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Artificial Life. Introducing Cellular Automata. I ntroduction. Why living organisms with inanimate components differ from non-living organisms with the same components?. Lehninger. An Introduction. Studying Artificial Life S elf-reproduction, a special ability on l iving molecules
Artificial Life IntroducingCellular Automata
Introduction Why living organisms with inanimate components differ from non-livingorganisms with the same components? Lehninger
An Introduction • Studying Artificial Life • Self-reproduction, a special ability on living molecules • A definition of Automaton: • Informal: • Object that performs movements from one position to another • Mathematical: • Abstract object characterized by its state at any instant and changing state at different point of time. • Cellular automaton is a large collection of automaton.
Cellular Automata 1 3 2 The Foundations The Game of Life What is it about? Studying Artificial Life with Cellular Automata
1 The Foundations Turing Work
Alan Turing • Alan Turing (1912-1954) • British mathematician • Father of modern Computer Science • Introduced the concepts of Algorithm and Computation. • Inspired John von Neumann • Defined AL in terms of Automata Theory • Formulated Church-Turing thesis • Studied abstract machines called Turing machines even before computers existed
Church-Turing Thesis • Church-Turing Thesis • Alonzo Church and Alan Turing • Alan Turing Definition: • Computability by Turing machine. • The theory states that whenever there is an effective method for obtaining the values of a mathematical function, the function can be computed by a Turing machine.
Automata Theory • Automata Theory 1936 • A theoretical branch of Computer Science • Study of abstract computing devices, or “machines” • Automaton= an abstract model of computing devices that performs computations on an input by moving through a series of states. • Four families of automatons: • Finite-state machine • Pushdown automata • Linear bounded automata • Turing Machine
The Turing Machine • Turing Machine • Designed in 1931 • Mathematical tool to prove limits of computability • Performs any mathematical computation represented as an algorithm. • Universal Turing Machines
2 Cellular Automata What is it about? Definition, Rules, and Behaviors
Cellular Automata (CA) • Discrete model in computability theory. • An infinite n-dimensional space divided up into an array of unit squares, called cells. • Each cell contains an identical copy of the same finite automaton • Each cell take on k-states. • A value is assigned depending on the value of the sites around it. • Three components: • The array dimension • The neighborhood structure • The rules Definition
John Von Neumann Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata
John von Neumann • John von Neumann • Hungarian mathematician • Pioneer of applications of operator theory • Inventor of cellular automata, universal constructor and the digital computer. • Analysis of self-structure precedes the discovery of structure of DNA
von Neumann Neighborhood • 2D cellular automaton • Each cell could take on 29 states. • Dependable on update rule f Definition The state of each cell C( t + 1) at time-step t + 1 is determined by this cell’s neighboring cells at the previous time t C(t + 1) = f[ N(t), E(t), S(t), W(t), C(t)]
The Transition Rules • Define the operation of the Cellular Automata • Radius • Neighbors are crucial • The radius r of the automaton = number of neighbors Transition Rules The function Ø is called the CA. In 1D, each site has two nearest neighbors. • 1D (one-dimensional) CA with radius r = 1 • 1D CA with radius r = 2 ai(t + 1) = Ø( ai-1(t), ai(t), ai+1(t) )
The States • States can become quite large • There are kn different possible states • k = number of states • n = neighbors and the center cell itself • There are kkn total number of different transitions functions Transition Rules • An Example: Elementary Cellular Automata • 1D • Radius 1 = two neighbors and the center = 3 cells • States 0 or 1 = 2 states • kn= 23 = 8 • kkn= 28 = 256
Working out rule 30 in 1D • 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Rule 30 00 0 1 1 1 1 0 00011110 = 0*128 + 0*64 + 0*32 + 1*16 + 1*8 + 1*4 + 1*2 + 0*1 = 30
Rule 30 Rule 30 after 22 Generations
Rule 30 after MANY Generations Rule 30 Cone snail species conus cipher
Stephen Wolfram Specific Rules and Classification
Stephen Wolfram • Stephen Wolfram • British Scientist • Known for his work in theoretical physics • Published his first scientific paper at the age of 15 • PhD at the age of 20 • Investigated transition rules operating in CA • Classified CA Behaviors
Type of transition rules. • Symmetric • Legalistic (32 rules) • Must allow an initial state of all 0’s to remain at all 0’s • Partial isotropy: rules must be symmetric (For instance 1,0,0 and 0,0,1 must map to the same state) • Totalistic (8 rules) • The next state of a cell depends on the sum of the values on the neighboring cells. • Peripheral • Depend only on the state of ai-1, and ai+1 (not on ai) • Asymmetric Types of Rules
Cellular Automaton Behavior • Class 1 • Displays limit point behavior, evolves to a homogeneous state Types of Rules
Cellular Automaton Behavior • Class 2 • Cellular automata evolve to simple separated periodic structures, or limit cycles. Types of Rules
Cellular Automaton Behavior • Class 3 • Leads to a chaotic state Types of Rules
Cellular Automaton Behavior • Class 4 • Yields complex patterns, capable of universal computation Types of Rules
3 The Game of Life John Horton Conway
The Game of Life: Rules • Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under-population. • Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation. • Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding. • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction. An infinite universe is divided into cells. Cells have two states, live and dead. Rules based on the number of neighbors cells
Simulator • Let’s check out the • Javascript implementation of Conway’s Game of Life • Javascript Conway's GoL
Cellular Automata Questions?