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Cinema of attraction. Undoing the norm of story-telling. Limited resources creativity, inventiveness Maximizing every component of cinema The frame line: from passive demarcation of space for attention to active use Where to put the camera to maximize depth of field
Undoing the norm of story-telling Limited resources creativity, inventiveness Maximizing every component of cinema The frame line: from passive demarcation of space for attention to active use Where to put the camera to maximize depth of field Put on wheels (vehicles)
Undoing the norm of story-telling Limited resources creativity, inventiveness Sources of inspiration staging a slice of life, pictorial rendering, capturing on celluloid actual human activities, a performance just for fun More…
Undoing the norm of story-telling Where to allow viewing: Kinetoscope and other optical tools On a train (Hale’s Tours) In the fairground Part of a variety theatre (vaudeville show) program – inserted between other types of performance spectacles Café Exhibition of technology
Phenakistiscopedisc with images of successive phases of movement
Phenakistiscopea phenakistoscope disc by Eadweard Muybridge (1893) + simulated mirror view of the same disc image
Zoopraxiscope1879 / British photographer Eadweard Muybridgeprojecting a series of images in successive phase of movementobtained by multiple cameras
ChronophotographeFrench physiologist Etienne-Jules Marey / continuous roll of film to produce a sequence of still images
ChronophotographeFrench physiologist Etienne-Jules Marey / continuous roll of film to produce a sequence of still images
Kinetoscopepatented 1888, completed 1892 / 18” x 27” 4 feet (high)
Kinetoscopepatented 1888, completed 1892 / 18” x 27” 4 feet (high)
Kinetoscope/ patented 1888, first public demonstration 1891, completed 1892 / 18” x 27” 4 feet (high)
Edison Kinetoscope Films 1894-1896 on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIkLok-BYIk