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Counseling Psychology Building a Diverse profession

Explore effective strategies in multicultural mentoring for student success, addressing diversity issues, ethical considerations, and practical mentoring techniques to overcome barriers and foster inclusivity. Learn about creating a welcoming environment, developing diverse selection criteria, and enhancing communication skills to improve mentoring outcomes. Join us in advancing a culture of inclusivity in educational settings.

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Counseling Psychology Building a Diverse profession

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kathleen Chwalisz, Southern Illinois University Multicultural Mentoring for Student Success Counseling Psychology Building a Diverse profession

  2. Basic Strategies to Increase Diversity Issues/Needs of Diverse Students Requirements for Successful Mentoring Mentoring Strategies Positive & Negative Critical Incidents Ethical Issues in Multicultural Mentoring Program Level Strategies to Improve Mentoring Overcoming Barriers Overview

  3. Build a reputation for your program. • Develop networks/pipelines. • Develop diversity friendly selection criteria. • Look for communication skills and openness • Interview activities with a cultural focus. • Other Strategies (Rogers & Molina, 2006) • Financial assistance. • Involvement of diverse faculty and students. Basic Strategies—Increasing Diversity

  4. Diversity central to program/department. Diversity throughout curriculum/courses. Create & support diversity interest groups. Welcome contributions from diverse students and faculty—appreciate unique expertise. Recognize different backgrounds, experiences, and developmental levels among students. Climate

  5. Culture of academe vs. culture of origin. Fundamental distrust of academic settings and academics as authority figures. Experience with/fear of cultural insensitivity. Performance-related stress due to internalized stereotypes or stereotype threat. Personal issues/roles conflicting with program. Financial concerns. Issues/Needs of Diverse Students

  6. Mentoring

  7. Warmth and caring. Availability. Trustworthiness. Willingness to behave in a family-like manner. Advocacy/protection. Patience and openness to feedback. Cultural identity development—progressive in relation to students’ development. Personal Qualities

  8. Appreciation of contextual factors. • Issues facing different groups of students. • Knowledge of developmental models/norms. • Content and process for addressing training needs/skill differences. • Competencies • Cultural variations? • How to judge cultural variations in competence. Knowledge

  9. Listening and observational skills. Motivational interviewing skills. Culturally-relevant communication. Networking skills. Skills

  10. Issues of power. Multiple and/or inappropriate relationships. Boundary problems. Equal access to mentors/jealousy. Competence of the mentor. (See Schlosser & Foley, 2008, for more discussion.) Ethical Considersations

  11. Individual student success. Improved time to completion rates. Other improved program outcomes. Diversification of program and continued success. Improved climate. Faculty engagement. Benefits of Multicultural Mentoring

  12. Discussion… Strategies to Improve MC Mentoring

  13. Discussion… Potential Barriers to MC Mentoring

  14. Discussion… Strategies to overcome barriers

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