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Introduction to the Common Core Learning Standards

Introduction to the Common Core Learning Standards . November 8, 2011. Highly Effective School Leaders. Teacher Evaluation. Statewide Standards-based Curriculum . Assessment Data. Highly Effective Teachers. College and Career Ready Students.

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Introduction to the Common Core Learning Standards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to the Common Core Learning Standards November 8, 2011

  2. Highly Effective School Leaders Teacher Evaluation Statewide Standards-based Curriculum Assessment Data Highly Effective Teachers College and Career Ready Students Animating the Reform AgendaInvesting in human capital, supporting with critical tools • Adopting internationally-benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace • Building instructional data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practice • Recruiting, developing, retaining, and rewarding effective teachers and principals • Turning around the lowest-achieving schools

  3. WHAT ARE THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS? • State led – coordinated by NGA and CCSSO • Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills • Internationally benchmarked • Based on evidence and research • Focused on college and career readiness

  4. College and Career Readiness (CCR)

  5. COLLEGE and CAREER READINESS (CCR) Read College and Career Ready Expectations handout from Achieve Discuss: • What does it mean to be college ready? • What does it mean to be career ready? • Why is there a new emphasis on college and career readiness?

  6. COLLEGE and CAREER READINESS (CCR) • Watch video Discuss: • What will the Common Core Standards impact? • What are the guiding principles of the Common Core Standards? • What are the 6 shifts that are discussed in the video?

  7. COLLEGE and CAREER READINESS (CCR) • The Common Core Standards are premised on the idea that students need to be college and career ready • We are going to spend the rest of the morning/afternoon discussing the Common Core Standards for literacy

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