Implement sub-national Programmes on detection, identification and monitoring of infectious diseases • Provide community awareness campaign on infectious diseases of humans, animals and plants • The sub-national primary diagnostic centres would remain client.
RCIDs • RECs to develop their own node of ACIDS • The regional nodes will work with the national hubs in identification, detection and monitoring of infectious diseases, • Assist Member States in the region to control epidemic • Coordinating research into infectious disease surveillance technologies and their inter-sectoral application based on the One Medicine principle • Promoting and facilitating transfer of technology and capability for disease control in their regions • Scientific capacity building
PACIDS ACIDS secretariat at the continental level: • Supporting RECs to set up a light secretariat for the regional node of the ACIDS • Support common theme research networks e.g. inter-species infection transmission The actions to actualise these are: • Support the formation of inter-institutional networks • Support surveillance-driven research • Support RECs that is ready to set up a light secretariat for the regional node
PACIDS Cont. • Organising regular Africa-UK/Europe and other collaborators ‘smart partnership’ scientific and management coordination meetings • Institutional and human Capacity development of African scientists • Identifying competent regional coordinating centres of technology/excellence or a regional consortium of institutes for capacity building and referral identification of disease causing agents;
Enhancing International Cooperation • Urgent and immediate tackling the burden of infectious diseases in Africa is a global problem 2. Promote ‘smart partnerships’ between African and industrialised countries 3. Encourage financial institutions and international donor agencies to invest in IDS- major problem 4. private, public partnership is vital 5. Identify institutions and cooperating partners
Strengthening National and Regional Capacity • Sustainable management of Infectious diseases in Africa requires adequate human resource capacity at all levels • The weak capacity in all Member States which severely limits its capacity to effectively address IDS issues. • Africa's quest for a quantum leap is underpinned by inadequate health infrastructure and the technical skills
Creating an Enabling Environment For Effective IDS in Africa An effective African policy framework on the sustainable management of infectious diseases to guide Member States The key actions to actualize this are: • Adoption and ratification by AU Summit of Head of State “Science and technology framework for the detection, identification and monitoring of infectious diseases of plants, humans, human-animal interface in Africa”; • Implementation of the framework by Member States • Monitoring through ‘AMERT’ and review of the implementation of the framework by AUC and partners .
Ensuring Ownership of the Vision by All Stakeholders • AUC and global partners to initiate and sustain a decade of actions on infectious diseases Actions to concretize this: • ACIDS Scientific Leadership • Promoting and Strengthening Broad National and Local Ownership of IDS Activities • Involving all Stakeholders in all IDS Activities to have sense of belonging • Consolidation of IDS Efforts
CATALYST: ENSURING COMMITMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION 1. The Declaration by the AU Summit an African Decade for the Sustainable Management of Infectious Diseases in Africa (2012-2022) 2. The actions to actualize this are: • The declaration of the period 20012-2022, as African Decade for the Management of Infectious Diseases in Africa by the AU Summit • Development and implementation of the decade plan of action on the Management of Infectious Diseases in Africa; • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation and impact of actions undertaken
An AU Panel of Experts on Infectious Diseases in Africa 1. Establishment of an AU Panel of Experts on Infectious Diseases to provide technical guidance, policy advice and priorities progammes and activities for easy and coordinated approach 2. The key items in actualizing this are: • Adoption of an AU Summit resolution establishing the Panel of Experts as an organ of the AU • Development of the terms of reference for the appointment of the members • Establishment of the secretariat to service the Panel
Mobilising Funding and Donor Coordination AU should identify and implement extra sources of funding for implementing activities proposed in this framework. 2. The key items in implementing this are: • Increased budget allocation to infectious disease surveillance by Member States • Increased private sector involvement in infectious disease surveillance activities; • Encouragement of external donors and investors in infectious disease surveillance • Promotion of public-private partnership in infectious disease surveillance.
Milestone in the Framework The framework was developed through wider consultation since 2007. Several workshops were held and the document was circulated to Member States & partners for inputs and their concerns incorporated The progress made in the development of the Framework was brought to the attention of AMCOST IV Bureau Meeting in May, 2012 SACIDS – Skoane University EACIDS – Makerere University/AfrIInet WACIDS – University of Ibadan